Best unused entrance song

i dont think the ufc lets fighters come out to metal songs. chris curtis was just denied his entrance music. I wondered why more fighters didnt come out to metal.
Kennedy used Rooster but AiC is criminally underused

Great energy and intro. The opening riff always sounded like a train coming down the tracks to me. Perfect for a walkout

My favorite Alice song. Takes about a minute to get going but I could see it hyping the crowd.

Finally, what I've always said my walkout would be. Pure rock and roll energy

I'd love to see anybody use GnR that wasn't Welcome to The Jungle or Paradise City, period.
The best was probably when the only fighter from America in UFC history Andre The Chief Roberts was in the Ultimate

Play this and the crowd goes spaghetti.

This is a really good song if you can back it up :D

Don't remember this song being used but it may have been...From the Judgement Night Sountract which was pretty awesome even though the movie sucked:
Another Body Murdered bybFaith No Mor and Boo Yaa Tribe
Ride the lightning.

Fight me.

We can fight that clown together. Everyone knows it's ride the lightning.

Black album is so over rated. The more time goes by the more I think the black album kinda sucks. I think I like load better at this point. There's only like 4 good songs on the black album.

I hate enter sandman I never want to hear it again in my life and if that's your favorite song I'm betting we won't get along. Fuck the black album.