Elections Biden considering executive action to restrict asylum at the border


Gold Belt
Feb 11, 2005
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The White House is considering executive action to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally – a maneuver reminiscent of controversial action from the Donald Trump era and is sure to invite fierce backlash from immigration advocates and progressives.

The handling of the US-Mexico border has dogged President Joe Biden for years as migration across the Western hemisphere reached record levels and resulted in thousands of migrants arriving at the border.

The action being considered at the White House appears to be an extension of some of the toughest measures in the border compromise legislation tanked by Republicans—and another sign of the White House’s efforts to show they’re aggressive on border security ahead of Election Day.

No final decision has been made on the action under consideration, which involves using an authority known as 212f between ports of entry to try to clamp down on unlawful border crossings. An administration official noted that the administration often evaluates actions that could be taken, but they don’t always move forward.

It’s unclear how the proclamation under discussion would be executed and what, if anything, would be different from what was enacted during the Trump administration.

The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has been reviewing the proposed executive order to determine whether it could sustain legal challenges, a person briefed on the matter said. But some Justice officials have expressed doubts that proposed changes, aimed at trying to address previous court rulings against the Trump-era order, could survive litigation that is sure to follow any move by the Biden administration to use executive action.

A White House spokesperson did not comment on the actions under consideration.

“The Administration spent months negotiating in good faith to deliver the toughest and fairest bipartisan border security bill in decades because we need Congress to make significant policy reforms and to provide additional funding to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system,” White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández said in a statement.

“No executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected. We continue to call on Speaker Johnson and House Republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border,” he added.

Biden suggested earlier this month he would shut down the US-Mexico border if the proposed border legislation had been signed into law – effectively embracing one of the toughest measures included in the package.

“If the bill were law today, it would qualify to be shut down right now while we repair it,” Biden said.

Trump tried to close the US southern border to asylum seekers crossing the border unlawfully while in office, invoking provisions in immigration law, but was blocked by the courts.

In 2018, Trump tried to use 212f, which gives the president broad authority to implement immigration restrictions to restrict border crossings. But ultimately, a federal appeals court ruled that the authority conflicts with asylum law and the 212f authority doesn’t override it.

The case – known as East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Trump – served as an example of why the president is limited in his ability to shut down the border. It’s likely to face legal challenges if the White House were to move forward with it.

“President Biden has broad powers under the immigration statute, but they are not unlimited. Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act allows a president to suspend the entry of noncitizens who are ‘detrimental to the interests of the United States,’ but that doesn’t mean he can just shut the border to everyone,” Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law expert, previously told CNN.

Administration officials, facing dwindling border security funds, have also discussed whether declaring a national emergency could shore up funds, two sources said. The White House supplemental request includes $14 billion in border security but remains stalled in Congress.

The Biden administration has taken other steps to try to tighten asylum at the US-Mexico border. Last year, the administration released a regulation that largely barred migrants who traveled through other countries on their way to the US southern border from applying for asylum in the United States — marking a departure from decades-long protocol.

At the time, administration officials rejected comparisons to the Trump administration, saying that it was not a categorical ban on asylum and emphasizing efforts to expand access to legal pathways to the US.

Migrant apprehensions have dropped by 50% in January, compared to December, according to federal data. Homeland Security officials have attributed the decline to ongoing high-level talks between the US and Mexico, which has doubled down on enforcement, but have cautioned that encounters historically drop in January before ticking up again.

Acting US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Troy Miller conceded authorities still face hurdles on the border, saying in a statement this month: “We continue to experience serious challenges along our border which surpass the capacity of the immigration system.”

In January, the US Border Patrol reported 124,220 encounters along the US-Mexico border. Notably, there was a significant drop in Venezuelans — nearly 11,600 compared to 57,851 in December. Both the US and Mexico have restarted deportation flights to Venezuela.


About damn time.

I put the Elections tag because he's finally waking up because it's hurting him in the polls.

Fuck the Republicans for letting things get worse because it will help the party in the next elections.
Sleepy Joe has awoken.

Marg T Green will want to indick it & then link it to Hunter B's lappy.
The lack of support from the “boarder is broken” crowd confirms the Republican Party does not take this issue seriously.
It’s the end of February in an election year, he had almost 4 years to fucking do something. This is just a desperate attempt to help the polls, like him trying to pay off student debt when he was already told he can’t
It’s the end of February in an election year, he had almost 4 years to fucking do something. This is just a desperate attempt to help the polls, like him trying to pay off student debt when he was already told he can’t
You are making MY point. Is the issue an uncontrolled crises at the boarder that desperately needs legislation. Or is it more important what month it is and if it’s an election year? Hint: Opposing what you think is a needed policy affecting millions of people because you think Biden himself may not sincerely believe in the legislation is a lame cop out.
The lack of support from the “boarder is broken” crowd confirms the Republican Party does not take this issue seriously.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the damage already being done? For 3 years it has been a free-for-all with the Left claiming there was no issue, and now all of a sudden there is a crisis.

He's in quite the pickle. Yeah, it's hurting him in the polls, but certain sectors of his base won't like this move one bit either. Not to mention that he'd be throwing both Harris and Mayorkis under the bus, after fawning over the "great job" they've done for three years...
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I see “fuck the republicans”, but isn’t it they who passed a border bill last year? And is it not the president and all the other democrats saying he could not do an EO like this, simply to extort the public for more tax money to Ukraine? Not to mention removing an executive order just like this one the first day in office or soon after?

Uhh, I think your blame is misplaced, to say the least lolll

Edit: and only reason Biden is doing this is because the, wait for it, republicans are threatening to shut down the government if Biden does it.

That is how you use the leverage of a very small majority, in only one chamber of congress to get some sensible action
Wait, I was told he needed a bill from congress before he could take any action. What the hell took him so long?

It is almost as if the democrats have lied and gas lighted the public for the last three years and only want to do something now cause an election is coming up, “omgggz derp rebuplicerns fawlt!!!!”
Wait, I was told he needed a bill from congress before he could take any action. What the hell took him so long?
Oh' yeah, then there's that lie he'd have to defend. Let's see..

Harris and Mayorkis doing a great job - Refuted by this move
"The border is secure" - Refuted by this move
"I can't do anything without congress' say so" - Refuted by this move

I don't think it would be the political victory they assume it will be, and will just open up more questions over Biden's leadership.
You are making MY point. Is the issue an uncontrolled crises at the boarder that desperately needs legislation. Or is it more important what month it is and if it’s an election year? Hint: Opposing what you think is a needed policy affecting millions of people because you think Biden himself may not sincerely believe in the legislation is a lame cop out.
This is pandering, nothing more. That’s not how you govern. Liberals care more about Ukraine than the country they fucking live in. What an odd bunch of loons
Oh' yeah, then there's that lie he'd have to defend. Let's see..

Harris and Mayorkis doing a great job - Refuted by this move
"The border is secure" - Refuted by this move
"I can't do anything without congress' say so" - Refuted by this move

I don't think it would be the political victory they assume it will be, and will just open up more questions over Biden's leadership.

Plus the media cried that Trump admitted he will be a dictator when Trump said he would be one for just one day to do executive orders such as one like this. Which in fact, made him hitler Stalin x 2.

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