Media Bryce Mitchell informs Bisping that gravity aint real.

Fucking hell Bispings reaction to hearing that is killing me.

EDIT - Please allow me to also draw your attention the the face Bryce is pulling while having to wait for Bisping to stop laughing.

I like Bryce Mitchell inside the Octagon he is very entertaining ...... but ......Holy Mackerel...... he wasn't anywhere around when God was handing out Brain Cells to mankind.
What I like the most with those "anti science" stances is that they are always done on the internet through the use of a cell phone. Think about it, we now have a small object able to capture reality as we see it and send it throughout the world in an instant. That should be proof enough that science works, and then somebody use it to say they were wrong on gravity! Yeah ok.
Maybe I just grew up ignorant in a bubble of more educated people.
But I swear there weren't this many retarded takes back in the 90's and early 2000's.

Its weird.
Its like the more access we have to information the dumber people get.
Back in the 90ties we had to go to the library if we wanted to read do research.
Today any fat fuck can just "google it" and now know every thing.
I see the same with ChatGPT people ask it and just gobble up everything its says.
If someone invited Bryce for a trip in space.

I doubt he would go.
Bryce seems like a good dude, but his opinions on science are a bit much. You have to at least keep that shit to yourself. It's as embarrassing as a weird sexual kink like wearing diapers to pretend you're a baby or some shit.
he's attempting to recreate a classic debate between Theists and Atheists in which the Theists claim "tho Gravity effects can be measured, Gravity itself cannot be seen, heard, smelt etc...He's just doing the RedNeck version with helium balloons....
I don't care for the comparison. Theist ( at least the HWs that are educated) are often historians and can cause problems for, if not make the atheist rage quit.

Bryce on the other hand is either dumb as a fox keeping his name out there, or has some neurological condition and shouldn't be fighting.
Imagine studying and dedicating your life to learning and understanding physics, dropping 300K on university, only for some yokel from Arkansas to think spending a few hours watching youtube conspiracy videos every night makes him just as qualified on the subject as you.
Bro sounds like you got scammed, Bryce got all the correct info for free.

Him convulsing after the Josh emmet KO was actually his brain becoming too powerful. He saw the beginning of the universe and time itself.

He is the all knowing.

You’re some chump who blew 300K on false info

Thank you Dr. Mitchell for my education
Maybe I just grew up ignorant in a bubble of more educated people.
But I swear there weren't this many retarded takes back in the 90's and early 2000's.
They were there but in the 90's they were eating crayons, sticking their tongue in power outlets, or drilling their ballsack to a plank (well, they still do that last one) . Now they are on youtube watching flat earth and chemtrails videos, and facebook made them connect with each other.

Lol, I now have a different version of Billy Joel's Honesty in head while watching that clip. Sounds cool.