

Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Are these the best conditioning exercise if you could just pick one thing to do? Seems to hit a bit of everything and gets the heart rate up quickly.
I personally like the aerodyne, sprints on a hamster wheel, sled pushes, the skiier, rows, even jacobs ladder. But when you combine two of them into a set is when it gets incredibly tough.

Burpees would be some kind of finisher for me honestly
I like burpees, but my shoulders don’t. I sometimes do those non-explosive burpees, where you don’t jump back into push-up position, bug just bring one leg back at a time.

But yeah, burpees are a great conditioning and mobility tool.
I personally like the aerodyne, sprints on a hamster wheel, sled pushes, the skiier, rows, even jacobs ladder. But when you combine two of them into a set is when it gets incredibly tough.

Burpees would be some kind of finisher for me honestly
You missed what I said. I meant are they the single best exercise if you could only do one. I could see the argument for the air dyne though.
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How come? Less muscular interference?
Conditioning is a pretty broad term. Conditioning for what?
Burpees are great because they require no equipment and little space.
There's a large muscular endurance aspect to them, which can be helpful or not helpful. I don't think many people are limited cardiovascularly doing burpees ... maybe that's just me

Maybe the best single conditioning exercise for grapplers?
Definitely not for all/other athletes.

My vote would be running
Conditioning is a pretty broad term. Conditioning for what?
Burpees are great because they require no equipment and little space.
There's a large muscular endurance aspect to them, which can be helpful or not helpful. I don't think many people are limited cardiovascularly doing burpees ... maybe that's just me

Maybe the best single conditioning exercise for grapplers?
Definitely not for all/other athletes.

My vote would be running
Im doing burpees at 300ishlbs bodyweight so they probably feel differently to me than others in the thread
You missed what I said. I meant are they the single best exercise if you could only do one. I could see the argument for the air dyne though.
I’d pick almost all of those before burpees for conditioning if I had to choose one.

Edit: Just saw vision say the same thing. Didn’t see his post
No they are not the single best conditioning exercise. They are incredibly useful for lactate capacity. There is no single best exercise for conditioning.
When I used to travel a lot for work, I would do these in my hotel room for a quick cardio workout. Only takes about 2-3 minutes but very intense. Basically a burpee interval routine - it's deceptively hard to finish 100 reps.

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Hill sprints

Those 3 are my favorite. Goblet squats are up there as well, when worked into a circuit.