Compliment Jamahal Hill

He scrap just like my yute Big Mac back inna day when mans was throwin' handz ting was lit shoulda been there fam nobody drop him NOT ONE not even dat country boi from across town yute got slept 1st rd clean 1-2 pull counter fam no caps 🍔

Jamahill lyk bros second coming swear down 💯🚫🧢🧢
Oof I’m gonna keep it real Jack… I completely forgot about the Achilles. Yea my man should 100% not be fighting within a year of an injury that is so significant. Sheesh
Especially against a guy who likes to eat your lower legs for lunch
I feel like the guy gets mad at anything we say, so here’s a thread to make him slightly less mad at the world.

Say something nice or compliment Jamahal Hill ahead of headlining the “biggest card of the year” UFC 300.

I’ll start:

He made me rethink what was possible for an average looking joe like me.
I like the intent of the thread but you still came across as "u mad bro?"
Although nothing at all is impressive about him or his skill set, I believe he KOs Alex.
People may not like it, but Jamahal Hill has the peak male body for MMA.
  • Jamala Hill, your resume is so versatile it allows any top10 fighter in any other weight class to claim titleshot.
  • Jamala HIll, you are so likable that people are thankful its not Belal Muhamed on the main event.
  • If its not for you, Jamala Hill, people may never say: "fuck, lhw become so random after Jones. Literally anyone can fight for the title now".
  • Jamala Hill, you are so strong and athletic that many people are no longer care of their dad-body type.
  • You are so inspiring, Jamala Hill, that anyone who is around 93kg with 1-2 combat skills can seriously think of becoming ufc champion.
  • If its not for you, Jamala, the person who wrote a book "This man was the greatest UFC champion and here is why" wont be able to get Noble prize in literature for the best sci-fi book.
  • Jamala Hill, people are so jealous of you, they wish your opponent to win just to never hear of your success ever again.
  • Jamala Hill, you are so important for UFC and society overall that UFC is secretly hiring people around the world to post about you on forums to keep up your good image and recognizability.
He's got a pretty cool Chuck Liddel like stance and gut I dig him. He shouldn't try to lay up on DC again though it's obvious who is more explosive.

Edit: shouldn't
I'm picking him to beat Pereira, and he's kinda funny (but not as funny as Pereira).
did rampage just not exist
Good point for sure, but there’s something about Hill’s hands that’s way more reminiscent of Chuck’s than it is of Rampage’s, which admittedly weighs significantly in me making that comparison.

But now that you bring this up, I guess some of those excellent hook counters he has do reminisce of prime Rampage.
This, I think it's going to be much harder for Alex than people are giving Hill credit for I have been telling myself Hill is going to pull it off.
I want Alex to win but I keep seeing a scenario where hill on an offbeat just plants the cleanest 1-2 and puts him out cold.