Dana White shares info about 300

It's cool and all but it doesn't change fighter pay in the grand scheme of things. We're talking about the guy who lost 3 million in a night playing blackjack.

so why didn't the fighters say 3m? that's my point. he basically wrote a blank check and the most these guys could come up with was 300k.
That just tells you how little they are being paid.

not really. we already know they're not getting the 50% or whatever the NFL and other sports make we've literally known this for a better part of a decade. what it tells me is how little THEY think they're actually worth, which is how the UFC is able to negotiate these guys into contracts. anybody who has haggled in their life knows you shoot high when you're negotiating a price. how quickly Dana accepted it shows that 300k is a miniscule amount of money to him.

Frank Mir did an interview recently where he JUST realized he wasn't getting paid what he should when he looked at the numbers WIlder vs Fury did compared to the numbers he and Brock did and their respective payouts. JUST NOW in 2024 did he realize he got ripped off 15 yrs ago. and Frank Mir is supposed to be one of the "smart" ones...
not really. we already know they're not getting the 50% or whatever the NFL and other sports make we've literally known this for a better part of a decade. what it tells me is how little THEY think they're actually worth, which is how the UFC is able to negotiate these guys into contracts. anybody who has haggled in their life knows you shoot high when you're negotiating a price. how quickly Dana accepted it shows that 300k is a miniscule amount of money to him.

Frank Mir did an interview recently where he JUST realized he wasn't getting paid what he should when he looked at the numbers WIlder vs Fury did compared to the numbers he and Brock did and their respective payouts. JUST NOW in 2024 did he realize he got ripped off 15 yrs ago. and Frank Mir is supposed to be one of the "smart" ones...
To be fair it was Brock who sold that PPV. He definitely got underpaid relative to what he was worth.
Hope big money Moic gets the bonus.

300K bonuses means everyone should give it their all in the fights.
More tax for the state. They must be delighted.
I can see at least 9 of these fights ending in a finish. So many usual POTN suspects on this card.
Hope big money Moic gets the bonus.

300K bonuses means everyone should give it their all in the fights.

This is the other aspect of bonuses that unsettle me. They are a carrot to convince fighters to fight the way the UFC wants them too. They aren't a naked pay increase or win bonus. No its a reward for fighting in a way that is often not in their best interests. Its a coercive bonus.
Would be awesome if Brundage somehow wins and gets an extra 300K. Unfortunately most of the time they give it to the biggest names who need the money the least, even if lesser known fighters had fantastic performances too.

But Bo will likely get a bonus for crushing the can he was served up on a platter. Lol