DEATH Triangle training log đź’€

Stargazer Rex

Where is your star?
Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2008
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@SocraticMethod @RollSonnenRoll We assemble here. This log will help us keep accountable and push us to strengthen our bodies and minds. It is written.​
BW - 228

old prs:

Squat - 405
Bench Press - 375
Press - 230
Deadlift - 500

The past year I haven't touched a weight and quite frankly I was disrespecting my body like a common degenerate. I'm essentially starting over. I started lifting again about a month ago.

Today's session:

45 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5 x 5

DB flys
15 x 12 x 4

Lat pulldowns
125 x 12 x 5 - I need to add more weight next time.

Tricep push downs
50 x 12 x 3

Ez bar curls
75 x 10 x 3

I tweaked my paper thin SI joint a week and half ago so I may be taking this week off from lower body movements. I'm finally started to feel better a couple days ago but I've rushed back too soon from this and have reinjured it so I may just play it safe this week. I'll do all my mobility stuff and stretches for lower body still. We will see how it goes. Usually I will be lifting 3 times a week - squat/bench/assistance, Deadlift/press/assistance, squat/bench/assistance etc. Conditioning will be thrown in here too.

BW - 233

One Arm Flat DB Press

50X10/10 X 2

30 Degree Incline Bench Press

100X8 X 2

Rack Pushups
H11 X 10 X 3

Lying DB Triceps Extensions


I'm pretty sure I'm doing those wrong. I did a set of standing, single arm extensions to feel more of a pump.


40 secondsX3

I'm weak like a baby bird, but I have plenty of room for improvement.
Stationary bike

30 minute - avg HR 105

I'm using a new HR monitor and it seems like it's shit. Took me 15 minutes to get up to 130 BPM then it would randomly drop to 90 BPM with no change in intensity. Freakin thing sucks!
Tuesday, November 17

Warm up - Jumping Jacks, KB Swings, targeted warmup exercises

One-Arm Landmine Row
Bar X 6/6

100X8/8 - my left hand grip is a serious limiting factor

Rack Pull-up

Neutral Grip Inverted Row (using American Press Bar in the rack)

60-Degree Incline Hammer Curl


Standing 1-arm preacher curl
15 X 12/12; 8;8; 6/6; 3/3 (no rest)

Farmers Walk
KBs 45/35 X 30 seconds X 4 (alternating hands)
Stationary bike

30 minute - avg HR 105

I'm using a new HR monitor and it seems like it's shit. Took me 15 minutes to get up to 130 BPM then it would randomly drop to 90 BPM with no change in intensity. Freakin thing sucks!

What kind of monitor? I have a Fitbit Versa Lite. I don't trust much of the info other than the time and distance when I walk/run, but I figure if it's somewhat consistent, even if not accurate, that could be helpful. And I like the little fireworks animation when I hit 10,000 steps.
What kind of monitor? I have a Fitbit Versa Lite. I don't trust much of the info other than the time and distance when I walk/run, but I figure if it's somewhat consistent, even if not accurate, that could be helpful. And I like the little fireworks animation when I hit 10,000 steps.

It's a little $30 knockoff Fitbit. This is the second $30 HR monitor I've tried and they aren't good. I used to have one of similar price about 5 years ago and it worked really good but I lost the chest strap for it. All I want to know is what ballpark my current HR is in pretty much but these things can't even do that. I may have to bite the bullet and buy a more expensive one.
It's a little $30 knockoff Fitbit. This is the second $30 HR monitor I've tried and they aren't good. I used to have one of similar price about 5 years ago and it worked really good but I lost the chest strap for it. All I want to know is what ballpark my current HR is in pretty much but these things can't even do that. I may have to bite the bullet and buy a more expensive one.

I think mine cost around $80. My MIL got it for me for Christmas last year. Either from Costco or QVC. I think QVC. I might upgrade to one of the ones with the built-in GPS.
Haven’t weighed in a bit but I’m going to estimate I’m sitting at 205ish.

1 mile walk on the treadmill before hand

185 3 x 5
My unholy Lord these sucked and I can tell my ass has been on the couch for a bit. It always takes me a bit of consistent squats to retrain my body to really set that lower back. I see myself staying at this weight for a few workouts just to really lock it in. For sure feeling some more tenderness back there then I had back in August or so

165 3 x 5
Not as bad as squats but definitely not good either. These are a real ego check for me but better safe than sorry.

Military press
105 3 x 5
Felt great. Love me some presses.

Overall, it was a good first workout back but humbling as well. I think the muscle memory will bounce back pretty quick since all these lifts were a lot bigger just 6 weeks ago. Looking forward to reclaiming them

Side note, I was also excited to lift in my Arnold Classic Training Camp sweatshirt in the chilly basement tonight. Homage is one of my favorite shirt companies and they had a fire sale on all their Arnold gear this past March when it got cancelled. Collectors items! It was already warm by the time I got it so it’s been in the closet since. Softest shirts out there
Haven’t weighed in a bit but I’m going to estimate I’m sitting at 205ish.

1 mile walk on the treadmill before hand

185 3 x 5
My unholy Lord these sucked and I can tell my ass has been on the couch for a bit. It always takes me a bit of consistent squats to retrain my body to really set that lower back. I see myself staying at this weight for a few workouts just to really lock it in. For sure feeling some more tenderness back there then I had back in August or so

165 3 x 5
Not as bad as squats but definitely not good either. These are a real ego check for me but better safe than sorry.

Military press
105 3 x 5
Felt great. Love me some presses.

Overall, it was a good first workout back but humbling as well. I think the muscle memory will bounce back pretty quick since all these lifts were a lot bigger just 6 weeks ago. Looking forward to reclaiming them

Side note, I was also excited to lift in my Arnold Classic Training Camp sweatshirt in the chilly basement tonight. Homage is one of my favorite shirt companies and they had a fire sale on all their Arnold gear this past March when it got cancelled. Collectors items! It was already warm by the time I got it so it’s been in the closet since. Softest shirts out there

Nice. The triangle is formed now. I love presses, too. There is no feeling like pressing a loaded barbell over your head. It's great for the shoulders.
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Warm up blah blah blah

75-Degree Incline Seated DB Press


Swiss Bar Close-Grip Bench Press (w/ American Press Bar)
BarX10 (38)


45-Degree Incline Rear Delt DB Row


Standing Lateral Raise

Slam Ball - 20 Pounds