Under review Error messages when creating threads

Andy Capp

2GM/c2 Belt
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
I keep getting the error message "Oops! We ran into some problems.
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." when creating threads after each step in the process. When I click in the post box after entering the thread title it comes up. The option is not available in this subforum but when I choose the thread category, same thing, and then when I try to post the thread, same thing again, but it still accepts the actions and lets me proceed.

I also get the "Support Sherdog" splash screen a bajllion times per day. It's like half the software is not aware I'm logged in and the other half is or something.

I will try logging out and back in to see if it corrects the issue, but I thought it worth bringing to your attention anyway. I can still do whatever I normally would but it's far more time consuming and annoying.
I tried logging out and back in and receive the same error.
I tried logging out and back in and receive the same error.
We're actually working on this, so hold tight. Nothing amiss on your end and I apologise for the inconvenience. Let's keep this thread open for further communication on the issue. Thanks, Andy.
We're actually working on this, so hold tight. Nothing amiss on your end and I apologise for the inconvenience. Let's keep this thread open for further communication on the issue. Thanks, Andy.
No prob. Troubleshooting can be a bitch; been there, done that.