"FENUGREEK" - A Natural Testosterone Booster That Reduces Hair Loss

The Big Babou

Brown Belt
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
Has anyone tried this in their diet? It's a seed that smells and tastes like maple syrup. Commonly used in Mediterranean diets.

According to Dr Joseph Mercola it's a natural testosterone that also reduces hair loss (one of the unfortunate by-products of taking testosterone supplements is thinning/receding hair).

I'm at that age where I'm interested in products like this, it's said to help improve strength and reduce body fat, also good for sexy time, so I thought to share the love on Sherdog.

Here's the article: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/...ial&cid_content=mercola&cid=nonlead1_20230904
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It tastes good, boosts testosterone, and doesn't cause balding?

What's the catch?
woah! all these professional athletes are missin out. vichor could have maintained his physique through usada with just some fenugreek!

you can find a MD on the internet that will tell you any given substance you can think of is a 'natural t booster'
woah! all these professional athletes are missin out. vichor could have maintained his physique through usada with just some fenugreek!

you can find a MD on the internet that will tell you any given substance you can think of is a 'natural t booster'

I mean, when you aggregate alot of superfood research it all kind of points back to the hypothesis that eating a varied diet with tons of fresh herbs, vegetables, and spices is a positive thing.
I mean, when you aggregate alot of superfood research it all kind of points back to the hypothesis that eating a varied diet with tons of fresh herbs, vegetables, and spices is a positive thing.
eating a healthy diet and fenugreek supposedly being a potent natural testosterone booster are two completely separate ideas.

and also, "when you aggregate alot of superfood research ..." No. youre idea of "research" is mass media. In the world of biology, there is no such thing as a 'superfood'.
Mercola is a snake oil salesman.

He's monetized his work and it's pricey (i don't buy his supplements but i do read his reports) & compared to Dolce, he's not selling snake oil.

Mercola is constantly researching and sometimes admits he was wrong then adjusts his opinion.
I tried it after reading about the benefits, stopped a few weeks in as it makes you stink real bad when exercising...like next level bad lol.