GIF Avatars are now working (Upgrade Update)


Wendy Belt
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hello. Please re-upload your GIF avatars in order for them to work.

Note: Standard GIF Avatars max dimension's should be 192x192. The file size should be under 2MB

If you need help with the resizing, cropping, optimizing of your gifs, just PM me or ask for help in this thread.


Forum Admin here,

As stated by the mods, the move was long overdue and needed to happen. The Xenforo version this site was running on was not viable anymore, the addons started to deprecate and support in the backend was not optimal. We had to move up to a newer version of Xenforo which means a huge jump in functionality, templates and features than what we are all used to. Same for the server updates, we decided to move to Xenforo Cloud for better back end support and functionality in the long run (you all experienced the search issues we constantly had due to our old elasticsearch/AWS setup)

This is still a work in progress and a learning curve. This is a very large site with varied nuances, and we are working closely with the Sherdog team to address concerns and issues. We are a very small tech team working on the site, so we appreciate the patience.

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Cool thanks a lot
Is it possible if users could set an option so that likes can be made without confirming?

I think it would be very useful, especially in big pbp threads where we want to like heaps of posts

It has been addressed to tech don't worry, along with all the other things that the people voiced out.
What great news.

Okay boss, I'll try that now.

You have your AV back! See it works now :D

How about now...

The system automatically square crops the gif avatars if they're not square sized (ex.192x192)

Try this one bud. I properly cropped and centered this.

Oh and actually... Halloween's over bud.. where's the GSP rocket racoon trademark AV of yours made by BWR? :D
Glad to see you got your classic AV back. It looks good.
Thank you.

It just didn’t feel right having it up there but not animated. And just cropping it didn’t work. I had to center it using a different app. But it’s all good now.
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This is brand new technology. Moving pictures?


I wonder what the science brings us in the near future!

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