Jungle Boogie

Jan 16

Warm up : Tabata rotate between Push Ups and speed rope

Pull Ups

Plate Front Raise
(25) 5x5

Barbell Row
(155) 6
(175) 6
(195) 6
(205) 6

Straight Arm pulldown (dual grips)
(50) 8 / 8 / 8 / 15

Lat Pulls
(180) 6
(200) 6
(210) 5 / 5

Dual DB Row with Fat Gripz - pause at top
(35) 8
(45) 8 / 10 / 10

Side delt fly
(15) 3 x 12

Weighted Hammer grip pull up
(45) 3 x 5

(235) 5
(285) 5
(335) 3
(355) 3
(375) 3

Good sets, feel back to normal. Lats full and stretched
Jan 17

Squat Jumps

Lunges - long step and hold stretch
3 x 100ft

Floor DB Fly
(35) 12 / 15 / 15

Para bars close grip push-ups
20 / 25 / 17

(70) 3 x 10

Close DB bench
(75) 3 x 6

A2G Yukon bar squats
(185) 8 / 8 / 8 / 12 / 14
Attempted muscle ups between sets - 15 fails - pretty much did 3 high bar pull ups and couldn't flip elbows. Can not figure out the form for those SOBs

Multi grip bar bench - wide grip
(185) 4x 5
(225) 5
Hanging leg raises between sets
5 x 10

Cable - Low flys
3 x 15

Slamball Squat and Press
(100) 2 x 5
Jan 18
5:45 - 7p

Tabata warm up - rotate push ups to speed rope
Pull Ups
3x 8

Hyper Ext
3 x 10

Side Fly
(15) 3 x 12

Speed Clean & Press Axle bar
(130) 3 x 5

Lat Pulls
(180) 7
(200) 6 / 6

Rickshaw Shrugs
(260) 3 x 10

Log Clean & Press
(160) 2
(170) 2
(180) 2
(190) 1 press - 1 clean only
(200) 2 no press
(210) 2 no press

Barbell clean
(155) 15
(205) 2 / 2

*teen son finally took interest in big lifts, played around a while letting him get the motion feels of empty log and standard v axle grip, pressing w/ & w/o drive, posture and position. Was a good time, normally he just does chin ups, curls, and plays on phone.

Weighted hammer grip pull up
(55) 5 / 4 / 2
Ring pull ups
Jan 19 - Forced rest day. Worked late, she was already trying to go to bed when got home.

Jan 20
Glorified warm up day . Wasn't feeling it.

3 x 100ft

Box Jumps
(40 in) 3 x 10

Cable low flies
10 / 15 / 10

Clean - ATG squat - press
Axle Bar (130) 3 x 5

Hang Snatch
(135) 5 / 5 / 6

Squat Jumps
3 x 10

Single arm DB press
(35) 3 x 10ea

DB Shrugs
(70) 3 x 12

Yukon Squat
(185) 5
(225) 4 x 5
Jan 21

Warm up- 5 rounds
10 Para bar push ups > 5 box jumps (40in) > 5 Ring Pull up > 5 Leg raise

Flying Ladder
3 set x 3 pull up at top

Yukon bar bench
(140) 12
(190) 8
(230) 5

Lat Pulls
(180) 8 / 8 / 9 / 10

DB Bench
(75) 10
(85) 10
(90) 9
(100) 6

(70) 3 x 12

Weight Hammer Pull up
(55) 5 / 5 / 4

Clean n Press
(135) 2 - right outter quad cramped in the press
(155) 2 - left side ^^
(175) 2 - ?
(195) 2
(205) 2
Not sure what the leg thing was about. Make you get out from under the weight quick.

Seated dip machine
(260) 25
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Jan 22

Warm up - 5 min fan bike

Push-up to squat to high jump x 10 x 3 round

Bulgarian squat
3 x 10ea

(135) 10 / 12
(245) 10

Wide stance BW squats
3 x 25

Yukon Squat
(190) 10
(210) 9
(230) 8
(250) 7
(270) 6
(280) 5
(290) 4
(300) 3
(320) 2
(340) 1

Box Jump
(30 / 40 / 44 / 48 ) 10 / 10 / 7 / 4

TuT Cable front raises
3 x 15

Weighted lunges
(65) 3 x 100 ft

Calf Raises
(50) 30 / 25 / 30

Full pike leg raise on rings
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Jan 23 -Sun

Warm up 5 min timer
3 bar Push up into 5 dips to Ring Pull up into 3 leg raises ... made 8 rounds.

KB Swings
(70) 3 x 20

Hyper ext
3 x 10

Incline bench low cable flies
(20 stack) 3 x 10 TuT

Rickshaw Shrugs
(260) 3 x 10

DB Bench
(90) 7
(100) 5 / 5

1 arm row
(100) 3 x 8 ea

Sandbag toss over Yoke
(200) 3 x 5

Slamball overhead carry
(100) 6 x 50 ft

Ab wheel 3 x 10
Hanging slow leg raise .. 10

Good day, Heart rate up but not maxed, solid pump but no failure, steady weight load for 25 min
Jan 24
Mom's Bday @6pm Got off work 5:10


Pull up
8 / 8 / 7

Dual DB Rows
(45) 3 x 10

Lat Pull
(180) 8 / 8 / 6

Bent Row
(135) 3 x 8

Speed Clean n Press
(135) 3 x 5

Rear cable fly
Tut 3 x 15

Plate raise
(25) 3 x 12

Elbow hated this routine. Too fast, too constant, not enough warm up. Couldn't even get to 90 degree on another pull up
Jan 25 - Tues
Day of the deads

Warm up 5 min clock
5 push up > 30 speed ropes > 5 Med ball squat n slam(30lb) > 5 superman planks ... made 4 rounds. not a great warm up, too slow.

Cable fly - chest high
(40) 3 x 12

(135) 5
(245) 3 x 5

Log Clean
(160) 3 x 5

(335) 3 x 4

Straight arm cable pull
(50) 3 x 12

(385) 3 x 2

Para bar deep push ups
3 x 10

(405) 1
(425) 1
(445) 1

Good sets. Back feels nice n warm, not tight. Shut it down with reps in tank, need to get another belt. Pretty sure the one I loaned for borrow isn't coming home.
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Jan 26

5min fan bike

Squat jumps
3 x 15

Para bar deep push ups
3 x 15

(70) 3 x 10

Cable low pulley fly
(30) 3 x 10

Yukon pause squats
(230) 5 x 5

DB Bench
(85) 8
(90) 8 / 8
(100) 5 / 3

Bench DB fly
(35) 3 x 12

Bulgarian squat
3 x 10 ea

Seated machine dips
(260) 3 x 15

Long stride lunges
3 x 100 ft

2 min shoulder hang from rings, 12 - 15 leg raises while hanging bored
Jan 27

Chin Ups
3 x 12

DB side flies
(15) 3 x 12

A2G Box jumps, jump from bottom position
(30 in) 10 / 10
(40) 8 & 2 fails

Seated Arnold press
(35) 3 x 12

Axle Bar Clean n Press
(130) 3 x 5

Clean n press
(135) 2
(155) 2
(175) 2
(195) 2
(205) 2

> Lat Pulls
(180) 5 x 5
>Hammer grip pull ups, full hang
5 x 3

Homo prancing
(hidden egg) 0 / 0 / 0

Ring leg raises
3 x 15

Hammer Curls
(40) 3 x 10
Jan 28 - Fri
King Cake the Resolution killer. Hurry up Mardi Gras, get this devil out of our bakeries.

Chest high pull ups
3 x 5

Deep para bar push ups
3 x 15

Bar dips
3 x 25

Wide Grip angled pull ups
3 x 5

Sandbag hoist n hold 3 seconds then slam
(150) 3 x 5

Rickshaw Shrugs
(270) 12 / 12
(280) 11

Cable tri push down
(50) 3 x 12

Cable dual grip strict curls
(20) 3 x 15

Band side fly
(black band) 1 x 20 too light, gave up

single DB side fly
(25) 3 x 10 ea

Forearm roller
(35 lb KB) 3 x 4

Forearm Curl machine
3 x 25 ea
Jan 29
6:30 - 7:15 p

Spent few hours treadmill shopping for the woman. 2nd time the hint was dropped we need one. Divorced cardio 3xs already, bitch makes her way back in livingroom.

5 Round speed cycle
10 Push Up > 10 Power jumps > 5 Ring Pull Up > 5 leg raises > 50 speed rope jumps (then 60 / 70 / 150)

Hyper ext
3 x 10

1 Arm DB press with full oblique ext at peak
(35) 3 x 10 ea

(135) 10
(245) 5
(295) 5
(345) 5
(365) 5

Devil DB Press with Push Ups
(25 ) 3 x 10

Box Jumps from low squat start
(40 in) 3 x 8

(385) 2
(405) 2
(425) 2

Dual Rope Pull Up (crucifix style)

Hanging Oblique crunches
10 ea side
Jan 30 Sun

Para bars narrow push ups
5 x 20

Speed rope
5 x 1 min

Low cable flies
(30) 3 x 12

Incline DB bench - 45*
(70) 10 / 8 (left shoulder acting up) / 10

DB Bench
(85) 7
(90) 6 (sting is back)
(100) 5 / 3 (left side toast)

Cable fly - chest level
(50) 3 x 15

Seated preacher tricep
(40) 25 / 20 / 17

Seated dip machine
(260) 15 / 12 / 12

TuT Tri cable push down
(30) 10 / 8 / 7
Jan 31 - Unplanned rest
Besides working 10 hour straight through lunch. Woke up Sun night with knee pain, don't know what happen. Wasn't a specific movement. Nothing went wrong, no twist, no pain after a lift, didn't even do legs. Noticed immediately again when attempted to kneel down as soon as it touched ground. Slowly started feeling better through day. Popped Tylenol and stayed off of it.

Feb 1 - Tues
Pain was mostly gone. Can bend it again without issue, still has lingering aggravation at bottom of ass squat. Fuck it, to the gym.

6-6:45p Cardio / reps feeler day without heavy load.

5 Rounds
10 Para push ups > 10 Dips > 10 power jump > 15 Oblique knee to hand each side > 45 sec speed Rope

Quick Snatch from hang - don't touch bar to ground entire set
(95) 5 x 8
3 Pull up as a rest

Strict clean with no bounce (noticed how much favor the right side)
(95) 5 x 8
10 hanging knee raises as a rest

1 arm overhead DB oblique leans
(35) 3 x 10 ea side

No cheat HPND
(50) 3 x 15

Knee feels better than before the lift. Can squat deeper before the tightness.
2-2-22 - Wed

Low weight / higher rep knee test

DB Devil Press from push up
(25) 5 x 10

Pull up
3 x 6

BW squats
3 x 25

(120) 5 x 5

Yukon Squats to Parallel
(190) 5 x 8

1 min speed rope x 4

Seated DB Press
(50) 8 / 5 shoulder said no
(40) 6

Calf Raises
(35) 3 x 35

Dual DB front raise
(15) 3 x 12

Ring muscle up - jump into position / only the body press
2-3 Thurs

Chin Up 3 x 10
Hyper ext 3 x 10

Hammer Pull Up 3 x 10
Strict HPND (50) 3 x 10

Log clean n press (160 ) 3 x 5

Lat Pull (180) 10 / 8 / 8
T Bar Row with 3 second hold at peak (55) 3 x 10

Some Cable lat pull from a bent position arms fully extended overhead to behind (20) 15 / 17 / 18
Lever Pulls (110) 18 / 20 / 20
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Feb 4 - Fri

Warm up - Fan Bike 5 min - Nonstop wind and the nasty cold with a bite

6lb heavy rope 25 jumps > 25 BW squats > 30 seconds high knees x 3 rounds

RDL (135) 3 x 12
Box Jumps (40 in) 3 x 10

Bent Row (135) 3 x 12
Multi Grip Bar shoulder press (60) 20 rep per grip

Stay focused fat boy

Yukon pause squat (230) 5 x 5
no rest alternate until complete
DL (245) 5 x 5

Hanging bat sit ups x 10 - more of stretching back and just doing sit ups.