Media Khamzat's fraudulent wrestling record exposed

For everyone who has seen him compete, I don’t think the thing is about his wrestling skills or lack of them, or if he was good GR or FS, or what level wrestling was at that time in Sweden in those disciplines or if he was national team level or whatever people here are trying to argue. It’s more that he already lacked sportsmanship at that age, was a very sore loser and a dirty player and that seems to not have changed at all.
Ehh I don't care about sportsmanship, if anything it shows how bad he hates to lose, which is good. Sometimes when guys seem to be humble and sportsmanship they lose the fire that makes them want to come back better. This is a younger Khamzat and he's obviously going to be more immature than a 30 year old.
Ehh I don't care about sportsmanship, if anything it shows how bad he hates to lose, which is good. Sometimes when guys seem to be humble and sportsmanship they lose the fire that makes them want to come back better. This is a younger Khamzat and he's obviously going to be more immature than a 30 year old.
Most people who have competed or compete themselves care about such things and do find it as a lack of respect and bad behavior. His former gym in Sweden has been banned from some events, for poor behavior. So he did fit well in there with his history and immaturity.😂

But I respect your opinion and understand that most mma fans probably don’t care a shit about how the fighters represent themselves or their team.
Most people who have competed or compete themselves care about such things and do find it as a lack of respect and bad behavior. His former gym in Sweden has been banned from some events, for poor behavior. So he did fit well in there with his history and immaturity.😂

But I respect your opinion and understand that most mma fans probably don’t care a shit about how the fighters represent themselves or their team.
For me personally I've been humble in the few competitions I've been in BJJ, but also I guess I dgaf about everyone having the same mentality as myself, what matters is the results. I just want to see the best win whether they are the most polite man in the room or an absolute barbarian. I don't agree with cheating inside the moments of competition, but if you're an ass before or after that's fair game.
To his defense, these matches where against very high level and accomplished greco roman wrestlers, Zakarias Berg is a 2016 olympic wrestler, he was only 19-20 years old in his match with Khamzat so I think this match took place at the nationals the year before. Kristofer Johansson were another high level greco roman wrestler, placed 5th at worlds in 2014. I know he lost a bunch of greco matches, but that was not his forte.
These losses if anything remind why we likr Khamzat so much. The sheer determination to win , and even doing crazy shit cartwheels and the intense handfighting , anything to get a slight advantage even for a second , is dope
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The guy is actually pretty awesome at wrestling as evidenced by .....his wrestling
Yeah but he allegedly lost, so he was never that good and is a can and anyone he beats is also a can etc etc etc

Am I doing this right, haters?
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He unfortunately needs more fights so he can get seasoned and calm himself in firefights

Yes, that's his main weakness. Not having the best striking is not a problem, as long as he can stay cool and fight smart.