Crime Letitia James Under Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart for selling his New York home 829% over market value

I like the subtle "No true Scotsman" irony of the defense of Stewart.

The entire claim of D.A. James' case was that Trump was overvaluing his properties, versus the tax assessed value to gain loans from banks, who if the banks did their due diligence would counter and negotiate a fair deal. Which they did, And the loan's repayments were satisfied. Trump would naturally try and suppress the property values when assessors put a value on the home to save on taxes.

But this IS just what almost every homeowner does when Selling a home. They try to maximize their asking price, while asking the assessors to lower their home/property value for tax purposes. Just like in Stewart's case.

If someone asking price is too high and they lower it, are they suddenly committing fraud because no one will buy it at the initial asking price? short answer, no.

This is the whole reason why Governor Hochul had to bullshit the public on local media to calm everyone from flipping out and bailing on the state. A lot of people see this as a gray area that could land them in court. Including some of her DNC donors who use the 'borrow and pay back' method as a means of bypassing capitol gains and income taxes.

The whole but "That's different!!" argument is just you defending your team(tribalism) when they get egg on their face.

The final "No True Scotsman" irony, is that Jon Stewart is just a stage name, which is a Scottish surname. But the reality is that Jon Leibowitz is Jewish.

Disingenuous of you to omit the fact that Trump filed fraudulent documentation.

That's what makes what he did fraud.

That is why it is different.
It's really not, though. Trump fraudulently inflated the value of his assets in order to materially benefit. Stewart just sold an apartment, and he got a good price. That's not conceptually similar at all.

Not versus the tax-assessed value; versus economic reality. In all cases of fraud, the victims potentially could have identified it in advance if they did more work, but that doesn't excuse fraud.

We don't even know what Stewart's asking price was. We know that the property sold for what it sold for. There was no fraud even alleged and no purpose for which fraud would be served (i.e., he didn't misrepresent his asset values to anyone to gain credit or anything similar to what Trump did).

Correct. Irrelevant to all aspects of his discussion, but that is true.

What Hochul said is that contrary to what others were saying, Trump's behavior was not typical, and people who didn't commit fraud have nothing to worry about. The tribalism here is trying to pretend that just because Stewart dared criticize the chief, he must have done something wrong himself. And not sure what you're on about with him being Jewish. It's not something he has hidden or has any reason to hide, and not something that is relevant to anything here. Bringing it up here makes you sound really creepy.

I think even this is an embellishment that Stewart just lucked out and got a good price.

From what I understand he did extensive work on the property during his ten years of ownership and combined two apartments into a penthouse. The evaluation is from much earlier before any of the work took place. Being that he was one of the biggest tv personalities during that period he had the money to really modernize the properties.

More likely than not he didn't sell the property for a good price, but just a fair price.

He sold the property for what it was currently worth at the time. The single apartment assessment in 2004 for 1-2M was probably accurate, and the sale price of the combined penthouse in 2014 was also the actual value of the property. The city just didn't do reassessment during that period... and that's on the city. The amount of regulation required to due such renovations in the city would have required their involvement at some level for approval and inspection of the project(s).

Whatever the case, the right is just fueling Stewart's return to politics in an election year and driving interest to his program. He is certainly going to eviscerate this story with receipts come Monday and they will just move on to the next totally organic and totally not foreign influenced propaganda hit piece. I would guess this Monday's Daily Show is going to have some of the highest ratings in years because of this.
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we see a lot of these..


...yet not one explanation.
we're here sherbros, let's talk. someone explain it in a paragraph so we can close shop and go home.
What was Stewart’s fraud? Lol……
I guess you could argue that he defrauded the tax payers by not reporting the improvements he made to the property to the tax assessor's office.

I don't see where Trump or Stewart did anything illegal. But what's good for the goose and all......
I guess you could argue that he defrauded the tax payers by not reporting the improvements he made to the property to the tax assessor's office.

I don't see where Trump or Stewart did anything illegal. But what's good for the goose and all......
What evidence do you have that Stewart didn’t follow administrative rules on the work he did on his properties?

you guys have zero evidence Stewart committed fraud. But you’d rather try to smear him without evidence than deal with the actual evidence against trump. Typical. Are you a muppet or are you just playing the game?
I guess you could argue that he defrauded the tax payers by not reporting the improvements he made to the property to the tax assessor's office.
Who the hell does that? You pull a permit and it triggers a reassessment or it doesn't. Plus they re-evaluate every 2 or 3 years, depending on the state, and can see if any permits were pulled since the last assessment.
Who the hell does that? You pull a permit and it triggers a reassessment or it doesn't. Plus they re-evaluate every 2 or 3 years, depending on the state, and can see if any permits were pulled since the last assessment.
Permits usually trigger new evaluations for me, but I think there are technically rules about what you're supposed to report. Fraud is fraud,......right?
Permits usually trigger new evaluations for me, but I think there are technically rules about what you're supposed to report. Fraud is fraud,......right?
If I pull the permits I've done everything that's legally required. So no, not fraud.

Unlike DJ Jazzy T Corp, who lied a bunch of times on loan applications, about a bunch of different properties, and signed off that the information was true.
What evidence do you have that Stewart didn’t follow administrative rules on the work he did on his properties?

you guys have zero evidence Stewart committed fraud. But you’d rather try to smear him without evidence than deal with the actual evidence against trump. Typical. Are you a muppet or are you just playing the game?
Lol. *crickets*
it's really the same thing, two sides of the same coin. Valuations while done by the accessors can be wildly off from valuations done by a citizen. I have multiple properties that have varying valuations, and you can make the argument that the accessor is giving favorable treatment to Jon Stewart, are we going after the accessor for that? @Sinister says jon updated his place, that would trigger valuation increases if done properly, but naw, they safe. I have a piece of land that is overvalued by the accessor by 100% (not a typo), aint nobody going to bat on my behalf, bank on that. On top of that, the idea that the bank, who deals with valuations for a living, is ok with Trump's valuation, says it all, it's a non issue, the idea that the bank is defrauded on valuation only comes into play on pitched plays/business startups, but actual property, dont buy it at all, especially a non issue since they were paid back.