Lug's Spear: Unleashed S&P

BJJ Rolling Log

Technique: We practiced more side control escapes. I actually enjoy doing that. I hate being stuck under side control. It was mostly use frames, then make space, recompose guard.

Rolling: I sparred with a couple blue belts an a purple belt. With the blue belts I tapped them a few times. Using mostly heel hooks the 50/50 instructional I’ve been watching. Against the purple belt we went tap for tap. He caught me with a RNC and I got him with a calf slicer from the truck position. We rolled with mma gloves on so it made it a lot harder for me to do my chokes.

Then at the end of class I got a stripe, now a 1 stripe blue belt. I wasn’t expecting it since I didn’t do all the curriculum stuff my instructor asked me to do. I’m pretty happy about it. It was basically a year of consistent training to get the stripe. I tried to upload a picture of my belt, but the file is too big apparently.

3 mile jog on the treadmill in 42 minutes. I had some extra time this morning since my shift was changed to remote due to weather.

Watched an instructional on north south chokes throughout my jog. Trying to do what I can to improve BJJ since I can only train 2x per week.
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3 mile jog in 37:55 min. It was cold in the garage, but that motivated me to get moving.

Watched a heel hook instructional by lachlan Giles throughout the jog. I’ve been having luck with his techniques in the gym lately.
BJJ Rolling Log

Technique: We practiced more side control escapes. I actually enjoy doing that. I hate being stuck under side control. It was mostly use frames, then make space, recompose guard.

Rolling: I sparred with a couple blue belts an a purple belt. With the blue belts I tapped them a few times. Using mostly heel hooks the 50/50 instructional I’ve been watching. Against the purple belt we went tap for tap. He caught me with a RNC and I got him with a calf slicer from the truck position. We rolled with mma gloves on so it made it a lot harder for me to do my chokes.

Then at the end of class I got a stripe, now a 1 stripe blue belt. I wasn’t expecting it since I didn’t do all the curriculum stuff my instructor asked me to do. I’m pretty happy about it. It was basically a year of consistent training to get the stripe. I tried to upload a picture of my belt, but the file is too big apparently.

Congrats, man. :cool:

We practiced some armbar escapes from side control. In rolling I hit a couple darces and north south chokes. One guy kept kimura’ing me from deep half guard. I’ve since watched some videos so hopefully I can prevent it next time.


1 mile jog in the morning and 1 mile walk.
We practiced several escapes from side control. That’s a position I enjoy practicing escaping from.

In rolling I was paired with another blue belt for 30 minutes. We didn’t switch partners so no real break. My opponent was bigger and stronger, but I managed to land one sub (an Americana). I didn’t expect for that to actually work on a much strong opponent, but I think he relied too much on his strength to try to defend it. He caught me in an arm triangle when I made a mistake and let him free his leg to finish it. All in all I was pleased with the rolling since I felt pretty comfortable under side control even when I was flat. That’s a big improvement for me.

3 mile jog in 45 minutes on the treadmill. 5 minute walk cooldown. Yesterday I took an ibuprofen and stretched out my hamstrings… magically the knee pain and catching went away. I can’t help but wonder if it was my knee bar injury or deadlifting 3-4x a week in the past that lead to these knee issues… or that half marathon. I’m just trying to appreciate that I can have the time to jog before work. I’m on a good running streak right now and want to keep it going.
We worked on some guard passing today from standing. I enjoyed practicing the passes, not sure what it was called. Maybe staple pass? I was kind of disappointed in my rolling performance. The one guy I paired up with first tapped me a couple times. I usually am pretty even with him, but today he was much better than me. The other rolls I had with another person were decent, but I still didn’t tap them as much as I usually do. Maybe it just wasn’t my day
BJJ Log 1/5/2024

We did some half guard passing, primarily the tripod pass. We did some sparring with mma gloves where you are just tapping the person with your gloves to simulate someone trying to hit you while rolling. Then last 10 minutes we took the gloves off and did regular nogi sparring. I usually do well against the guy I was paired up with: I caught him with crucifix, guillotine, short choke from back. I tried north south choke, but changed it into a guillotine when he turned over. Trying to specialize more in those chokes.

Did some bench press this morning, knee is still a little sore from running. Trying to just take it easy and not get injured these days.
I’ve been working out and still doing BJJ. Just haven’t been logging. The knee pain stuff really slowed me down. Hopefully it’s good to go now.


Technique: We practiced breaking down posture from closed guard and triangle chokes. I enjoyed it even though I don’t typically go for too many triangles.

Rolling: I rolled with a purple belt for 30 minutes yesterday. He tapped me with a shoulder lock and an ankle lock. I feel like he got me one other time too. At one point he got side control on me and was just trying to apply pressure. I felt that horrible squirming feeling where you want to tap to pressure since you can’t breathe. Instead of tapping I rolled over away from him and jnto turtle and managed to escape his back take. Otherwise I had some decent deep half guard sweeps and a couple good attempts at heel hooks. Still playing with my outside senkaku leg lock position and it’s getting more comfortable.
Still training here. Signed up for a 10k race in July been running much more. Did 4 mile jog yesterday and 2 mile jog this morning. Did BJJ on last Saturday. Had trouble with getting stuck under side control on this bigger guy. Going to refocus my instructions studying to pin escapes. Lost 2 pounds last week from jogging nearly everyday.