Macho man was absolutely gold

I Think his in ring work was slightly better than Flairs tbh, but Flair certainly has him beat on the mic. They both had some pretty epic feuds. Flair is still my all time greatest. I could definitely see how someone could make the case for Macho. He was top tier.
Macho was much better in the ring than Flair. Flair was a good bump taker but he was nothing special when it came to offense.

Macho could hang with anyone on the mic
I had a VHS tape (still have it actually) with a match between Lawler and him in '83. Their work together was art in terms of wrestling. I always think about how cool that must have been pre-internet and just regaling people with what you saw. My parents used to describe Haystack Calhoun to me as a kid and I couldn't wrap my head around it. I agree with you on this take.
Even though Savage was just coming out of ICW at the time, just the thought of the combined charisma of him and Lawler in 83 must be insane.

I truly miss the days when Wrestlers were larger than life insane people who probably couldnt do any other job or end up in jail or in an asylum hahaha.

Nowadays Wrestling is like basically the opposite and you have to really have your shit together to be a top guy.
Even though Savage was just coming out of ICW at the time, just the thought of the combined charisma of him and Lawler in 83 must be insane.

I truly miss the days when Wrestlers were larger than life insane people who probably couldnt do any other job or end up in jail or in an asylum hahaha.

Nowadays Wrestling is like basically the opposite and you have to really have your shit together to be a top guy.
You know what it was for me? Kayfabe. I heard tales of Macho man showing up to fight guys in other territories and one I remember he had a revolver or something. The internet took the Kayfabe out of it all I think.
Sucked he always had to play 2nd fiddle to Hogan.

Then stuck on commentary

A main event feud with Bret or even HBK would've been $
He really wanted to do something with Shawn and they werent havin it.
Well guys lived their gimmick. Made a huge difference in everything

I am not as big of a pro wrestling fan as others on here. But this is why Savage was so great to me at least, he had the personality and the complete wrestling package to accommodate it. Such a rare commodity in any era, and he had it down
I am not as big of a pro wrestling fan as others on here. But this is why Savage was so great to me at least, he had the personality and the complete wrestling package to accommodate it. Such a rare commodity in any era, and he had it down
Wrestling might be fake, but the Macho Man isnt. All the best wrestlers are like that.
- Randy Savage was also a very-good actor.

I still watch his promo today. So much passion. A all time great in the ring also. He even could wrestle with today generation.
Wrestling might be fake, but the Macho Man isnt. All the best wrestlers are like that.

- Take that back, bitch!

  • Haha
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Macho was much better in the ring than Flair. Flair was a good bump taker but he was nothing special when it came to offense.

Macho could hang with anyone on the mic

- This. Randy was above Flair as a ring worker. He is his own league when it came to ring work.
Randy was like a Brother to a good friend of our family. They took Randy in for a few years when he was growing up and having problems. This was in Downers Grove (Chicago burbs) . Went out to the bar with Randy several times and HH - came once with him when I was there.

I can say without any doubt everytime I went out with Him an friends after a Chicago event Randy was just a cool ass dude . A nice guy that wasn't full of hi.self like you may think. As for the drugs I'm not saying he didn't just the 8 - 10 times I was with him he didn't seem cooked out at all . From my experience just a great guy to have a beer with.

The one time Hogan came he wasn't a douche per say but definite attitude he wouldn't really acknowledge us which was fine he was a rock star celeb at that time 1991 I guess understandable.

Randy os I'm my top 5 ever


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