Melee Weapon

Crazy Librarian

Feb 18, 2022
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Hello bros, in the last few years criminality in my country has been increasing. What weapon should I have in my house for protection?

I can't buy guns in my country, the laws are very strict here. So I can only settle for melee weapon. I already have baseball bats, but I dont know if it's adequate to fight some robber with a knife.
There a lot of things easy to by in causal supermakret.
For example kifes ppl had been killed with.... usually are like these rather than from special stores.

Then world does have things like construction materials and toola + equipment stores.
A lot of things easily might be used to wound or kill are casual stuff in these.

Use imagination.

If pepper spray isn't allowed to buy then stores with different kind of sprays are awailable.

Also in some countries flare handguns aren't banned while pepper spray is....
From very close range it is...:(:p...
Something that doesn't look like a weapon at first?

Sock with a can of soup inside or rock, or a pad lock.
Isn't it too short? Do you think it can be better to use than baseball bat?
Can you get a taser?
I can yeah. I'm just affraid if a robber use knife, or long bladed weapons. Idk how they got it but from CCTV videos people have posted, a lot of these robbers carry it. Probably handmade.
Isn't it too short? Do you think it can be better to use than baseball bat?

I can yeah. I'm just affraid if a robber use knife, or long bladed weapons. Idk how they got it but from CCTV videos people have posted, a lot of these robbers carry it. Probably handmade.

Depends on what the other guy has I suppose. Can you buy a sword? A Spear?

Is getting attacked a serious concern?

What's the Self-defense laws like? Can you easily use deadly force to defend yourself or is it prohibited?
Depends on what the other guy has I suppose. Can you buy a sword? A Spear?

Is getting attacked a serious concern?

What's the Self-defense laws like? Can you easily use deadly force to defend yourself or is it prohibited?
I have seen katana swords on online shop, I never checked it and don't know if it's real, but this is very good idea haha. I forgot about this. I honestly don't ever want to kill the guy cause it's very complicated laws here.

Yes bro, the last few years has been an increasing amount of robbers. We even got street robbers this last few years, they ride motorbike and use this bladed weapon and rob people at midnights. But this can be easily avoided for me.

It's pretty complicated here, I know one recent viral case a year ago when a guy defended himself against this street robber, manage to kill the robber and he almost got jail time, the police and laws guy argue he didn't have any injury so he shouldnt have killed the robber. But the case went viral in social media so a lot of people protested and he is free.

My best scenario if I have robber would be to not get hurt and also not give the robber some serious injury. These laws are ridiculously stupid at times.
I have seen katana swords on online shop, I never checked it and don't know if it's real, but this is very good idea haha. I forgot about this. I honestly don't ever want to kill the guy cause it's very complicated laws here.

Yes bro, the last few years has been an increasing amount of robbers. We even got street robbers this last few years, they ride motorbike and use this bladed weapon and rob people at midnights. But this can be easily avoided for me.

It's pretty complicated here, I know one recent viral case a year ago when a guy defended himself against this street robber, manage to kill the robber and he almost got jail time, the police and laws guy argue he didn't have any injury so he shouldnt have killed the robber. But the case went viral in social media so a lot of people protested and he is free.

My best scenario if I have robber would be to not get hurt and also not give the robber some serious injury. These laws are ridiculously stupid at times.

Any ultimate choice of weapon or its use must revolve around your local laws. So it sounds like its a sticky situation. Also swords are fairly deadly. Maybe a retractable baton?
Sounds like some practice to be effective should be considered as well.

With a baton you can always attack what's attacking you, (the hand with the knife in it, followed by their face)
Retrachable batton in some counties / areas is special purpose tool. While for example hammer used in construction isn't etc beauties...

Also ofc depends are you in your property and offender had broken in with force or you are walking on the street with some items.

For example in some countries/ jurisdictions bayonet and katana might be weapons, while giant size Chief's knife or axe/ hammer : no.
Tanto in some countries is classified as weapon, in some as kitchen type knife ....etc nuances.
Any ultimate choice of weapon or its use must revolve around your local laws. So it sounds like its a sticky situation. Also swords are fairly deadly. Maybe a retractable baton?
Sounds like some practice to be effective should be considered as well.

With a baton you can always attack what's attacking you, (the hand with the knife in it, followed by their face)
Bro this is also good idea, thanks for your ideas brother. Would baton be more useful than baseball bat you think? Cause baseball is longer and heavier imo. I never hold a baton though so I cant really compare.
Retrachable batton in some counties / areas is special purpose tool. While for example hammer used in construction isn't etc beauties...

Also ofc depends are you in your property and offender had broken in with force or you are walking on the street with some items.

For example in some countries/ jurisdictions bayonet and katana might be weapons, while giant size Chief's knife or axe/ hammer : no.
Tanto in some countries is classified as weapon, in some as kitchen type knife ....etc nuances.
Bro you also make really good idea. If I meet street robber I am done. I def wont be able to carry knife or baseball bat around me without making people suspect it, baton might be the best here. I can also carry it on the street haha
Yeah i mean if i knew i was going to fight someone indoor and i can't have a gun or bow or taser, i guess i'd want a one-handed short spear and oval shield. A short sword for backup, and some hammers or axes i could throw.
Get a rubber antenna and a roll of electrical tape. Roll 80% of the tape on one end so it’s a hard ball, use the rest as the grip.
or just get a really good sized carpentry hammer or pepper spray. if machetes are legal get one of those.
Bro this is also good idea, thanks for your ideas brother. Would baton be more useful than baseball bat you think? Cause baseball is longer and heavier imo. I never hold a baton though so I cant really compare.

Bro you also make really good idea. If I meet street robber I am done. I def wont be able to carry knife or baseball bat around me without making people suspect it, baton might be the best here. I can also carry it on the street haha

As you say, not very discreet to wander the streets with a baseball bat, but might get away with a retractable baton.
or just get a really good sized carpentry hammer or pepper spray.


Also, the flashlight idea someone had is great. I have one of those on my nightstand. The LEDs are bright enough to get hot.

if machetes are legal get one of those.

I think hammers are better. There are machete fights on google where both guys whack away at one another dozens of times, including in the head and neck, and they just keep on fighting. It's like a cat fight but worse. Giving a guy with a knife or gun injuries that will kill him in three days isn't great if he keeps shooting or stabbing you.

Hammers, on the other hand, change the personality of the person hit by them immediately.