No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2009
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I'm on holiday this week. I planned to hit the gym hard, since I'd have plenty of recovery time.

My plan was intact until roughly 00:30 Monday morning, when my father tripped going to the toilet and face-planted into the bedroom door. He suffered bruises to his back, hands and knees, as well as cuts to his head and mouth.

I made him as comfortable as possible and phoned the Ambulance Service. After checking him over, they took us to hospital, so my Dad could be treated by the doctors at Accident and Emergency. He didn't suffer any major injuries, thank God, and after 12 hours of waiting for various tests we were allowed home.

I didn't train at all yesterday because, unless you're some kind of freak like a US Marine or Army Ranger, hard physical training following 30 hours without sleep is not going to end well. But I'll start training today or tomorrow. I won't be going to the gym until I'm sure my Dad can be left safely on his own for at least a couple of hours. And that won't be until the weekend at the very earliest.

So it will Calesthinics and Hill Sprints for the rest of this week. I'm actually quite looking forward to it, as it will be a change of pace. The only problem will be Pull Ups, as my left shoulder still doesn't have full range of motion after being operated on. Can anyone suggest some alternative Bodyweight Pulling Exercises?

Thank you.
I'm on holiday this week. I planned to hit the gym hard, since I'd have plenty of recovery time.

My plan was intact until roughly 00:30 Monday morning, when my father tripped going to the toilet and face-planted into the bedroom door. He suffered bruises to his back, hands and knees, as well as cuts to his head and mouth.

I made him as comfortable as possible and phoned the Ambulance Service. After checking him over, they took us to hospital, so my Dad could be treated by the doctors at Accident and Emergency. He didn't suffer any major injuries, thank God, and after 12 hours of waiting for various tests we were allowed home.

I didn't train at all yesterday because, unless you're some kind of freak like a US Marine or Army Ranger, hard physical training following 30 hours without sleep is not going to end well. But I'll start training today or tomorrow. I won't be going to the gym until I'm sure my Dad can be left safely on his own for at least a couple of hours. And that won't be until the weekend at the very earliest.

So it will Calesthinics and Hill Sprints for the rest of this week. I'm actually quite looking forward to it, as it will be a change of pace. The only problem will be Pull Ups, as my left shoulder still doesn't have full range of motion after being operated on. Can anyone suggest some alternative Bodyweight Pulling Exercises?

Thank you.
Light Band pulls for high reps
I'm on holiday this week. I planned to hit the gym hard, since I'd have plenty of recovery time.

My plan was intact until roughly 00:30 Monday morning, when my father tripped going to the toilet and face-planted into the bedroom door. He suffered bruises to his back, hands and knees, as well as cuts to his head and mouth.

I made him as comfortable as possible and phoned the Ambulance Service. After checking him over, they took us to hospital, so my Dad could be treated by the doctors at Accident and Emergency. He didn't suffer any major injuries, thank God, and after 12 hours of waiting for various tests we were allowed home.

I didn't train at all yesterday because, unless you're some kind of freak like a US Marine or Army Ranger, hard physical training following 30 hours without sleep is not going to end well. But I'll start training today or tomorrow. I won't be going to the gym until I'm sure my Dad can be left safely on his own for at least a couple of hours. And that won't be until the weekend at the very earliest.

So it will Calesthinics and Hill Sprints for the rest of this week. I'm actually quite looking forward to it, as it will be a change of pace. The only problem will be Pull Ups, as my left shoulder still doesn't have full range of motion after being operated on. Can anyone suggest some alternative Bodyweight Pulling Exercises?

Thank you.

True bodyweight pull (no bands or rings) in the above video. Think of pulling yourself forward with your lats and locking them down like a benchpress.
I used to go much lower with my upper arms than he does in this video though.

I would prefer horizontal ring rows personally, but it's always nice to have a fully bodyweight option from that position.

True bodyweight pull (no bands or rings) in the above video. Think of pulling yourself forward with your lats and locking them down like a benchpress.
I used to go much lower with my upper arms than he does in this video though.

I would prefer horizontal ring rows personally, but it's always nice to have a fully bodyweight option from that position.

That's a new one on me. I'll try that later. Thank you.

Dad is improving quite rapidly for a man of his age - 88 this week! - so once I got him settled this morning, I was able to sneak away to the gym for a quickie. ;)

Real bare bones stuff - one big compound exercise, three assistance/isolation exercises. No more than three sets for each one, and no cardio. I didn't even stop for a shower!

Still orders of magnitude better than doing endless rounds of push ups and sit ups, though. :)
I would find a way to do rows with the legs elevated or one-arm rows, depending on your abilities. However, this article might interest you if you want some real strength work that doesn't involve pull-ups.
For simple bw rows, if you have a sturdy table or chair you can use those. You can increase difficulty by raising your feet or performing them one arm.
