Nu'Keese vs. A Lawyer

04/30 - Tue - Topshelf

Bench Press:

195, commands
Add 52 Low Cut Super Katana, guys all said that one was the best and that's what I will stick with for Nationals
215, pretty easy touch, moved like a warmup

Called it there, we tried to get the 50 to touch prior and it wasn't happening with anything less than 220+, shoulder got agitated in that shirt. Went to the 52 and got it on pretty easy and it felt great, easy touch on first try with 215.
05/04 - Sat - Tune up meet for Nationals

2024 Powerlifting America Super States

-Weight: 113.3
-Squat: 277.5, 297.5, 307.5, 10/2.5 PR
-Bench: 207.5, 217.5, 227.5, 5 PR
-Deadlift: 260, 280, 295
-Total: 830.0, 7.5 PR
GL - 82.077/82.898, DOTS - 486.257, Wilks - 484.238, Age DOTS - 491.12

Everything was pretty easy, minus the last deadlift, probably should have gone for the 292.5 as planned. Lots of room in the tank on squat and bench press. Reclaimed or improved on all my Open State records. Will stick with the shirt, but might go with a different squat and deadlift suit. Will know this week.
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05/04 - Sat - Tune up meet for Nationals

2024 Powerlifting America Super States

-Weight: 113.3
-Squat: 277.5, 297.5, 307.5, 10/2.5 PR
-Bench: 207.5, 217.5, 227.5, 5 PR
-Deadlift: 260, 280, 295
-Total: 830.0, 7.5 PR
GL - 82.077/82.898, DOTS - 486.257, Wilks - 484.238, Age DOTS - 491.12

Everything was pretty easy, minus the last deadlift, probably should have gone for the 292.5 as planned. Lots of room in the tank on squat and bench press. Reclaimed or improved on all my Open State records. Will stick with the shirt, but might go with a different squat and deadlift suit. Will know this week.

Congrats on the new records!
Week of 05/06-05/11

Light training through the week, went through raw warmups.
05/11 - S - 280, will most likely open there, B - 222.5, 215 will be the opener, D - 260, will open around there
2024 Powerlifting America Classic Nationals

-Weight: 113.4
-Squat: 200, 225, 245
-Bench: 177.5, 190, 200, Tied PR lol, first time back at 200 as an M1
-Deadlift: 245, 267.5, 292.5x
-Total: 712.5
GL - 84.93, DOTS - 417.29

Squat: Took bigger jumps in order to save energy for Monday. Initially we planned on taking 5-6 total attempts just to use it as a training day, but my ego got the best of me here. Probably could have gone 215, 237.5, 255 and been fine for the 700 on Monday, an positioned myself to beat Mercer.

Bench Press: Sandbagged in order to PR bench in 2 days, should have loaded the 202.5 for an all time meet PR, wasn't 100% sure 200 would be there since I haven't prioritized raw at all.

Deadlift: Had a wart on my hand that hadn't completely healed so I knew grip would be an issue with anything over 275, and the lack of subtotal bit me in the butt here. Warmups felt good so I decided to push deads, tried to pull into 2nd (Prime time lifter blew us out with his openers later that night) but couldn't get the lock out. Also decided to wear my SBD sleeves because my right knee was tender.

2024 Powerlifting America Equipped Nationals

-Weight: 113.3
-Squat: 280, 300, 317.5, +10
-Bench: 212.5, 225, 240, +12.5
-Deadlift: 255, 275, 292.5
-Total: 850.0 +30
GL - 84.05, DOTS - 497.97
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