NXT Stand & Deliver 2024: The Don is Taking Over.

I can't think of her name right now, but there is another woman in NXT that has the exact same gimmick as Thea Hale. She hangs out with Edris Enofe and that other guy who can't get over.
Wade Barrett gets to do something this weekend.....good for him
This muffugga dancing on chairs......flash dance ass.....may as well have Oh What Feelin as his entrance music.
Thought that was the way they were going with Ridge when he was "announcing", but I thought it was Spears he was going to attack.
They really trying to Foley up Joe Gacy aren't they.
That DDT was pretty cool.
Are these kids trying to trigger Papa H's heart by making his finish a nearfall?
Shawn Spears have heat? Opponent was attacked beforehand and still lost.
Fun little match from what I caught.
Sam Roberts looks like if a retard drew Triple H from memory.
I forgot his name (thankfully) but he is basically that polish dude who used to post here who said he looked like Haitch