Crime NY DA refuses to stop for police officer, flouts her privilege, ignores commands, and berates officer, who is too afraid to make arrest.


Duty Belt
Oct 27, 2005
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Wow. Normally, when someone talks about privilege, I roll my eyes. In fact, my eyes roll back in my head like a great white shark eating a seal. But this story reeks of it.

This woman is a district attorney in New York and was speeding 20 mph over the limit(55 mph in a 35mph zone). Officer lights her up and she refuses to stop, driving all the way to her house. She claims she didn’t know it was her that he was trying to pull over because she was on the phone, even when turning onto her street and then pulling into her garage. She refuses to follow the officer’s orders and simply walks around, walks into her house, calls the chief of police (whom should have told his officer to arrest her), berates the officer, actually badges him, and acts as though she is above the law and the laws don’t apply to her.

Now, for the officer. I am guessing he is a young, fairly new police officer, whom is intimidated by this woman’s arrogance and position. This video is so frustrating on so many levels. So many damn times she should have been arrested, and while the officer remains calm, he is clearly scared to do what he would do if this woman was anyone other than “THE DA”(as she states).

Here is where the privilege comes in. If this were any normal person, they would have been in handcuffs and if they refused, and I am absolutely positive she would resist, they would be eating pavement.

Every officer is different, but she simply runs over this timid officer simply because she believes that she can (and he lets her do it). Before I completely blast this officer, I have been in similar circumstances when I had pulled over our former mayor and even a magistrate one time.

The mayor was very early in my career (less than one year) and I was intimidated, especially when my partner said “well, it was nice working with you.” And to complicate matters further, he was the brother-in-law to the partner I would have the following year(we had just finished picking our assignments and I was low man, so I ended up working a beat and with partners not of my choice). Basically, this was a total clusterfuck.

This particular mayor was rumored to be dirty, which was later proven true. He later (after his term ended) got wrapped up in embezzling. Our chief at the time was also rumored to be in the mayor’s pocket, and actually ended up resigning after he was caught on video gambling at this mayor’s “coffee shop” while on duty.

On a side note, this mayor owned a few bars, coffee shops, and gambling joints (rumors of mafia also were present) and pushed through a law that allowed the “coffee shops” to have electronic gambling machines.

We actually had Starbucks try to come into the city (this was way back in 2002/2003 and I desperately wanted a Starbucks-now we have 4) and he blocked it because it would compete with his coffee shops. Like I said, he used his power and authority to benefit his own interests like most politicians do now.

And I am certain now, as I was back then, that had I taken action, I would have at the very least, be treated harshly by the chief and my future partner (who was a grizzled old vet that liked to throw his rank and time around), but there was a legitimate fear that it would either end or severely scar my career. I live and worked in a medium sized city and this mayor had power and influence over our chief. I pulled him over for running a stop sign and speeding. When I approached the vehicle, he was rude and dismissive, and said “yeah, yeah-I know. I don’t stop and was going too fast. Give me my lecture and let me be on my way.” Again, I had less than a year on the department and was scared to do my job. I was never, ever a traffic cop. I hated doing traffic stops unless I knew there was drugs or weapons, but I was in the bottom tier when it came to writing tickets-I preferred to “give the lecture” and a warning-provided everything checked out.

So, in many ways, I ended up doing what I would have done with any other citizen-release with a warning, but I did so out of fear rather than my usual “officer friendly-don’t do that again” demeanor. But arrogant and dismissive subjects were much more likely to get a ticket than someone that admitted and acknowledged their wrongs and seemed regretful.

Looking back at my career, I have a few regrets and incidents I wished I had handled differently, and this incident was one of them. Again, I wasn’t a ticket writer, but I was afraid for my job and in this city, there are certain people you don’t cross, even to this day. But I would certainly hope that if I were in this officer’s shoes, that an arrest would be made.

She has since apologized and gov honchul launched an investigation. Hopefully, she is fired. But make no mistake, honchul blasted her for disrespecting an officer-yet honchul is known to not like the police from what I have heard. The family of a slain officer told her to leave the funeral. I think this is political for her because this nasty bitch is a republican and honchul bleeds blue to her core.

I don't know why this surprises people. The whole democracy and justice is blind thing was always something sold to the masses to prevent revolts. In reality those in government and the people that they're in bed with have always been above the law. The point of modern law and the modern justice system is to allow the elites to do whatever they want while keeping the normal person in check. Cops and judges work for politicians and the wealthy.
Already a thread . . .

I don't know why this surprises people. The whole democracy and justice is blind thing was always something sold to the masses to prevent revolts. In reality those in government and the people that they're in bed with have always been above the law. The point of modern law and the modern justice system is to allow the elites to do whatever they want while keeping the normal person in check. Cops and judges work for politicians and the wealthy.

Because in older law and older justice systems the elites never got away with anything right?

Democracy isn't perfect but it the system with the most checks and balances, in a dictatorship the police guy would probably be fired on the spot.
Because in older law and older justice systems the elites never got away with anything right?

Democracy isn't perfect but it the system with the most checks and balances, in a dictatorship the police guy would probably be fired on the spot.
We don't have democracy though. We have a two party duopoly where both parties are bought and paid for and basically campaign on lies to the people that they seldom follow through on, which is fraud. The point is that democracy, at least on the federal level, is a myth. It doesn't exist.

The elites begrudgingly accepted democracy some time ago in the West because the people wouldn't tolerate any openly draconian form of government anymore. So they have to do it more subtly and with more subterfuge.
The elites begrudgingly accepted democracy some time ago in the West because the people wouldn't tolerate any openly draconian form of government anymore. So they have to do it more subtly and with more subterfuge.
So what's this marvelous system that would had been implemented if Democracy wasn't a thing?
So what's this marvelous system that would had been implemented if Democracy wasn't a thing?
An actual democracy would be nice. But the powers that be won't allow it and the people of the West are too stupid and lazy to implement it.
An actual democracy would be nice.
What is an actual democracy? no Constitution? no Laws? the majority just gets together once in a while to discuss and whatever the 50%+1 decides goes?

But the powers that be won't allow it and the people of the West are too stupid and lazy to implement it.
Or maybe it goes against human nature and thus such a system only exists in the mind of commies who always promise true democracy but end up giving us brutal dictatorships.
What is an actual democracy? no Constitution? no Laws? the majority just gets together once in a while to discuss and whatever the 50%+1 decides goes?

Or maybe it goes against human nature and thus such a system only exists in the mind of commies who always promise true democracy but end up giving us brutal dictatorships.
frankly, there should be more support for a 3rd party. people are afraid they throw away their vote but these 2 parties currently suck ass and the majority of people don't trust them and simply vote against the other party..........
frankly, there should be more support for a 3rd party. people are afraid they throw away their vote but these 2 parties currently suck ass and the majority of people don't trust them and simply vote against the other party..........

Absolutely. And also, often the independents tend to be kooks. I usually end up voting against one person instead of for the other one. It sucks.

And I rarely get political in my normal life, but I had to rail against a man running for judge. Long story short, he violated the sixth amendment rights of a very good friend and the best cop I have ever met in a domestic trial that is all on video. My buddy and his girl broke up. She showed up at his place to get her stuff-a pair of jeans, two shirts, and shampoo. That’s it! Anyway, he went out the back and waited for her to leave for over an hour. She didn’t know that he left to avoid her so she was waiting for him to come home. After waiting that long, he went home, but turned his video camera on before entering. They argue and he asks he 131 times to leave. She starts hitting him and daring him to hit her. She takes off her shoe and starts hitting him. He then pulls out his phone to show that he has been recording and she tries to take his phone and hits him on the head with the shoe and eventually corners him. She ends up hitting him in the eye and he backhands her. He got charged with felony domestic battery and this prick ada dragged the case out for over two years, leaving my friend in limbo and unable to work. I was in my masters program at this point and I kept telling him that his 6th rights to a speedy trial were being violated. Finally, his lawyer (who is friends with the prick) brought it up at the next court date and it was dismissed. My friend almost killed himself over this shit all because the ada was too much of a pussy to tell her she should have been charged. Anyway, I ranted on fb about it
This is not the first time it happened. Judges, District Attorneys, and Politicians all believe they are above the law.

Judge got pulled over because he was tailgating the cop who was in an unmarked car. The cop pulled into the left turn lane to let him pass and the judge hit his horn as he passed. Then the cop pulled behind him and pulled him over for tailgating. The judge turned himself in for the tail gating and got a written reprimand from the judicial review board.
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Absolutely. And also, often the independents tend to be kooks. I usually end up voting against one person instead of for the other one. It sucks.

And I rarely get political in my normal life, but I had to rail against a man running for judge. Long story short, he violated the sixth amendment rights of a very good friend and the best cop I have ever met in a domestic trial that is all on video. My buddy and his girl broke up. She showed up at his place to get her stuff-a pair of jeans, two shirts, and shampoo. That’s it! Anyway, he went out the back and waited for her to leave for over an hour. She didn’t know that he left to avoid her so she was waiting for him to come home. After waiting that long, he went home, but turned his video camera on before entering. They argue and he asks he 131 times to leave. She starts hitting him and daring him to hit her. She takes off her shoe and starts hitting him. He then pulls out his phone to show that he has been recording and she tries to take his phone and hits him on the head with the shoe and eventually corners him. She ends up hitting him in the eye and he backhands her. He got charged with felony domestic battery and this prick ada dragged the case out for over two years, leaving my friend in limbo and unable to work. I was in my masters program at this point and I kept telling him that his 6th rights to a speedy trial were being violated. Finally, his lawyer (who is friends with the prick) brought it up at the next court date and it was dismissed. My friend almost killed himself over this shit all because the ada was too much of a pussy to tell her she should have been charged. Anyway, I ranted on fb about it

Why TF is the justice system so reluctant to charge women?

My prediction for this DA. The cop still gets fucked in the department. Not outright fired because terrible PR, but he'll probably be treated like shit, given the worst hours, no overtime, etc.
Why TF is the justice system so reluctant to charge women?

My prediction for this DA. The cop still gets fucked in the department. Not outright fired because terrible PR, but he'll probably be treated like shit, given the worst hours, no overtime, etc.

What’s funny is I saw the prosecutor yesterday at the store, who unfortunately, won his election to circuit court judge. We ignored each other, but word got back to me that he was absolutely pissed off about my post. Hopefully, I will never need a circuit court judge to decide my best interests.

I don’t know why he refused to charge her, especially after seeing the video of her smacking this cop with a shoe and calling him a pussy, then trying to grab his phone when she saw he was recording. They should have dropped his charges immediately and went after her, but she filed charges first and they kept their case against him despite exsculpatory evidence
What is an actual democracy? no Constitution? no Laws? the majority just gets together once in a while to discuss and whatever the 50%+1 decides goes?

Or maybe it goes against human nature and thus such a system only exists in the mind of commies who always promise true democracy but end up giving us brutal dictatorships.
What good are laws if they're not enforced equally? What good is the Constitution if it's routinely ignored by the authorities?

Government and the extremely wealthy do what they want want they want, routinely ignore laws. The courts and police exist to do their bidding almost exclusively. Democracy and equal application of law does not exist.
What good are laws if they're not enforced equally? What good is the Constitution if it's routinely ignored by the authorities?

Government and the extremely wealthy do what they want want they want, routinely ignore laws. The courts and police exist to do their bidding almost exclusively. Democracy and equal application of law does not exist.

Nirvana fallacy.

"Something is not perfect so lets destroy it entirely".

You sounding a lot like the "defund the police" crowd.
Why TF is the justice system so reluctant to charge women?

My prediction for this DA. The cop still gets fucked in the department. Not outright fired because terrible PR, but he'll probably be treated like shit, given the worst hours, no overtime, etc.
- Cops here have to be concursed. They cant have a union, but also cant be fired at a drop of a hat. But things like this one in op happens here. But also theres several times that the cops ignore the: You know who i am?
I recognize my own hypocrisy when I see videos like this- because I desperately wanted the cop to footsweep her onto her ass, roughly cuff her and then charge for her resisting.