International Peru Classifies Transgenderism and Intersexism As Mental Illness

In Canada when they stop doing dumb shit like putting through Bill's that force compelled speech. And it's not just right winger who think that. It's pretty much everyone except the brainwashed

"You will use their pronouns. Or it will be prosecuted as a hate crime"

Government can legislate things we can't say as hate speech. You can't use the N word and harass people makes perfect sense. They should never have the power to tell us what we have to say "or else".

The slippery slope of 1 government setting the precedent for being able to legislate what you must say on their command, the next government can then piggyback off previous bills that were forced through and completely bend its intent with ease.

C16 passed almost eight years ago, do you still think that's what it does?

When it hit the press I was listening to a lot of Jordan Peterson, not because of C16 but his lectures. I found him interesting and his message of making the world better by making yourself stronger resonated. When he started talking about C16 I was pretty open to hearing him out because he was educated, intelligent and seemed reasonable.

He was wrong. If I'd been more skeptical I would have seen it right from the start, just by reading the bill. The bill is intended to prohibit people from deliberately misgendering people to dehumanize them, like Peterson did repeatedly with Elliot Page, and Shapiro did when he accidentally used someone's chosen pronoun and then corrected himself to misgender. Violating C16 doesn't get you put into prison; it's been more than seven years and how much has it done?

Do I agree with the bill? No. The world is filled with miserable cunts who enjoy persecuting minorities, but unless speech incites violence I don't think it should be legally prohibited. I'm perfectly happy with someone being fired or canceled for that kind of behavior, but I don't think it should be at the government level.

I don't think transgenderism is a mental illness, I think body dysmorphia is (sort of). Gender is a social construct and we decided how men and women act and dress, why is it an illness for someone to feel better expressing themselves as other than sex designated at birth? Dysmorphia is different but I'd call it a condition, not an illness. Why condition and not illness? Because I don't feel compelled to dehumanize people. These aren't creatures or monsters, they're people.
Can we stop with this tired response already? Its a serious social issue, acting like people are out of bounds wanting to discuss it is a very low IQ, low effort response.
It's related to the standard progressist activist "why do you care" rebuttal. Most of these activist posts are copy pasted, if not AI generated accounts.