Locked PWD 1162: Spring Breakin'

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I just turned in my last research paper for this round of classes. Goodbye biological psychology and history and systems of psychology. Already registered for my next two classes that start in a week - intro to counseling and experimental psychology. 4 more classes and Im done!


Im just gonna say something and I dont care who has a problem with it or who it offends, congratulations, Rex, and thats a shoot!
Those girls are dimes incarnate, B.


I need each of them to beat the dog shit out of me until I'm pissing blood. Like that scene in Casino when Pesci and his brother get killed with the bats. Except don't kill me, just bring me as close to death as possible. The doctors have to put me in a medically induced coma. My family is worried I'm going to die. I'm in the coma for 9 months and the first thing I say when I come to with my wife and kids all around is, "damn that was a lot of ass"

I just turned in my last research paper for this round of classes. Goodbye biological psychology and history and systems of psychology. Already registered for my next two classes that start in a week - intro to counseling and experimental psychology. 4 more classes and Im done!


Today is my last day as well for this round. I almost had a meltdown an hour ago. My paper was getting auto saved to onedrive instead of my computer where I saved the file, which corrupted the entire document somehow. Luckily there were 2 auto saves in the cache of my PC, one with only 2 pages written and one only missing the last page. I got lucky as fuck and just had to rewrite the last page instead of the entire 10 pages. Shit is due in like 2 and a half hours lol

I'm glad I knew about word documents having cached earlier version copies, I was worried those might've been corrupted as well, but luckily they weren't.
Now I gotta write a quick 3 page paper last minute cause I'm a procrastinating fuck.
Today is my last day as well for this round. I almost had a meltdown an hour ago. My paper was getting auto saved to onedrive instead of my computer where I saved the file, which corrupted the entire document somehow. Luckily there were 2 auto saves in the cache of my PC, one with only 2 pages written and one only missing the last page. I got lucky as fuck and just had to rewrite the last page instead of the entire 10 pages. Shit is due in like 2 and a half hours lol

I'm glad I knew about word documents having cached earlier version copies, I was worried those might've been corrupted as well, but luckily they weren't.

Damn! Something similar happened to me like 6 months ago. Power went out and I didn't have autosave because some weird shit going on with my one drive. I just manually save it to my PC once in a while but I forgot. When my PC came back I found the earlier version so I got lucky. Didn't even know it did that.
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Today is my last day as well for this round. I almost had a meltdown an hour ago. My paper was getting auto saved to onedrive instead of my computer where I saved the file, which corrupted the entire document somehow. Luckily there were 2 auto saves in the cache of my PC, one with only 2 pages written and one only missing the last page. I got lucky as fuck and just had to rewrite the last page instead of the entire 10 pages. Shit is due in like 2 and a half hours lol

I'm glad I knew about word documents having cached earlier version copies, I was worried those might've been corrupted as well, but luckily they weren't.

Good job, Based, and if anybody dont like that, too damn bad!
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