Locked PWD 1162: Spring Breakin'

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Quick question:

What is the deal with CM Punk and the straight edge thing?

When I was in college, there was a group of people who called themselves straight edge- they went to events but their claim to fame was they were always sober, never did any drugs.

Is CM Punk claiming EVERYONE ELSE in wrestling is on drugs?

That's.... a lot of drugs.
Quick question:

What is the deal with CM Punk and the straight edge thing?

When I was in college, there was a group of people who called themselves straight edge- they went to events but their claim to fame was they were always sober, never did any drugs.

Is CM Punk claiming EVERYONE ELSE in wrestling is on drugs?

That's.... a lot of drugs.
Straight edge is a cornerstone of punk rock so it’s just a part of his personality. It’s more about that than a statement on the wrestling world
Gonna finish this term with an A in this dumb ass business management class that is stupid and I hated writing all of these dumb ass papers for and a B in Calculus cause fuck math, math is stupid and can go fuck itself. Calculus can get boned!
Math is important! Without math, you can't calculate the odds of beating Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle at Sackerfice.
Quick question:

What is the deal with CM Punk and the straight edge thing?

When I was in college, there was a group of people who called themselves straight edge- they went to events but their claim to fame was they were always sober, never did any drugs.

Is CM Punk claiming EVERYONE ELSE in wrestling is on drugs?

That's.... a lot of drugs.
He used to use it to good effect for his gimmick. It wasn't just wrestlers who couldn't live up to his standards, it was the fans too.

I don''t think he actually cares, just a heel doing holier than thou heel things
Booker T worked a match at the Houston Roughnecks football game yesterday

He didn’t look like he was trying that hard to me, Rex! Was he working, brother?!

I'll just say this, he wouldn't last in my promotion. I'm paying him to win races!

Someone check on Dax


Does he send the same Tweets to Corny, Im not talking shit, Im honestly curious here, I know they had a love affair for awhile so Im just wondering if young Dax's staunch support of AE-Dub has driven a wedge between that like Corny and Meltzer
Does he send the same Tweets to Corny, Im not talking shit, Im honestly curious here, I know they had a love affair for awhile so Im just wondering if young Dax's staunch support of AE-Dub has driven a wedge between that like Corny and Meltzer

I don't think so. I'm not sure, though. I thought Corny turned on FTR a couple years ago.
Planned on making chili dogs for dinner tonight but what I thought were 100% all beef franks in the back of my freezer turned out to be polish sausages
Gonna attempt this anyways, not sure if the tastes will go well together or if i will unleash an unholy hell beast to devour us all, only one way to know for sure, I guess...
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