Sherdogger Gregolian has passed away


Wasn´t he in his early 30s? That´s just way to soon.

RIP sherbro

Horrible news. When I didn't post much for a couple of years and then came back he'd gone from being a college kid to full grown working man, it was night and day different how much he had grown up. I can't remember who but someone was being a tosser in the OT and he flippin launched on the guy. He went from a nice college guy who only really cared about his parents and his dog to this albeit online real force to be reckoned with. I wouldn't have liked to get on the wrong side of him.

RIP, bro. He and I used to be really pally in the plats a few years back.
Damn... It really sucks to see some of us go. Most of us are young(ish) so it's always a surprise and yet a reminder of the fragility of life.

My thoughts are with his loved ones and those here who were close to him.
My fucking eyes are leaking again. I don't have enough likes and I don't know every poster in here, but I wish Rebelfett would come in here and light it up with teh likes for us...