We're back!!! Anyone else feeling a tad discombobulated?

Good on the mods/admins for making it in time for this weekend's card, though!

Peace and love!

Glad to be back and there was no likepocalypse 2.0, though they did change the simple like system to some weak sauce Facebook reaction system. I will refuse to use any other reactions apart from the "like"

Also I don't understand why we had go to a new forum service.

Glad to be back and there was no likepocalypse 2.0, though they did change the simple like system to some weak sauce Facebook reaction system. I will refuse to use any other reactions apart from the "like"

Also I don't understand why we had go to a new forum service.

Yeah I like the previous format just the way it was but hey, we'll get used to this.
I didn't even realize you can react "angry" too.
JFC, I first thought the prolonged "maintenance" was because they fucked up the "UI".
Now I can see this was intended.
Everything is "zoomed out", ffs.
My eyes, my FCKIN EYES! <45><45><45><45><Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>
The Bellator PBP was difficult to navigate through tonight. No pages, scrolling would not end, and the lettering makes it difficult to see.

I stated I’ll lurk on the PBP, but posting is way to much of a hassle when I can’t read what the heck I’m typing.

Don’t like it at all. Even posting gifs, into the designated spot is weird when it shows up in the wrong area and says file to large.

The gif I’m trying to add now won’t even load?????
Glad to be back and there was no likepocalypse 2.0, though they did change the simple like system to some weak sauce Facebook reaction system. I will refuse to use any other reactions apart from the "like"

Also I don't understand why we had go to a new forum service.

Software how does it work. Shit was outdated bro quit crying n your blanky
Im about to commit suicide because of this forum layout.
Also check out my orange belt, it's literally bugged the fuck out.
Also also, you don't even see the "Location" of the user anymore, which is #1 bullshit.
Glad to be back and there was no likepocalypse 2.0, though they did change the simple like system to some weak sauce Facebook reaction system. I will refuse to use any other reactions apart from the "like"

Also I don't understand why we had go to a new forum service.


Yeah there was nothing wrong with the old one, and like you said...this "like" thing is stupid.
Having a Facebook thumb is fuckin awful.

LiveLeak did the same thing when it wasn't necessary and it cost them a ton of members.
Eventually the site shut down.