So Gordon Ryan is openly admitting steroid use ?


Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Mar 21, 2016
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Am I late to the party or something? We all know he's been on the juice for years it's no secret but since when is he openly admitting to taking it ? Is it the first time or is ite coming out of hibernation ? Seems way to casual about it

Am I late to the party or something? We all know he's been on the juice for years it's no secret but since when is he openly admitting to taking it ? Is it the first time or is ite coming out of hibernation ? Seems way to casual about it

Funny that he is admitting he loses so much weight because he hasn't built 'real muscle'.
That's a mental weakness he compensates for with steroids.

I agree with those who are pointing out its  way too early to be considering this guy the best Eva at nogi or some shit...he will lose, and his confidence it seems is partly based upon the juice.

To be be at Ricksons level he needed to stick to the Gracie diet.
Funny that he is admitting he loses so much weight because he hasn't built 'real muscle'.
That's a mental weakness he compensates for with steroids.

I agree with those who are pointing out its  way too early to be considering this guy the best Eva at nogi or some shit...he will lose, and his confidence it seems is partly based upon the juice.

To be be at Ricksons level he needed to stick to the Gracie diet.

wut wait brother, he's a juicehead sure but of course he's the best ever at nogi. If not who is ? The guy beat Galvao handily not to long ago.
wut wait brother, he's a juicehead sure but of course he's the best ever at nogi. If not who is ? The guy beat Galvao handily not to long ago.
He is extremely good don't get me wrong.
If by 'nogi' you mean the very new and young sport which is hybrid of BJJ and submission wrestling then he is the best so far. It isn't saying that much at this point to be honest, the sport has so few really competing at the top level until recent years. There's plenty of time for him to both lose and be surpassed. Especially since he admits to having a fake juice body.

He has no takedowns so he can't be considered the best sub wrestler of all time imo and he never did MMA so he never tested his skills to see if they translate.
He is extremely good don't get me wrong.
If by 'nogi' you mean the very new and young sport which is hybrid of BJJ and submission wrestling then he is the best so far. It isn't saying that much at this point to be honest, the sport has so few really competing at the top level until recent years. There's plenty of time for him to both lose and be surpassed. Especially since he admits to having a fake juice body.

He has no takedowns so he can't be considered the best sub wrestler of all time imo and he never did MMA so he never tested his skills to see if they translate.

he's the best at roided up no gi BJJ. Or he was until steroids destroyed his body
He is extremely good don't get me wrong.
If by 'nogi' you mean the very new and young sport which is hybrid of BJJ and submission wrestling then he is the best so far. It isn't saying that much at this point to be honest, the sport has so few really competing at the top level until recent years. There's plenty of time for him to both lose and be surpassed. Especially since he admits to having a fake juice body.

He has no takedowns so he can't be considered the best sub wrestler of all time imo and he never did MMA so he never tested his skills to see if they translate.
He landed takedowns in many of his recent matches.
I'm not saying he's clean. I don't think he is.
But to say he's admitting juicing from that post shows a hell of a lack of reading comprehension.
I'm not your fucking English teacher. Get someone else to figure it out for you. Good grief.
I'm not saying he's clean. I don't think he is.
But to say he's admitting juicing from that post shows a hell of a lack of reading comprehension.
I'm not your fucking English teacher. Get someone else to figure it out for you. Good grief.

lmao. Seriously it can easily be seen as an admission too. That he built "real muscles" during his steroid cycle so he didn't lose everything off the stero like the other guys.

Just like when Jone said he beat cormier "off the steroids"
All this ''roid'' is ok culture is dangerous

You have all sorts of skinny kids that want that roid look and they would be more than decent by just working out clean

In combat sports it's nothing short of criminal to use
All this ''roid'' is ok culture is dangerous

You have all sorts of skinny kids that want that roid look and they would be more than decent by just working out clean

In combat sports it's nothing short of criminal to use
Roids are pretty much the norm in HW nogi. Everybody uses them.
lmao. Seriously it can easily be seen as an admission too. That he built "real muscles" during his steroid cycle so he didn't lose everything off the stero like the other guys.

Just like when Jone said he beat cormier "off the steroids"
The speech/language pathologist and English teacher in me wants to parse his sentences and explain slowly and in a soothing voice to you why it's not an admission of guilt.

The Sherdogger in me wants to call you "a fucking retard" and move on.

And right now, the Sherdogger is winning!
Forgive me if I'm being Captain Obvious, but this a load of horseshit.

1) he's not the best looking human to have ever existed. Gordon is no Akiyama.

2) maintaining size through sickness is not a matter of how juiced you were or weren't or whether your pre sickness physique was "real" enough. It's a matter of how sick you were and what was happening.

If a guy went from 235 to 165 after nearly dying from covid and spending four months in the ICU his loss of mass really has fuck all to do with his training prior to nearly dying of covid. People dying from cancer, AIDS, or other severe health issues can lose weight like a motherfucker regardless of how "real" their muscles were previously.

If Gordon has something technical to say about sport jiu jitsu I'll listen, I find him to be a much better teacher of John Danaher's system than John himself because he can stay on topic and get to the point.

But outside of his area of expertise, Gordon has habitually proven that he is no more knowledgeable on a wide variety of non jiu jitsu topics than any other high school dropout.
In combat sports it's nothing short of criminal to use
In something like MMA roid use is fair play as 100% of your opponents will use, and it would be crazy and stupid to destroy your health fighting and weight cutting clean.
In something like MMA roid use is fair play as 100% of your opponents will use, and it would be crazy and stupid to destroy your health fighting and weight cutting clean.
Same thing in competitive BJJ / grappling, everybody uses it, it's appaling

In a perfect world testing would be so precise that nobody will try it, but that's the world we live in
Same thing in competitive BJJ / grappling, everybody uses it, it's appaling

In a perfect world testing would be so precise that nobody will try it, but that's the world we live in

IBJJF does test the podium at worlds and masters worlds, Cyborg threw a big temper tantrum after fleeing the podium in 2023 and is now banned for a couple of years.

IBJJF does plenty of dumb shit too, and the little testing they do isn't nearly enough, but there's a reason Gordon won't go to IBJJF nogi worlds and sticks to ADCC who has the testing policy of Pride.