So who shoulda won Arman or Charles?

Charles had good moments though. Hard to judge submission attempts cause you don't know if the guy is almost out or completely fine and just biting his time.
The right decision was made period end of story
Oliveira obviously won, he did more damage and was close to ending the fight at multiple occasions.

Arman did nothing but sit in guard and stall, got lit up on the feet, and never once attempted to even try to score a finish.

Enough rewarding point fighters
Exactly. Seemed like this shit ended with GSP retiring, but here we are again with all these Caucasus lay and prayers (not Makachev/Khabib who legitimately ended fights) entering the game. Bring in pride yellow cards already ffs.
Arman won and that's fair. But it's important to re-iterate to the unintelligent troglodytes on this forum: You cannot win fights solely on control/position. The 2000s style wrestling control wins in the UFC are a thing of the past. You can have top control for 4 minutes, and it scores exactly zero if you do no damage and attempt no submissions.

Arman almost lost round 3 because he really didn't do much in round 3, and spent the last 30 seconds of the round trying to survive a deep choke. This is the reality of new MMA scoring. You need to take risks and open up with strikes and submission attempts if you want to win with your ground control. Or you need to completely shut your opponent out and prevent them from doing anything. But don't complain when they get up, launch 30 seconds of offense, and win the round because you did nothing.
Comes down to the third. Arman outstruck him on the feet and did pass guard which is considered effective grappling. Oliveira had the sub attempt and good grip but didn’t progress beyond that. Don’t think that’s worth more than losing the previous 4 minutes.
Personally feel like 30-27 Arman is a better scorecard than 29-28 Oliveira. I don't see how you score that fight for Oliveira.
Personally preferred the work of Charles. He appeared to have the more dominant moments. Arman wasn’t doing that much damage apart from the elbows in round 2.
Was this really controversial? I watched with no commentary and I thought Arman edged it. If what he did to Charles is called "laying and praying" then we need more of it. He battered Charles worse than Islam did. Charles is always active and dangerous from his guard so he was never out of it completely.
Round 3 was really difficult -- they were basically even on the feet, then arman gets the takedown and some control time, but no real gnp or damage that round, then charles sets up what looked like a reasonably deep choke attempt for the last 30 seconds of the round.