Somewhat of a conjugate log

Dynamic lower

Hurdle bounds 5x5

Squat 85% 365x2x4

Power clean
190x 10 singles on 30 seconds rest

85% 455x2x2 then worked up to 495 for an relatively easy single

Sprints 30 yardsx8 30 seconds rest

No practice with the team this week and no game Sunday due to the weather
(Reset to 220 next time)

Pin press

Curls 65x18,3,2(switch to dumbbells next time)

Didn’t eat good at all last two days working on new lake house
max effort lower

jump squats 25 ilbsx5x5

pause pin squat 2 count
365x1, 385x1, 405x1


p snatch
140x 10 singles on 45 sec rest

good mornings
225x5x2, x8 a bunch in the tank
unfortunately my independent league team had to fold. lot of lies and lack of communication led to the end and it sucks for all of the out of state players that came to play.

On the other hand im not one to give up and ive got a playoff game in the adult league on Sunday

been moving all of my lifting equipment from my old house to the new one today and did a bunch of yard work plus washed the car earlier so no lifting tonight

get to train upper body tomorrow night in my new home gym
press 165x4, 155x6,5(reset to 150 next time)

incline bench

60x6, bwx17, 5 (2 minute rests)

bodyweight was down 5 pounds today working in heat advisory weather definitely helped my chin-up numbers however, was cramping when I got home from work so I rested a while took some potassium and ate a banana and got through the workout although it felt like I was on the verge of cramping during)

got to hydrate and get ready to play tommorow
Did not want to do this but glad I did

“DE” lower

Squat 300x2x10 1 minute rest periods (70%)

Power clean 10
Singles at 195 with 45 second rests periods

Deadlift 385x5x2 1 minute rests 70%

I’ll probably wait until I actually do the parent lifts to see where I’m at before upping the dynamic effort during a 4 week cycle

Ive been slacking on conditioning because it’s just too damn hot here
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Did not want to do this but glad I did

“DE” lower

Squat 300x2x10 1 minute rest periods (75%)

Power clean 10
Singles at 195 with 45 second rests periods

Deadlift 385x5x2 1 minute rests 75%

I’ll probably wait until I actually do the parent lifts to see where I’m at before upping the dynamic effort during a 4 week cycle

Ive been slacking on conditioning because it’s just too damn hot here

How hot
Get out there
I walk about 2 miles a day in it for my job

when I get home from 8 hours of being in it it’s time to relax. Burning Candle at both ends during July isn’t a smart move. Once it cools off I’ll pick it up again.
I walk about 2 miles a day in it for my job

when I get home from 8 hours of being in it it’s time to relax. Burning Candle at both ends during July isn’t a smart move. Once it cools off I’ll pick it up again.

Go running for 30 min a day and you'll start building up strength and endurance and soon you'll look back at when you used to hide from the heat and think "I'm glad I don't do that anymore since I'm stronger now".
hurdle bounds 5x5

p snatch 140x 10 singles 30 seconds rest

2 inch deficit sumo deadlift
475x1(sandbagged it some)

championship game tomorrow I didn't want to risk hurting myself on max effort
I plan on making a big statement
we lost the title game unfortunately. I was cramping so bad on the drive home I thought I wasn't going to make it home. I personally played a good game though. going to the lake for the next few days so no lifting will be had. probably due for a small break anyways
press 150x8,5,5

incline bench 195x6,185x5x2

62.5x5, bwx16,4

tempted to go to some sort of high frequency program but i know better than to program hop...high frequency is so much fun though
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DE lower

squat 325x2x8

power clean 195x 10 singles on 30 seconds rest

deadlift 415x2x4

I hate dynamic days I really do but if they work they work

conditioning begins tommorow....going to be doing tempo runs whenever possible, sprints and a barbell complex once per week, still keeping jumps in and I think im going to start adding in explosive clapping pushups to

pin press

db curls RP
40s x24,6,4

tempo runs 100 yardsx10x2
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perfect way to start the week it looks like this conjugate stuff im doing really does work....cant wait to test deadlift

squat worked up to 385x5 was actually expecting 3-4 surprise!

p snatch 145x 10 singles on a 1 minute rest

2 inch deficit sumo deadlift 80%
all I did today

sprints 30 yards x5

hurdle hops 5x5

upper tomorrow lower Friday or Saturday

got a little over a month until the next season starts and im going to stay in shape for when I go to Florida for a tourney in October