SOUL upon entry: Make a deal with the devil [power/strength training log]

I take pseudo+caffeine+aspirin about 30-45 min before my workouts.....

What do the chains go for about in specialty hardware stores? Home Depot sells them for like a couple bucks per foot for the 3/8" it will be quite expensive.....

They're certainly not cheap. I can't remember what I paid, but I want to say it was close to $70 or so for two five foot lengths.
Damn that's gonna cost a pretty penny...was hoping to get it within 50....How much does that 5 foot length weigh? I was hoping to get about 50lb worth of total chains....have a feeling it's gonna be A LOT more than I had anticipated...
01/25/07 2:50pm
-was going to do dynamic rows but realized it's been a while between deadlift sessions so decided to deadlift
-felt like utter shit....spent most of the night going through a box of tissues. ....Battling some nasty ass cold/flu for last 3-4 weeks.
-strong tea in the morning
-400mg caffeine+60mg pseudo+500mg aspirin...barely woke me up....barely
-forgot to bring water ....fkn case of it in the trunk and I didnt bring even 1 fkn bottle....bah....the water fountain water tastes like shit.....

225-5 a platform, RDLs technically
315-3 reps
405-1 rep
495-1 rep
585-1 rep....bad set up....pulled with back...nearly passed out...face got as read as tomato...
635-1 it much easier and felt better
655-1 it fairly easily....still had 10-20 hitching on any set....but a lot of back...still managed to go down deeper than usual...

Bending: big plans fkn way
5" 1/4" HRS zinc plated-bent in about 15-20 min DU in 3 it all I had...
5" IM blue-no go...couldnt even kink it...or very very lightly...

45-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-5 pause explosive reps off chest
315-3 reps with pause off chest

3boards: w/ help unracking..with wraps
365-3 reps...bouncing like a mofo
385-3 reps....bouncing like a mofo
405-3 reps....bouncing like a mofo...
-my chest body was feeling it good despite restricted ROM and momentum...akin to my bounce deadlifts years back
225-22+0 unracking
225-20+0 unracking

Dynamic Rows:
315-3 reps...crappy form.....light headed....
365-1 rep...crappy form...etc

Rope crunches on pulldown station:
120-5 reps//...
-wanted to do more obviously but barely had strength to unrack weight and drive home....

5:15pm END

-definitely not recovered after last bending well as deadlifting after dynamic rows 4 days before was retarded...

taking a week off prolly unless i feel a lot better.....loading up on B-complex, fish oil, vitC, etc....
Every time you post a DL session, I'll just hop in to tell you I'm envious, OK?
Thanks Wilhelm. Likewise with your squat. Damn my stupidity/bum knee......tried doing bodyweight knee felt like a block of wood....bah..

I cannot describe the lethargy I am experiencing right now. O boy. The flu is kicking my ass.....the workout today was not what i needed.....reminds me of how i felt after 700 deadlift...maybe worse...

At least there was one amusing guy was using straps for 95lb shrugs....i thought it was 115....then my friend corrected me....nope just 25s.....through 1-2 inch ROM...guy was smallish....but I expect my mother to do more...hell my grandmother when alive could have done more....def lifted my spirits a bit....

::end of
2/2/07 4:45pm

-felt really weak/lethargic

45-5 reps
135-5 reps
225-3 reps
275-1+0 rep
275-1+0 rep
295-1+0 rep
315-1+0 rep

bodyweight(210)-5 reps to chest
+45-3 reps to chest
+90-3+0 reps to chest
+135-1+0 reps....chin over the bar....

bodyweight(210)-5 reps
+45-3 reps
+90-5 reps
+135-5 reps
+160-5+0 reps
+180-4+1 halfway on 5th rep...

Wide Stance Front Squats:
135-2 reps
135-2 reps
135-3 reps

Standing Alt DB CUrls:
60s-10 reps...

Sumo Deadlifts:
385-1 rep
385-1+0 rep....friend was doing it so decided to jump in and do some sumo...

Incline Bench:
135-15 reps..
225-15 with unrack
315-2+1 with unrack

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
100-5 reps
120-5 reps
140-5 reps...

8pm end.....

was dragging ass the whole time.....
Ha. You do more volume when sick than i do healthy. Need to pick my shit UP!
mschatz said:
Ha. You do more volume when sick than i do healthy. Need to pick my shit UP!

Agreed and likewise.
not really ...keep in mind that I was there for over 3 hours....I typically rest a while between work sets but last couple sessions I was literally falling asleep....

gained a couple lb back and feeling much better so will see how much strength I lost next workout...
Good shit man...I wish I had 3 hours to spend per session.

I feel like I have a cold coming on, but it's nothing more than a scratchy throat and a wheezy cough atm.

Feel better mang!
02/06/07 7:30pm

Push Presses:
45-15 reps
135-5 reps
185-3 reps
205-2+1 reps....
225-2+1 reps
235-1+1 reps...

Wide Stance Front Squats onto a box at 2-3 inches below parallel:
45-10 reps
135-5 reps
185-3 reps....right hand slipped..
205-2 reps
225-2 reps
235-1 rep....fairly easy...still had more
-did a few few sets of assisted 1 leg squats for sets of deep as I could go...with ass few inches off the floor...left was definitely much weaker and started popping as I reached bottom portion of it....
-alternated push presses and front squats....

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
120-5 reps
140-5 reps
160-1+1 reps...

135-15 reps
225-5 reps
275-3 reps....with 1 sec pause on chest

3board presses: with lots of momentum/taps
315-13+1 reps....wanted to see where I was at this weight
365-6+0 reps
385-3+0 reps....set up too far behind the bars and had to slide forward midset...
405-2+0 reps....barely hit 2nd rep...with right side dominating a bit

Full: tap-go
225-19+1 reps....couldnt lock out 20th....

Dynamic Rows:
225-5 reps
315-3 reps
365-1 rep
385-1 rep
405-1 rep.....

-alternated 3board presses with dynamic rows....

(213)+75lb DB-2 reps with bar to chest and pause...
-did these to show my friend the proper form as he was doing 2inch ROM...

did a couple sets of sitting calf raises...


BTRs with BBSM: shaved gripper about 2-3mm off each side
1 rep+5 sec hold right, 3 forced close and hold 1/16" from closed left hand
1/16th from closed right+5 sec hold, 3 forced close to 1/8" from closed left hand
forced close to 1/16" from closed+5 sec hold right hand, 3 forced closes left hand

Standing Alt DB Curls:
75s-5+0 reps.....fought for 5th right handed surpringly enough...still good form...
10pm END
Hey dexter told me you take some __?__tonin stuff.
I was looking for some help sleeping and i was wondering if the stuff you take would be better than pm aspirin or something like that.
Yea, I take melatonin......between 1-12mg....take it 30-45 min before planned sleep.....start with smallest effective dosage(which can be as little as 1mg) and then increase as's safe....dosages of up to 250-300mg for considerable periods produced no side effects(this has been studied for various conditions as well as antiaging properties)'s also been more helpful to some people than prescription sleeping meds....(albeit at moderate high dosages of like 50mg)........

I would also look into ZMA supplement...

hope this
looked up ZMA supplement and its supposed to help build muscle and strength? same thing we're talking about?

i also found i could find melatonin at any pharmacy. i'll look into it. thanks
ZMA has been very good in improving quality of sleep for many people I know. I have the most vivid dreams now. Before I couldnt recall any dreams and had very sporadic sleeping goes well with melatonin imo...

yes melatonin is readily available OTC....look for buy 1 get 1 free or better goes by quite fast esp at higher dosages....
2/11/07 7pm

Front Squats:
45-5 reps
135-5 reps
185-3 reps
225-1 rep
245-1+0 reps...took too deep of breath and got light headed afterwards
250-1+0 reps....felt much better

Back Squat:
275-1 rep
295-1 rep
315-1 rep....took a deep breath and felt strong...decent form
365-1 negative...went fairly control to about 2-3 over parallel then quickly dropped down and had a knee pop in my left(injured knee)....I am thinking my knee didnt like

bodyweight(215)-5 reps
+45-5 reps
+90-3 reps
+135-1 rep
+180-4+0 reps....felt weak....wrists were killing me

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
120-5 reps
150-5 reps
160-2+1 reps

Plate Curls:
25-3 reps per hand
35-3 negatives per hand

Pony Clamp Thumb Work:
3 forced closes+negatives, 5 forced closes+negatives, 5 forced closes+negatives

8pm END

Late at night:
2-3 forced close+negs on BBE with both hands, 2-3 forced closes and time holds with filed BBSM, attempt at #3 right hand was 3/8" off which was extremely disheartening as I try to tape it, did 3 more sets of filed BBSM for forced close+time hold, then HG150 for 80 clicks right handed and 60+20 clicks
This is my first time reading your workout log. I had no idea you were so strong. Much Respect man! Keep up the good work.
2/15/07 6:30pm

-felt OK....still ways off my PRs in most lifts....still only 212-213lb.....ways off my 220
-was thinking whether to do 405 deadlift for reps competition or to test my 655 at lower bodyweight....i went with the later....

My knee is OK.....still pops when I drop below a certain point on squats and I can definitely feel it in twisting motions but that's the way it is. Still day to day it's pretty good. I now took advice of Mike Robertson and bought a light knee brace to keep the knee warm.....definitely can feel the difference. I rest a long time between sets and now my knee is not nearly as stiff. Also keep in mind I dont train very often. I prefer intensity so I train 1-2 times a week. Before I used to go about once a week now I try for 2 though the flu threw me off a bit.

Thanks Rickdog, I appreciate the kind words.

When I got to the gym my friend was doing deads so I warmed up with whatever he was doing just about

275-5 reps
365-3 reps
455-1 rep
light chalking:
545-1 rep
moderate chalking:
585-1 rep
moderate/heavy chalking:
655-1+0 reps.....tried to get butt back down and back a bit in the beginning but struggled so I reset and did it with hips higher.....slowed down towards the middle but locked it out with no or maybe minimal a vid which I will hopefully post later tonight. Was first time in months that I didnt use straps on my deads but my grip felt pretty good on this exercise.....had no trouble holding on to the weight....grippers+chalk=:)

-3 consecutive muscle ups with good more jerking with lower back....easy ....
was funny when a skinny kid maybe 100lb and no muscle tried to do them...couldnt get 1 even with terrible form, trying to get one arm over at a time sideways and brute his way to the top....i tried to give him tips but he was just fucking around as most of people are so i was like whatever ...
-1 muscle up
-1 muscle up

One Arm Pulls:+rope+100lb DB on the other end
bodyweight(212-213lb)-2 reps per arm.....right I got chin over the bar with left I got chin to the bar but couldnt quite get over it. Was a bit bummed. First time doing the exercise so didnt know how much weight to use and went way too heavy.

One Arm Chin Up: +rope+50lb DB
bodyweight-1 per arm .....easy

One Arm Chin Up: +rope+30lb DB
bodyweight-1 per arm .....easy

One Arm Chin Up: +rope+20lb DB
bodyweight-1 per arm .....moderate...the DB went up as a counterbalance higher on left hand....pushed harder with right hand when was trying to pull myself up with left

One Arm Chin Up: +rope+20lb DB
bodyweight-1 per arm .....moderate.....considerably harder on both but was having more difficulty when pulling body with left....pretty good tho...less than 20lb away from a 1rm chin up....

Military Press:
45-10 reps
135-5 reps
185-3 reps
Push Press:
205-1 rep
225-1 rep
245-0+1 rep....had nothing.....felt like passing out afterwards....lost a lot of strength on this lift...should have done 235....

DB BEnt Press:
75-3 reps per arm

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
120-5 reps
160-1+2 reps
120-8+0 reps

Standing DB Bear Huge Twists:
30s-10 reps per side
35s-5 reps per side

Sitting Pulldowns with overhand grip:
250-3+0 reps

10pm END....

bunch of my friends came throughout the time I was lifting so I chatted with each of them and spent a role of a coach with a few of them. Got one of my friends to finally have decent form on bench instead of 1/5th ROM lockout that he was doing. same thing on chins and so forth. It's awesome that there are more people lifting heavy and doing big lifts at my gym and I am glad to help. The extra rest for me is a good thing as I dont mind having 20-30min breaks between heaviest sets....