News Tom Aspinall will defend his Interim Heavyweight title in a rematch against Curtis Blaydes at UFC 304 in Manchester, July 27

Who wins?

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The real champ.

The real title fight.

Jones continues to duck everyone in the division, because he knows he's no match for guys like Tom, Blaydes, Pavlovich, etc.

Disgraceful that this cheat holds the heavyweight belt while remaining inactive and only willing to fight the dead corpse of Stipe Miocic.
Guess we're gonna find out whether or not he has improved his distance management or not.
Assuming that he doesn't jam himself again (but hasn't figured ^ part out) then there is still a huge chance that he could overcommit on his penetrating step and get himself taken down with the same dbl leg that Blaydes has hit so many other guys with.

While I'd argue that Tom definitely has the speed to keep him out of danger from getting tied up and tossed with upper body throws, that's only 1/2 of the equation IMO.

All of that said, if the Brit has fixed that huge hole in his game (and he's coming in near 100%,) his chances of losing are should (are should?) <36> be quite minimal.
The matchup we all wanted

To be fair, Its pretty much the one that made sense and could happen for Aspinall

Seriously fuck that interim crap, this should be for the real title
Not sure what the politics of the scenario happen to be; but IMO Tom needs to just start talking like he's the champion.

"I'm not sure what JBJ is doing. That's none of my business. I'm here to defend my belt against all comers;" or something like that.

Make the "undisputed champ" irrelevant.
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Good fight, the rematch needed to happen. I would have favored Curtis but seeing how easily Almeida was taking him down makes me think his wrestling has dropped off.

Should be an easy win for Aspinall.