Tracking calories and lifting.


Black Belt
Jul 20, 2011
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I recently started training seriously, focusing on cardio and losing weight which I have been lucky enough to find easier than expected going from 73kg (160lb) to 64kg (140lb) over 2 months. I am now adding in weight training.

I've lost the weight by being fairly strict on calorie intake and burning approx. 700kcal per session. Simple enough, but now- as far my understanding goes- I'll want a slight calorie surplus. How does one figure out how much that is? The various machines I use for cardio give me a number for how many kcal burned, and whilst I know these numbers are not exact I have found them a useful guide. Are there apps or gizmos (heart rate monitor and the like) that can assist in telling me how many kcal burned? Again, I know these things aren't that accurate, I just want a rough number to work with. Or is it a matter of trial and error, monitoring weight and body composition, then making adjustments?
What are you doing to burn 700 calories in a training session?
What are you doing to burn 700 calories in a training session?
20 to 25 minutes of moderate to fairly hard work--by my never-set-foot-in-gym-til-last-November standards--on three different machines (step mill, stationary bike, elliptical, or rowing machining depending on what is available and what I feel like) plus the 30 to 40-minute round-trip walk. I would aim to burn at least 200 kcal per 20 minutes, usually 220, sometimes up to 250, by the calculations of the machines used. As I said in my OP, I know these numbers aren't exact and as far as I can tell how they come up with them is opaque.
20 to 25 minutes of moderate to fairly hard work--by my never-set-foot-in-gym-til-last-November standards--on three different machines (step mill, stationary bike, elliptical, or rowing machining depending on what is available and what I feel like) plus the 30 to 40-minute round-trip walk. I would aim to burn at least 200 kcal per 20 minutes, usually 220, sometimes up to 250, by the calculations of the machines used. As I said in my OP, I know these numbers aren't exact and as far as I can tell how they come up with them is opaque.
Most cardio machines wildly overestimate your calorie burn.
Dietpower software does it. It is free. Has extensive library of exercises and foods which you can add to or edit the existing entries and calculates you present BMR and goal BMR. The database also is good to use t just look up calories used in an exercise plus you can add to the list. For example, I believe it has 4 different exercises for sex.
Try MacroFactor. Tracking your food and weight will give you an idea of what you burn through every day, wearables probably won't help.
Ive been using MyFitnessPal for that last 4 months and a half. I was 102kg and now 84kg. Pretty much stale on the scale now because i been gaining muscle mass.