What is it like to be knocked out?


Yellow Card
Jan 6, 2022
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So yeah guys, if any of you guys has any experience with this and are willing to share your story and any lessons you’ve learned for it, that would be really cool.
Do you think you would have won the fight if you didn’t get caught?
How bad did it hurt?
What is the worst part about other then losing? Embarrassment, loss of confidence? Chin cracked?
Do you think there were any positive additions to your fighting style that came from a knockout defeat? I would think bouncing back from that as specifically the most mentally solid thing one can do in mma
I’ve never been kod but I have been choked unconscious at least like 10 times. Would you guys describe that as a similar feeling?
Also I actually have had a brain tumor surgically removed before so me saying I’ve never been knocked out is true, but only if we’re talking by blunt force trauma lol
One time my stupid ass ran and jumped onto one of those fitness balls…..while in my friends garage which slammed me on the back of my head on that concrete floor and although that blow did not knock me unconscious; I do remember seeing stars when the back of my head slammed on the concrete….definitely could have died and I still remember rolling on the floor in pain. I didn’t even go to the hospital; I was fine even though I was probably actually concussed. I’m surprised that didn’t fuck me up….certainly glad to be alive even though it may have at least somewhat knocked me retarded
have you ever tried folkstyle wrestling? its the opposite of rape and a bit worse than bodyshots that shut down your whole system.

Heavier guys than that guy who throwed the punch seems to take it "better".
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I got knocked out when I was playing Football. Some guy a lot larger than I am blinded sided me with a hit while I was chasing another guy with the ball. Didn't see him at all. And yes I was out for about 5 seconds I believe.

You don't feel pain, just dazed and confused pretty much from my experience.
Never been knocked out closest was giving myself a concussion in my youth by running straight into a tree during a football game.
I think once jumping off a trampoline as a kid. You just wake up a bit discombobulated. No recollection of the time inbetween.

Still to this day though I swear I wasn't knocked out and have never been knocked out.
I was only knocked down once in boxing, and ate a pretty bad shot. I wasn't out but woozy as fuck... took a few seconds to come back to my senses. The whole seeing stars thing is legit.
Got koed by a softball bat as a kid and was koed in car crash. Can't remember either. I remember as a kid I was 100% I had ducked the bat, then woke up in the nurses office (sent back to class, 80s gotta love them). Don't remember the crash or any of that week tbh.

I've been concussed sparring plenty of times, but never KOed.
one moment you’re fighting, the next moment you wake up staring at the ceiling.

Was mostly fine but you tend to lose your sense of direction. Like the venue I was at looked different and I had trouble finding out how to leave. Same thing with being concussed, had a couple of times where I was driving home and kind of got lost for a second
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I've only been knocked out by substances, got some nice out of body experiences.
It was probably 2009...

I must have been training for 3 or 4 months and was very vocal about wanting to be a fighter, so I'd always ask my teacher about when he was going to let me fight. Looking back I understand why he did what he did, but I definitely don't agree with doing this with a beginner, aspiring fighter. Ok... So one day he decided to put me sparring against a 155 guy who was preparing to have his pro debut. I must've been 120lbs or something. What I remember is falling on my butt and immediately starting to unwrap my hands. Not like "I'm done with his shit", but just automatically. Then I learned I got hit with an overhand, but I don't remember any of it. People who were at the scene told me I was acting like I was in another world. After I unwrapped my hands I started to dress in my clothes like putting my pants over my shorts and my shirts over my sweat-drenched jerseys lol then I started asking the same questions over and over again like, I would pick my shoes and ask everybody around me "are these mine?" like multiple times. From what I've been told my teacher asked the fighter who KO'd me to go with me to the bus terminal and so he did. Then he told me I was walking the street like I was drunk or drugged so he had to hold my hand hahahha when I finally got to the bus terminal he put me inside my bus and Idk how I was able to pay for the trip back home, but apparently I did. I did the worst and slept inside the bus and only woke up with the guy who collects the tickets shaking me and saying "yo, wake up mfker! It's the end of the line". I'm very lucky that this was exactly where I was supposed to drop from the bus.

Now I'm at the street, 3 blocks from my house and I don't know how to get there. I don't know how much time I was there wandering and looking around, but I finally got home and went straight to my room to sleep again.

So the next day my dad is banging at my door telling me I'll be late to work. I wake up with a taste in my mouth so terrible as if I had make out with a corpse. I'm also sweaty as a mofo because I had pants, shorts, underwear, socks, and two shirts in my body.

I was so lost that when I picked my phone and saw what day it was I was in complete shock that it was my birthday hahaahhahaha I went to the bathroom and saw my upper lip looking like a chorizo. It had an infected looking cut inside.

After taking a shower I went to the kitchen and my dad saw me and said "ouch! Someone really hit you" and that was so hard to hear that I started crying. I mean, like a toddler. Crying to the point where I couldn't articulate a phrase. It was like all the doubt that plagued me came like a thousand bulls running over me. I was a rollercoaster of emotions which I couldn't handle. My dad also always hated that I wanted to be a fighter and shit... But he did support me in the moment and calmed me down.

So I went to work (I worked at a call center) and started to wonder what happened, so I called my teacher and asked him. He was very evasive about giving me any details, he was just like "well, I think we should give more time before you can go to a tournament" but when I asked him "who" and "how" he wouldn't told me. Shitty fucking move. But I'm over it. Apparently I haven't become (very) mentally ill so it's whatever. I reckon he did everything he did because he didn't know any better.

Another shitty side effect is that I was VERY depressed for a couple days, probably weeks. Like, I had an existential void, for real. Nothing made me excited, nothing made sense those days.

Anyway, so that's the story of when I got knocked out and had my worst anniversary lol

Ps: years after that and I've sparred that guy again. Made him quit with a liver shot he he he...
It was probably 2009...

I must have been training for 3 or 4 months and was very vocal about wanting to be a fighter, so I'd always ask my teacher about when he was going to let me fight. Looking back I understand why he did what he did, but I definitely don't agree with doing this with a beginner, aspiring fighter. Ok... So one day he decided to put me sparring against a 155 guy who was preparing to have his pro debut. I must've been 120lbs or something. What I remember is falling on my butt and immediately starting to unwrap my hands. Not like "I'm done with his shit", but just automatically. Then I learned I got hit with an overhand, but I don't remember any of it. People who were at the scene told me I was acting like I was in another world. After I unwrapped my hands I started to dress in my clothes like putting my pants over my shorts and my shirts over my sweat-drenched jerseys lol then I started asking the same questions over and over again like, I would pick my shoes and ask everybody around me "are these mine?" like multiple times. From what I've been told my teacher asked the fighter who KO'd me to go with me to the bus terminal and so he did. Then he told me I was walking the street like I was drunk or drugged so he had to hold my hand hahahha when I finally got to the bus terminal he put me inside my bus and Idk how I was able to pay for the trip back home, but apparently I did. I did the worst and slept inside the bus and only woke up with the guy who collects the tickets shaking me and saying "yo, wake up mfker! It's the end of the line". I'm very lucky that this was exactly where I was supposed to drop from the bus.

Now I'm at the street, 3 blocks from my house and I don't know how to get there. I don't know how much time I was there wandering and looking around, but I finally got home and went straight to my room to sleep again.

So the next day my dad is banging at my door telling me I'll be late to work. I wake up with a taste in my mouth so terrible as if I had make out with a corpse. I'm also sweaty as a mofo because I had pants, shorts, underwear, socks, and two shirts in my body.

I was so lost that when I picked my phone and saw what day it was I was in complete shock that it was my birthday hahaahhahaha I went to the bathroom and saw my upper lip looking like a chorizo. It had an infected looking cut inside.

After taking a shower I went to the kitchen and my dad saw me and said "ouch! Someone really hit you" and that was so hard to hear that I started crying. I mean, like a toddler. Crying to the point where I couldn't articulate a phrase. It was like all the doubt that plagued me came like a thousand bulls running over me. I was a rollercoaster of emotions which I couldn't handle. My dad also always hated that I wanted to be a fighter and shit... But he did support me in the moment and calmed me down.

So I went to work (I worked at a call center) and started to wonder what happened, so I called my teacher and asked him. He was very evasive about giving me any details, he was just like "well, I think we should give more time before you can go to a tournament" but when I asked him "who" and "how" he wouldn't told me. Shitty fucking move. But I'm over it. Apparently I haven't become (very) mentally ill so it's whatever. I reckon he did everything he did because he didn't know any better.

Another shitty side effect is that I was VERY depressed for a couple days, probably weeks. Like, I had an existential void, for real. Nothing made me excited, nothing made sense those days.

Anyway, so that's the story of when I got knocked out and had my worst anniversary lol

Ps: years after that and I've sparred that guy again. Made him quit with a liver shot he he he...
When I first started at a different gym than I’m at now sparring was hard. We are up in the Pacific Northwest and the old team quest roots still bears fruit. Sparring would be ran by which ever coaches happened to be there that day. I showed up and no other coaches did so I was running the show.

One dude got blasted with a head kick and went down like a tree, forcing him to miss his third Bellator fight. I’m digging his mouthpiece out and look up to see a bantam weight hit his partner with a flying knee and that dude is stumbling around the mats. I lose my shit and yell to them both to get the fuck off the mats, they’re done for the day. A big name, big deal UFC fighter fractured their arm trying to throw an elbow and is sitting against the wall nursing it.

All of this in the space of a single round and I swear to god as I’m losing my shit I see my favorite dude in the gym slowly lowering his partner to the ground like he was an assassin in an action movie. I just yell “WHAT THE HELL MAN!?” And he yells back “it was a body shot! It was a body shot!”

That was Saturday. I remember sitting in the office of the boxing gym across town I worked at talking to the owner about it and trying to decide if I could keep working at a place where I didn’t agree with the way they sparred.

Over the course of coaching I’ve seen guys get knocked out a lot. They come back with either blinding rage or tremendous sorrow. One dude got KO’s in sparring and when I was chewing his partners ass out for being so reckless he starts bawling and telling me to be nice. I’ve seen another guy so fucked up he went to the locker room after rounds got dressed, hung out in the gym for 15-20 mins, then went back in to change, gear up and get ready to spar. Dude was on the mat gloved up, shin pads on and lightly shadow boxing. We had to convince him he had already done rounds
When I first started at a different gym than I’m at now sparring was hard. We are up in the Pacific Northwest and the old team quest roots still bears fruit. Sparring would be ran by which ever coaches happened to be there that day. I showed up and no other coaches did so I was running the show.

One dude got blasted with a head kick and went down like a tree, forcing him to miss his third Bellator fight. I’m digging his mouthpiece out and look up to see a bantam weight hit his partner with a flying knee and that dude is stumbling around the mats. I lose my shit and yell to them both to get the fuck off the mats, they’re done for the day. A big name, big deal UFC fighter fractured their arm trying to throw an elbow and is sitting against the wall nursing it.

All of this in the space of a single round and I swear to god as I’m losing my shit I see my favorite dude in the gym slowly lowering his partner to the ground like he was an assassin in an action movie. I just yell “WHAT THE HELL MAN!?” And he yells back “it was a body shot! It was a body shot!”

That was Saturday. I remember sitting in the office of the boxing gym across town I worked at talking to the owner about it and trying to decide if I could keep working at a place where I didn’t agree with the way they sparred.

Over the course of coaching I’ve seen guys get knocked out a lot. They come back with either blinding rage or tremendous sorrow. One dude got KO’s in sparring and when I was chewing his partners ass out for being so reckless he starts bawling and telling me to be nice. I’ve seen another guy so fucked up he went to the locker room after rounds got dressed, hung out in the gym for 15-20 mins, then went back in to change, gear up and get ready to spar. Dude was on the mat gloved up, shin pads on and lightly shadow boxing. We had to convince him he had already done rounds

It's been a long time since I've been to MMA gyms or gyms with the sparring equals war mentality. It's such a brutal difference from Muay Thai and boxing gyms
one moment you’re fighting, the next moment you wake up staring at the ceiling.

Was mostly fine but you tend to lose your sense of direction. Like the venue I was at looked different and I had trouble finding out how to leave. Same thing with being concussed, had a couple of times where I was driving home and kind of got lost for a second
This would pretty much be identical to how I felt when I got knocked out in a boxing fight. The KO itself didn't hurt, but I was very confused afterwards and thought they had changed all the rooms around when I went back to get dressed.
I got KO'd as a kid. Play wrestling in the snow, and ended up getting accidentally DDT'd on ice. It was basically like getting put out by a surgeon. All you really remember is waking up.