Rewatch When Brock showed he was for real

He ducked and curled like a baby. Embarassing performance. But he is a jugernaut athlete and grappler. Just the worst ar taking shots.

Physicall his chin was fine but mentally he was obviously very panicky.

The ironic thing is I'd say that whilst Lesnar became big source of UFC hype it was actually the hardcore UFC fanbase who dismissed him far more at first due to the way the sport was sold to them as "anti pro wrestling". The idea that a pro wrestler could also be a legit fighter was mostly dismissed by such posters.
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Physicall his chin was find but mentally he was obviously very panicky.

The ironic thing is I'd say that whilst Lesnar became big source of UFC hype it was actually the hardcore UFC fanbase who dismissed him far more at first due to the way the sport was sold to them as "anti pro wrestling". The idea that a pro wrestler could also be a legit fighter was mostly dismissed by such posters.
Anyone that watched PRIDE knew that pro wrestlers could be good fighters sir.

Saku showed that.
This fight showed me that Carwin has terrible cardio. Gassed himself out trying to finish turtled up Bork. Carwin should have waived him up. Just terrible.
That’s a fair point. I was never a Brock fan at all and think he’s overrated, and I think a large part of this performance was on Carwin but tbf Brock proved he was legit in this fight and others.
Anyone that watched PRIDE knew that pro wrestlers could be good fighters sir.

Saku showed that.
Again thats the irony, he became a UFC hype posterboy but the posters who normally echo that were the ones who dismissed him pre UFC debut because they were so used to using "pro wrestler" as a negative slur, the Pride "side" actually took him more seriously.
Again thats the irony, he became a UFC hype posterboy but the posters who normally echo that were the ones who dismissed him pre UFC debut because they were so used to using "pro wrestler" as a negative slur, the Pride "side" actually took him more seriously.

That makes sense, forgive me for questioning you sir lol
Ref saves him. Brock lesnar is a giant dude who can't take a punch well. Meaning he doesn't react well to being hit, and can't throw a decent punch to save his life. He's white guys dream but there is a reason hes a pro wrestler.
That’s a fair point. I was never a Brock fan at all and think he’s overrated, and I think a large part of this performance was on Carwin but tbf Brock proved he was legit in this fight and others.

Only overrated by WWE casuals. We all knew that he wasn’t beating guys like JDS or Cain, and would struggle against Big Nog. Crocop, Kongo, and even Gonzaga could have given him hell. Brock over performed against Carwin, who in hindsight was a dangerous but limited fighter. Brock remains the most egregious case of favorable matchmaking in UFC history. Post motorcycle Mir was inconsistent, and Randy was 45 and small for HW. But, Brock showed up and performed when presented with opportunities so he deserves his credit for that.
Only overrated by WWE casuals. We all knew that he wasn’t beating guys like JDS or Cain, and would struggle against Big Nog. Crocop, Kongo, and even Gonzaga could have given him hell. Brock over performed against Carwin, who in hindsight was a dangerous but limited fighter. Brock remains the most egregious case of favorable matchmaking in UFC history. Post motorcycle Mir was inconsistent, and Randy was 45 and small for HW. But, Brock showed up and performed when presented with opportunities so he deserves his credit for that.
I think we’re on the same page mate. Favourable match making and was never going to be a long standing champ but fair do, he took the opportunities he was given and achieved a lot for someone who clearly didn’t like to get hit. A true definition of someone who likes to be the hammer and doesn’t like to be the nail. A big fucking hammer though that mf’er was!