When did you start losing interest in Pro Wrestling?

For me It started when Hogan and the old garuds took over TNA and ran it into the ground.
But after the end of Lucha Underground I said F this
Part of me wants to go back but I think im too old for this shit.
When WWE became PG


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I was born in 1975 & enjoyed WWF when I was younger as we only had 2 channels, so it was good entertainment. Liked some of the characters they had back then. It was on some weekends, so were lucky to watch. Lost interest in late 80's.
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I loved wrestling... NWA/WCW and WWF in the late 80s, early 90s. Then stopped watching it, but got back into it for a couple years when DX was big in the late 90s then stopped caring again.
I remember being around 7 years old that we got this on the Dutch television. After watching some minutes I came to the conclusion that it was fake and I was not interested anymore. I watched it maybe once or twice after that just because it looked funny.
For me it was back in the early 00's when I was a teen

But years afterwards I got into shoot interviews and stuff, and I spent a shit ton of money buying shoot interviews on DVD (This was before the whole world of wrestling podcasts exploded). I haven't really watched any wrestling since the early 00's, but I love all the gossip and scandals and drama surrounding it. And I also like watching videos about wrestling history. There is something really compelling about the world and people of pro-wrestling even though I'm not really interested in actually watching pro-wrestling.
When Goldberg and Brock Lesnar left WWE in 2004 I checked out. They were my two favorites and when they both left, I was done. But then WWE completely shot themselves in the face by going PG and pushing pipsqueek ladyboys as main eventers.
I remember watching a load of my older brothers VHS tapes as a kid, of single digit Wrestlemanias, Royal Rumbles, Summerslam 92, Shotgun Saturdays etc...

I never thought about it being real or fake. I was just invested in it. I can't pinpoint a time when I "figured it out".

I've always followed it, but my interest really waned from about 2005 to the mid 2010s, when black and gold NXT became a thing. I was also interested in AEW for a while, but that's become a bit stale as well.
About 20 years ago. Still watch videos related to it.
I never was interested in two middle aged men on steroids wearing only tiny leather vests and spandex, little boots with yellow frays, roleplaying fighting in an utterly lame and boring way while making ridiculous grimaces.

It's pretty much the antithesis of entertainment to me since I first saw it as a kid.
I would go to see it live tho just for the experience.
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I loved wrestling... NWA/WCW and WWF in the late 80s, early 90s. Then stopped watching it, but got back into it for a couple years when DX was big in the late 90s then stopped caring again.
Same here. The old NWA was fun. Magnum TA, Tully Blanchard, Rock and Roll Express, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff.
I stopped watch wrestling in 2000 and then started watching boxing & mma.