Your Top 5 Modern Games You'd Recommend -2024

The games I've spent too much time in recently have been New Vegas, Cyberpunk and Control, and Elden Ring before them.

New Vegas

I can't stop playing Fallout new Vegas. I did a near vanilla run a couple of months ago, and now doing it far more modded on new playthrough. This would fall under recently optimized, even if unofficially.

The Tale of Two Wastelands mod, which came out a few years ago and constantly improved on, fixes thousands of bugs, adds cut content, and gives you a stable platform to add in other mods.

Here's some info on it and a couple of infamous story and QOL mods I'm using and recently updated if anyone wants to jump back in.
I've been playing a mod series called Bounties (1,2 and 3) and another story mod called Inheritance from the same guy (someguy2000). They are really well done, giving you tons of hours. What I love about it is how lore friendly it is (thousands of lines of voiced dialogue, mostly good) referencing everything that's going on in the wasteland. It includes things you have already done, good or bad being reflected and commented on. It really adds to the immersion.

With another mod called "the living desert", all kinds of NPC's are meaningfully added to the world. If you clear out an area, another faction will move in and take it over. There are tons of roaming enemies/factions, traders and wildlife too, bringing the world more to life.

There's also a huge story mod called the North Road which has been remastered as of May 1st. It adds new locations, NPC's and tons of voice dialogue. I can't comment on it though as I've yet to start it. I just finished Bounties 3 and I absolutely lvoed it. With more professional voice acting/recording, it could very easily be confused with an official DLC.

The bonus is a tale of two wastelands gives Fallout 3 all the New Vegas improvements too, allowing you to go near seamlessly from FO3 to New Vegas.

I love the worlds and lore of Cyberpunk and Control too. Both have stories beyond the games. Cyberpunk has tons of lore and compelling characters/stories from their table top materials, novels/comics, not to mention the anime.

Control and Alan Wake share the same universe, though I can't imagine finishing Alan Wake 2, it's a slog. However, Alan Wake 1 has a well paced/intriguing narrative and Control is a total masterpiece, both in gameplay and story.

I'm sure Elden Ring will consume me when the DLC arrives, same for Ghost of Tsushima
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I've only played a handful of games that have been released in the last 5 years, so there's several big titles I haven't played.

1. Streets of Rage 4
2. Devil May Cry 5
3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
4. Last of Us 2
5. Resident Evil 4 Remake
Bonus: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge

Lmao omg there's nothing but sequels and remakes on my list smh 🤦🤦
There are way too many different game types to just recommend five games as a catch all, Tastes vary way too much as well.

Like most of the games mentioned are either an fps, tps, Souls-like, Metroidvania, or western rpg but there are dozens of game types so I'd probably try to choose five distinctly different games that have crossover appeal amongst different genres.
23 sets of suggestions down.

7 more to go.

If you haven't posted your Top 5 suggestions, please do so.

And for those who have, and would like to make an edit, by all means do so.
1. Baldur's Gate 3 (Greatest crpg maybe ever)
2. Elden Ring (only souls game I've actually loved)
3. Disco Elysium (game changer what comes to "text-based" games)
4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R: GAMMA (free to play total conversion mod that combines all 3 Stalker games to a hardcore survival game)
5. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (GOAT space opera)
25 sets down. Three days to go.

After Saturday I'll tally up all the points and make a new thread counting the Top 10 most recommended games of the past 5 years.
I just beat ME1 for the first time 5 minutes ago.


And what's your opinion of it?

And what's your opinion of it?
Clunky, fun, and easy.
The story was great and I think I missed out on an opportunity to enjoy it when it was a cutting-edge game 17 years ago.
Saved the Counsil and killed Ashley.
Hope I'm doing it right.
Hope I'm doing it right.
You are Shepard.
The decisions you have him/her make are your decisions.

There's no 'wrong decisions.'

And one of the best things about these games is making the opposite decisions in your 2nd playthrough. And perhaps you'll learn you preferred a few of those decisions.
Elden Ring ruined video games for me. The past 2 years I've barely played anything not Fromm Software.
Elden Ring ruined video games for me. The past 2 years I've barely played anything not Fromm Software.

Alright... list your Top 5 in order.

Also, final call for everyone to post their Top 5.
I don't think I've even played 5 games from the last 5 years that are triple a
I don't think I've even played 5 games from the last 5 years that are triple a
I was thinking the same thing when I saw this thread.
I have played 2 new games if that in the last 5 years.
Cyberpunk (on release)
Days Gone

Days gone was a pretty good and I actually finished it. Cyberpunk was also good but I never finished it.

I rarely get to play through a whole game these days. I only made it through Days Gone because I did the morning shift with my newborn around the release time. Cyberpunk was during COVID and I still didn't finish it.