Anyone here actually famous

the local police department and fire department know me. i guess i am famous in my own way
I'm Brad Pitt lol
Well I have many leather bound books and my house smells of fresh mahogany
I got to hang out with Danny Castillo, Jeremy Stephens and Tom Lawlor... and they each admitted to me they have a lurker account on Sherdog. Tom said he posts all the time.
If I was a fighter I would probs have 2 accounts one an official and the other to just act like some random. Or maybe that's already the caseo_O
I instantly think of Goodfellas when I hear his name, too. Then, it automatically goes to Lorraine Bracco stuffing that gun into her panties.

Whew... Oklahoma!
Guns should be kept away from private parts. Ray Liotta is great though.
I cannot imagine a celebrity making a Sherdog account to interact with commoners about MMA and other subject matter.