International Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China


Silver Belt
Oct 23, 2018
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Not sure why Biden and the Biden admin thought that it would be a Political good idea to attack/criticism Japan/China saying that they are xenophobic.
For not having "Immigrants" to make their economy great.

Japan has its reasons for they dont want "Mass migration as what happened in Western Europe"

Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China

“You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,” Biden said, according to reporters traveling with the president at a fundraiser with Asian American and Pacific Islander supporters. “The reason – look, think about it. Why is China stalling so bad economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia?”
“The Japanese, the Chinese, they’re xenophobic, they don’t want any – the Russians, they don’t want to have people, other than Russians, Chinese, or Japanese,” the president said at the time.

Japan has long experienced a demographic crisis with far-reaching consequences for the country’s workforce and economy
I still find it surprising that with all of the potential people to choose from for the Democratic nomination it was Biden that got the nod. I mean I understand Hillary was never ever ever going to win but Democrats couldn't be behind anyone else but Biden in sufficient numbers?
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Well for one, Japan's history of xenophobia goes back much further than "what happened to the West" whatever that is and has caused them economic troubles multiple times in their history. Japan's economy has been stagnant or near stagnant since the early 80s.

Also he's not wrong about Japan, their xenophobia is causing some pretty big issues for their demographics and workforce. For the ideas of free trade to work the most efficiently, you also need freedom of movement for the workers.

Russia however does have a massive amount of immigrants, legal and illegal. One of the largest illegal workforces in the world, even. Their problem is that their migrants are not always the most willing to be there and their war policy has rapidly increase their rate of brain drain not even getting into their war deaths. Pre war their rate of birth was about the lowest in the developed world.

China's situation was different, they didn't need migrants and could afford to be xenophobic because of their large domestic workforce... but then the one child policy came along and combined with their existing xenophobic policies, their demographics are tanking faster than anyone else.
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In 100 years, everyone will realize Japan was right. Diversity is not a strength. Its a hindrance in people finding common ground over shit that should be irrelevant to us.

I mean, based on the current trend in their demographics Japan's population will decrease by over 30% within 50 years, and 40% will be over 65. By 2100, their population will be halved.

Can you be right if you no longer exist?
I mean, based on the current trend in their demographics Japan's population will decrease by over 30% within 50 years, and 40% will be over 65. By 2100, their population will be halved.
How has mass migration from none Euporean Countries helped the Western Euporean Countries with demographics?
I mean, based on the current trend in their demographics Japan's population will decrease by over 30% within 50 years, and 40% will be over 65. By 2100, their population will be halved.

Can you be right if you no longer exist?
And at long last nobody will need to sleep under a desk in an internet Cafe because they will be able to afford a real home. Birthrate can be changed of course, especially when there are less economic hindrance. For example modern western women actually want to have kids at higher rates than western women from the 70s, it's just that they can't because they get sucked into a pipeline of university to workforce to boss babe and only started looking for a man in their 30s.

And of course if we are trying to find real long term sustainable solutions immigration was never an option anyways, because even the most religious places are having their birthrates plummet as a result of greater cost of living that's associated with modernity.
Economies will have good times and bad times.

Culture and national identity can’t be restored.

Japan will still be Japan. Russia will be Russia. China will be China. Will the United States be the United States? Maybe since we’ve never gotten a second to carve out our identity before the next wave of shitholians comes, doesn’t assimilate and changes things…

Or more sad..will Germany still be Germany? France still France?And so on? Not looking like it.

I don’t agree that a population needs to grow into infinity. If the population decreases. Then you scale back programs, infrastructure, business meant to support a population that isn’t there anymore. Japan has chosen that path and will be the better for it.

Before somebody says that this is anti-capitalist thus making me a hypocrite since I’m right wing. I’m not hyper capitalist. Certainly not to the level of the pro migration libertarian movement.

I know the nation state is mostly incompatible with global capitalism or hyper capitalism and I do support checks on it. If capitalism and competition mostly contained within a nation(with some necessary exceptions) isn’t really capitalist…then It isn’t really capitalist
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In 100 years, everyone will realize Japan was right. Diversity is not a strength. Its a hindrance in people finding common ground over shit that should be irrelevant to us.

So do you plan on sticking to your principles and going to back whatever homogeneous paradise your forefathers came from?

And no, all white Europeans are not of a singular monolithic culture. Your family came to a country that had a large multinational mix of people, so apparently diversity was fine when it applies to you, but you would rather kick down the ladder once you've made it to the top so nobody else has the same opportunity.

Total and complete selfishness.
So do you plan on sticking to your principles and going to back whatever homogeneous paradise your forefathers came from?

And no, all white Europeans are not of a singular monolithic culture. Your family came to a country that had a large multinational mix of people, so apparently diversity was fine when it applies to you, but you would rather kick down the ladder once you've made it to the top so nobody else has the same opportunity.

Total and complete selfishness.
Ethnogenesis exists. Nobody considers French people ethnically Roman, Gaulish, and Frankish. They consider them ethnically French.

Any group should be allowed to act in their own interests too. Everyone seems to expect this as normal with anyone besides Europeans for some reason.
Ethnogenesis exists. Nobody considers French people ethnically Roman, Gaulish, and Frankish. They consider them ethnically French.

Any group should be allowed to act in their own interests too. Everyone seems to expect this as normal with anyone besides Europeans for some reason.

The problem is people who rail against diversity act as if just because they are 'white' they are part of some homogeneous 'white' culture, of which Europe is not a singular 'white' culture. It's many diverse cultures with 'white' people in it.

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