Social Can fine art go too far, crossing over to indecency?

Candaules is tame compared to what artists were doing hundreds of years earlier.
Candaules is tame compared to what artists were doing hundreds of years earlier.

We must ask ourselves, "who got offended?"

And the answer in this case was, British people.

They're also offended by hugs, strangers talking to them while they're waiting in line, and people from Italy or Spain kissing on the cheek as a greeting.
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We must ask ourselves, "who got offended?"

And the answer in this case was, British people.

They're also offended by hugs, strangers talking to them while they're waiting in line, and people from Italy or Spain kissing on the cheek as a greeting.
To be offended by art can be a big role and reason to just do that: offensive art.

Art is the space to put the finger on social, emotional, political wounds in any expressive way.

I would even say that to be offensive is one of the big pillars of art. I prefer the intelligent subtle way but I can respect the blunt aswell.
I'm embarrassed by how little I know about art history. Keep posting more!
He's the Supreme Court judge who said "I know it when I see it" with regards to hardcore porn.
Any lawyer should know that defining something so vaguely and nebulously is completely unacceptable for any type of argument, oral or written. Should know.
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