The art of Mayberry

I built some models as a kid and I've some small figures I've painted over the last year on my desk. When I'm not feeling lazy I may take a pic and upload. I also enjoy drawing though I'm not very good at it, the potential is there to be better if I worked at it which I rarely do. Not sure where my drawings are though
i’m pretty sure i was trying to convince you to get a website or instagram as a makeshift online portfolio, in the very first thread you made where you posted your work. or at least i suggested it. also very possible that i just asked if you had one lol

& thank you, again, although i’d disagree w/ you about serious talent. if i had serious talent i probably wouldn’t be collaging because collaging is for babies & old ladies

Yeah you were askin me if I had one lol.

Also, I have to disagree with you about collaging being for babies and old ladies.
I'd love to see a baby or an old lady do anything close to what you have going on.

Your vision is what makes it high art sir and I have seen some of that in my life.

You seen my music?
They could very well just use AI but for companies with signature/specific brand details, you still need a guy to tweak or add those details on the base AI image.
Yeah but that guy will likely end up being some generic graphic designer who already works in the company and get asked to do it in 30min/1h of basic photoshop modification as part of his daily work
Reality is i'm already as we speak that graphic guy that get occasionally asked to add a logo or writing in this or that already done AI image (wich does'nt change much for me as i'm hired for life and have my monthly pay)

Of course big projects that have lot of spotlight and require lot finesse (stuff that today and even pre-AI rarely was handled by an illustrator) will still end up be handled by external freelancer pro doing it, but large majority of the works usually are on very limited budget and companies will enjoy turn that cost to almost zero

Plus as i mentioned before AI is improving fast af, i think we will see it fix relatively fast most of the current flaws, and the tweaking part will be ever less needed
Will get to the point where AI is able to do everything and will rise new work-figure of the person that give it orders till he get the wanted result... yeah that person will need high aesthetic taste, use of color knowledge and stuff like that, but will still be in most cases same graphic guy doing the tweaking today :D

Again if i speak for myself, AI it's awesome, i use it for work or other personal stuff and result is easy and great

But if i think at traditional illustrators that actually have their ass at risk because their income is based on that shit, lot of them will get fucked hard... and the profession itself got fucked hard for decades (wich is why i dodged it long ago to begin with), so essentially decimation is going to happen on a tiny population of survivors

I'm not saying AI being good or bad, it's more complex than that

AI art is incredibly cool that add a x100 to shit we are able to do (same as "computer graphic" in early 2000s) as long you're not the guy getting stabbed by it
Considering with different life choices i could have been that guy, i find hard see only the bright side lol

ps: even if must be said as dude born poor, i never trusted any job where your income is based on how many people willing to pay you can find that month(even as salesman i was ever trying get jobs where pay was guaranteed and not prize-based)... and if anybody get murdered by 2024 AI art, either he's super young/just started so no big deal, or is older and ignored dozens of red lights lol
Yeah but that guy will likely end up being some generic graphic designer who already works in the company and get asked to do it in 30min/1h of basic photoshop modification as part of his daily work
Reality is i'm already as we speak that graphic guy that get occasionally asked to add a logo or writing in this or that already done AI image (wich does'nt change much for me as i'm hired for life and have my monthly pay)

Of course big projects that have lot of spotlight and require lot finesse (stuff that today and even pre-AI rarely was handled by an illustrator) will still end up be handled by external freelancer pro doing it, but large majority of the works usually are on very limited budget and companies will enjoy turn that cost to almost zero

Plus as i mentioned before AI is improving fast af, i think we will see it fix relatively fast most of the current flaws, and the tweaking part will be ever less needed
Will get to the point where AI is able to do everything and will rise new work-figure of the person that give it orders till he get the wanted result... yeah that person will need high aesthetic taste, use of color knowledge and stuff like that, but will still be in most cases same graphic guy doing the tweaking today :D

Again if i speak for myself, AI it's awesome, i use it for work or other personal stuff and result is easy and great

But if i think at traditional illustrators that actually have their ass at risk because their income is based on that shit, lot of them will get fucked hard... and the profession itself got fucked hard for decades (wich is why i dodged it long ago to begin with), so essentially decimation is going to happen on a tiny population of survivors

I'm not saying AI being good or bad, it's more complex than that

AI art is incredibly cool that add a x100 to shit we are able to do (same as "computer graphic" in early 2000s) as long you're not the guy getting stabbed by it
Considering with different life choices i could have been that guy, i find hard see only the bright side lol

ps: even if must be said as dude born poor, i never trusted any job where your income is based on how many people willing to pay you can find that month(even as salesman i was ever trying get jobs where pay was guaranteed and not prize-based)... and if anybody get murdered by 2024 AI art, either he's super young/just started so no big deal, or is older and ignored dozens of red lights lol
Me ready to jump back to oil on canvas.

I feel like OP needs to take over the role of Smokes and have battle tournaments now.

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