Law Capitol Rioter Megathread

We both know that the cities burning down you're hyperbolically whinging about a year later was in no way as extreme as you wingnuts are hyping it up to be.

There were severe issues for literally 2 weeks, and the cities were never taken over or burned down.

It's amazing you'll sit here, chickenshit, and still equate this lawmaker-caused insurrection with riots over police justice.

Oh, and here's the old ACLED study you still can't accept.

If only you were capable of reading back in September............

Right, they didn't literally burn every building and structure down within city limits, therefore it's not a big deal? We saw plenty of buildings and businesses trashed and/or burning. The riots over "police justice" broke every law in existence. Makes sense. Talk about drinking the koolaid. There is no equating January 6th with the damage BLM did to the country last year. I never made excuses for the Capitol protesters that broke the law and am glad there are consequences being faced.
Right, they didn't literally burn every building and structure down within city limits, therefore it's not a big deal? We saw plenty of buildings and businesses trashed and/or burning. The riots over "police justice" broke every law in existence. Makes sense. Talk about drinking the koolaid. There is no equating January 6th with the damage BLM did to the country last year. I never made excuses for the Capitol protesters that broke the law and am glad there are consequences being faced.

Nobody said it wasn't a big deal. I'm saying you people are dishonest in speaking about the riots that sprang from the George Floyd killing in the manner you've been doing for a year.

Again, the data contradicts your little "It's been going on all year!!" narrative.

Equating these riots with the attempt at insurrection by a mob spurned on directly by the President and his allies makes you sound like a chickenshit. You say you're not making excuses, but it's all obfuscation an equivocations from you. Wonder why.

I await a picture of the anchor with the fire behind him, which is about your peak level.........

Here are studies done by people with a functioning cortex. I await your blanket dismissal of their findings, much like you did with rafts of data pertaining to the systemic racism you laughed at.....
Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds
Study of 2020 Protests Shows Difference Between Reality and Perception
where is the thread for republican muppets who call themselves patriots trying to overthrow their countries government?
The most patriotic thing in America is to overthrow your dictatorial government. It’s exactly what American patriots did back in the day. And heap scorn on the God Damn Torries.
The most patriotic thing in America is to overthrow your dictatorial government. It’s exactly what American patriots did back in the day. And heap scorn on the God Damn Torries.

you wouldnt have been calling it patriotic if diaper don would have won the election and it was bidens side that became butthurt babies about it and stormed the capitol. thats right you chud. you'd be calling it tyranny.
Nobody said it wasn't a big deal. I'm saying you people are dishonest in speaking about the riots that sprang from the George Floyd killing in the manner you've been doing for a year.

Again, the data contradicts your little "It's been going on all year!!" narrative.

Equating these riots with the attempt at insurrection by a mob spurned on directly by the President and his allies makes you sound like a chickenshit. You say you're not making excuses, but it's all obfuscation an equivocations from you. Wonder why.

I await a picture of the anchor with the fire behind him, which is about your peak level.........

Here are studies done by people with a functioning cortex. I await your blanket dismissal of their findings, much like you did with rafts of data pertaining to the systemic racism you laughed at.....
Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds
Study of 2020 Protests Shows Difference Between Reality and Perception

You won't have to wait long. I'm not reading any of that shit. Tried the last time you vomited this copy pasta on the forum and got a bunch of vague bullshit that you weren't able to defend once broken down into specifics.
You won't have to wait long. I'm not reading any of that shit. Tried the last time you vomited this copy pasta on the forum and got a bunch of vague bullshit that you weren't able to defend once broken down into specifics.
Bitched out as expected.

"got a bunch of vague bullshit that you weren't able to defend once broken down into specifics."

Actually, you were given numerous studies on specific facets of American life. This was after you made a claim about vague bs. You couldn't counter it, so you chose to wholesale dismiss the information from numerous reputed sources.

Can't argue with the data, it must be liberal bullshit.
RidinWitBiden's bumper sticker.........

I personally love the outrage (actually deserved this time) by the ACAB group of posters now that it was Trump supporters assaulting police.
So do you think " Zip Tie Guy" should get his mothers day wish or no ?
Me personally I'm indifferent to if he does or not

The accused U.S. Capitol rioter known as the “zip-tie guy” asked a federal judge on Thursday to unbind his pretrial conditions keeping him from calling his Congress-storming mom on Mother’s Day.

One of the most visible participants of the Jan. 6th siege, Eric Munchel was photographed on that day in military gear, carrying plastic handcuffs and roaming around the Senate chamber. Munchel claimed that he harvested the flexicuffs that Capitol police left behind and had no plans to use them. Prosecutors claimed that he could have used them for taking hostages if he came across any lawmakers, but they did not allege to have discovered any plans for doing so. Munchel went into the Capitol on that day with his mother Lisa Marie Eisenhart.

Initially kept in pre-trial detention, both won their release from jail following a D.C. Circuit ruling relaxing the standards for releasing accused Capitol rioters before trial.

But that release came with strict conditions forbidding either from contacting anyone connected to their cases—including each other.

The three-page release order stated they must “avoid all contact, directly or indirectly, with any person who is or may be a victim or witness in the investigation or prosecution, including: codefendants except through counsel or as otherwise authorized by Pretrial Services.”

Does anyone else find the ongoing trickle of embarrassing claims about various “insurrectionists” to be at all odd? It’s like a public shaming campaign, and I can’t remember a time when something similar happened.

What's wrong with publicly shaming people who didn't want to be part of our democracy anymore?
Does anyone else find the ongoing trickle of embarrassing claims about various “insurrectionists” to be at all odd? It’s like a public shaming campaign, and I can’t remember a time when something similar happened.
The establishment hates native patriotic Americans. Fucking hates them. Why do you think the establishment mass imports immigrants?
Yes, he should be able to call his mom on mother's day. Anyone in custody should.