Law Capitol Rioter Megathread


a special tourist.

Capitol Rioter Who Sprayed Police With Mace Gets 2 And a Half Years In Prison Just To Own The Libs​

A man who prosecutors said was seen “smiling” while indiscriminately spraying police officers in the face with pepper spray during the 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Monday to two and a half years in federal prison.

Israel James Easterday, of Munfordville, Kentucky, was sentenced to 30 months in prison, 500 hours of community service and a $2,000 fine, after being found guilty last October of six felonies and three misdemeanors by a jury, the Justice Department announced.

Easterday had traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in protests because he believed that the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated the disgraced former President Molestini Cheetolini, were the result of government corruption, federal prosecutors said.

Photos taken during the melee and submitted with Easterday’s charging documents show him wearing a black beanie with the logo “I ❤️ TRUMP” and carrying a Confederate battle flag.

Easterday forced his way inside the Capitol with a mob after spraying a Capitol police officer in the face with pepper spray “at point-blank range,” according to DOJ. The injured officer collapsed and temporarily lost consciousness, resulting in his baton being stolen by another rioter. His vision was compromised for hours after he was sprayed, the Justice Department said.

“Soon thereafter, an unknown rioter handed Easterday a second can of pepper spray, which Easterday—smiling—used to indiscriminately spray another small group of officers, hitting at least one of them in the face. That officer, too, was temporarily incapacitated and suffered pain for hours,” prosecutors said in Monday’s release.

Easterday was identified after federal authorities searched publicly available photos and found pictures of him wearing the same beanie while again holding a Confederate flag, according to the charging documents.

He had been planning to go to the Bahamas with his fiancée to hand out free Bibles as part of missionary work when he was arrested, Easterday’s attorneys said in a court plea requesting his release.

Easterday is “a very young man from an extremely sheltered background” who posed no public threat, the lawyers told the court.

Easterday was raised Amish and was his family’s primary cow-milker on their farm until he left home at the age of 18, they said.

“He wore simple clothes with a hat and suspenders, and was home-schooled until he was 15 years old, when he began working full time on his family’s farm,” they said. “At no point after January 6 did he glorify what happened on that date, or otherwise espouse violence.”

Easterday canceled his missionary work and promptly turned himself in after learning about his outstanding arrest warrant, they said.
His attorney, Geremy Kamens, declined comment when reached by HuffPost on Tuesday.

More than 1,385 people have been charged for crimes related to the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol, the Justice Department said Monday. Efforts to identify and locate insurrectionists captured in videos and photos that day remain ongoing.

the party of law and order. back the blue. blue lives matter.

Jan. 6 rioter who sought to 'incite violence' by Trump supporters gets dumpstered. Sentenced to six years in prison just to own the libs​


WASHINGTON — A Jan. 6 defendant who federal prosecutors said sought to "incite violence," "instigate s---" and "foment anarchy" during the attack on the Capitol was sentenced Friday afternoon to six years in prison.

John Sullivan was convicted in November on numerous charges, including felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder. During closing arguments, a federal prosecutor told jurors that Sullivan went to the Capitol with the "goal of inciting the crowd," and prosecutors presented evidence of him bragging about being "on the front line" during the attack.

"I brought my megaphone to instigate s---," Sullivan said in footage played for jurors, in which he bragged that he'd sought to "make those Trump supporters f--- s--- up."

A tearful Sullivan said he was "very sorry" and that he had "learned my lesson" before his sentence was handed down on Friday.

Prosecutors had argued for a lengthy sentence of more than seven years in federal prison, with Assistant U.S. Attorney Rebekah Lederer saying Sullivan "came to Washington looking for a fight" and had become a "poster child of conspiracy theories on the deep far-right."

Judge Royce C. Lamberth, a Ronald Reagan appointee who has spoken out about the seriousness of the Jan. 6 attack and ordered Sullivan locked up following his conviction last year, noted that this case was "unusual." While most Jan. 6 defendants "wrongly but sincerely believed the election was stolen," Sullivan had different political beliefs, the judge said, describing him as perhaps the only Jan. 6 defendant "who showed up to the Capitol despite not subscribing to the goals of the protest."

Sullivan, also known as "Jayden X," had been a cause célèbre for conservatives seeking to shift attention away from what drove the actions of the overwhelmingly pro-Molestini Cheetolini mob that stormed the Capitol and brutally attacked officers on Jan. 6, 2021. Sullivan is a political outlier among Jan. 6 defendants, many of whom still believe in the lies about the 2020 election that drove the attack. Sullivan is not a supporter of fraudsters and rapists; prosecutors described him as an “antiestablishment” activist who wanted to “burn it all down.”

He also pretended to be a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, but BLM activists had distanced themselves from Sullivan in 2020. His brother James Sullivan is a right-wing activist with ties to the Proud Boys.

Sullivan captured some of the better-known footage of the death of domestic terrorist Ashli Babbitt, who was put down like a diseased dog after she fucked around and found out.

Sullivan argued after the riot that he was there filming as a journalist, but prosecutors showed evidence during the trial that he believed that filming was simply a "good ploy so I don’t get arrested" and argued in a sentencing memo that "the real purpose of his presence at the Capitol" was "to foment anarchy."

NBCUniversal, the parent company of NBC News, is one of the media outlets that paid to license Sullivan’s footage in the aftermath of the attack. Federal prosecutors previously seized the $90,875 in funds that Sullivan received from various media outlets and asked the judge to impose a fine of $90,875, saying he "should not be able to ‘capitalize’ on his participation in the Capitol breach and should be fined the entire amount of his proceeds." Lamberth indicated during the sentencing hearing that Sullivan would not be getting the money back.

Sullivan told documentary filmmaker Jade Sacker, who also entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, that he was "siding with anyone willing to rip this down and put something new in place, put something better in place," prosecutors said. When he began efforts to license the footage, Sullivan shifted how he described himself, prosecutors said.

"As his campaign to sell footage to news outlets evolved, Sullivan suddenly began relabeling himself as a journalist—even changing the caption of his website from 'activist' to 'journalist,'" prosecutors wrote. "The reason for Sullivan’s reinvention is clear: he went all in on the 'good ploy' he had hatched with Sacker earlier that day in order to bury the real purpose of his presence at the Capitol—to foment anarchy."

Sullivan was also armed with "a retractable knife with an almost four inch blade" that "during two of the most serious inflection points of January 6, 2021 ... he offered up to rioters at the House Main Door and the Speaker’s Lobby Door," prosecutors said.

Sullivan's defense team said that the former Eagle Scout had a "passion for in-line ice skating" and speed skating, but his Olympic prospects were derailed by injury. They said Sullivan "had led an admirable and a caring life in which he displayed a sense of responsibility, a commitment to his family, friends and community and an individual who tried to enhance the lives of those around him," and urged the judge to "consider the whole man."

Since Sullivan was locked up after his conviction, his lawyer said there's been a "dramatic decrease in his mental stability and his overall physical presence." Sullivan has been segregated from other Jan. 6 defendants in the Washington, D.C., jail because authorities believed that being locked up with Jan. 6 defendants would be "a threat to his physical safety."

During Friday's hearing, Sullivan said that he has been "completely isolated" under "very terrible conditions" since he was convicted.

More than 1,387 Capitol attack defendants have been charged, and prosecutors have secured nearly 1,000 convictions. While hundreds of low-level rioters have received probationary sentences, more than 520 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration ranging from a few days behind bars to 22 years in federal prison. The median term for Jan. 6 rioters sentenced to prison is about eight months, according to an analysis by NBC News.

@cottagecheesefan should be happy. the antifa guy who set this all up (teehee!) has now been sentenced for his crimes at the capitol. shucks, i guess now these people have to come up with a new scapegoat for their crimes.

look at all of these beta soyboys all balling their eyes out in front of the judges and crying about the jail conditions and food. not so tough are you now bitch boy. i bet it pleases these people to know that their rapist messiah pardoned the guy who stole their wall money instead of any of these sad sacks of shit. law and order bitch. enjoy prison.
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Jan. 6 rioter who sought to 'incite violence' by Trump supporters gets dumpstered. Sentenced to six years in prison just to own the libs​


WASHINGTON — A Jan. 6 defendant who federal prosecutors said sought to "incite violence," "instigate s---" and "foment anarchy" during the attack on the Capitol was sentenced Friday afternoon to six years in prison.

John Sullivan was convicted in November on numerous charges, including felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder. During closing arguments, a federal prosecutor told jurors that Sullivan went to the Capitol with the "goal of inciting the crowd," and prosecutors presented evidence of him bragging about being "on the front line" during the attack.

"I brought my megaphone to instigate s---," Sullivan said in footage played for jurors, in which he bragged that he'd sought to "make those Trump supporters f--- s--- up."

A tearful Sullivan said he was "very sorry" and that he had "learned my lesson" before his sentence was handed down on Friday.

Prosecutors had argued for a lengthy sentence of more than seven years in federal prison, with Assistant U.S. Attorney Rebekah Lederer saying Sullivan "came to Washington looking for a fight" and had become a "poster child of conspiracy theories on the deep far-right."

Judge Royce C. Lamberth, a Ronald Reagan appointee who has spoken out about the seriousness of the Jan. 6 attack and ordered Sullivan locked up following his conviction last year, noted that this case was "unusual." While most Jan. 6 defendants "wrongly but sincerely believed the election was stolen," Sullivan had different political beliefs, the judge said, describing him as perhaps the only Jan. 6 defendant "who showed up to the Capitol despite not subscribing to the goals of the protest."

Sullivan, also known as "Jayden X," had been a cause célèbre for conservatives seeking to shift attention away from what drove the actions of the overwhelmingly pro-Molestini Cheetolini mob that stormed the Capitol and brutally attacked officers on Jan. 6, 2021. Sullivan is a political outlier among Jan. 6 defendants, many of whom still believe in the lies about the 2020 election that drove the attack. Sullivan is not a supporter of fraudsters and rapists; prosecutors described him as an “antiestablishment” activist who wanted to “burn it all down.”

He also pretended to be a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, but BLM activists had distanced themselves from Sullivan in 2020. His brother James Sullivan is a right-wing activist with ties to the Proud Boys.

Sullivan captured some of the better-known footage of the death of domestic terrorist Ashli Babbitt, who was put down like a diseased dog after she fucked around and found out.

Sullivan argued after the riot that he was there filming as a journalist, but prosecutors showed evidence during the trial that he believed that filming was simply a "good ploy so I don’t get arrested" and argued in a sentencing memo that "the real purpose of his presence at the Capitol" was "to foment anarchy."

NBCUniversal, the parent company of NBC News, is one of the media outlets that paid to license Sullivan’s footage in the aftermath of the attack. Federal prosecutors previously seized the $90,875 in funds that Sullivan received from various media outlets and asked the judge to impose a fine of $90,875, saying he "should not be able to ‘capitalize’ on his participation in the Capitol breach and should be fined the entire amount of his proceeds." Lamberth indicated during the sentencing hearing that Sullivan would not be getting the money back.

Sullivan told documentary filmmaker Jade Sacker, who also entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, that he was "siding with anyone willing to rip this down and put something new in place, put something better in place," prosecutors said. When he began efforts to license the footage, Sullivan shifted how he described himself, prosecutors said.

"As his campaign to sell footage to news outlets evolved, Sullivan suddenly began relabeling himself as a journalist—even changing the caption of his website from 'activist' to 'journalist,'" prosecutors wrote. "The reason for Sullivan’s reinvention is clear: he went all in on the 'good ploy' he had hatched with Sacker earlier that day in order to bury the real purpose of his presence at the Capitol—to foment anarchy."

Sullivan was also armed with "a retractable knife with an almost four inch blade" that "during two of the most serious inflection points of January 6, 2021 ... he offered up to rioters at the House Main Door and the Speaker’s Lobby Door," prosecutors said.

Sullivan's defense team said that the former Eagle Scout had a "passion for in-line ice skating" and speed skating, but his Olympic prospects were derailed by injury. They said Sullivan "had led an admirable and a caring life in which he displayed a sense of responsibility, a commitment to his family, friends and community and an individual who tried to enhance the lives of those around him," and urged the judge to "consider the whole man."

Since Sullivan was locked up after his conviction, his lawyer said there's been a "dramatic decrease in his mental stability and his overall physical presence." Sullivan has been segregated from other Jan. 6 defendants in the Washington, D.C., jail because authorities believed that being locked up with Jan. 6 defendants would be "a threat to his physical safety."

During Friday's hearing, Sullivan said that he has been "completely isolated" under "very terrible conditions" since he was convicted.

More than 1,387 Capitol attack defendants have been charged, and prosecutors have secured nearly 1,000 convictions. While hundreds of low-level rioters have received probationary sentences, more than 520 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration ranging from a few days behind bars to 22 years in federal prison. The median term for Jan. 6 rioters sentenced to prison is about eight months, according to an analysis by NBC News.

@cottagecheesefan should be happy. the antifa guy who set this all up (teehee!) has now been sentenced for his crimes at the capitol. shucks, i guess now these people have to come up with a new scapegoat for their crimes.

look at all of these beta soyboys all balling their eyes out in front of the judges and crying about the jail conditions and food. not so tough are you now bitch boy. i bet it pleases these people to know that their rapist messiah pardoned the guy who stole their wall money instead of any of these sad sacks of shit. law and order bitch. enjoy prison.


From the link.

That is the face of someone who is NOT equipped for prison.

East Texas magat who assaulted police on Jan. 6 Capitol gets nearly 6 years in federal prison and fined $200,000 just to own the libs​

“So if you want to know where Ryan Nichols stands, Ryan Nichols stands for violence,” Ryan Nichols said, adding he was prepared to die to keep Donald Trump in office.


WASHINGTON D.C., DC — An East Texas veteran who assaulted police and brandished a crowbar at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was sentenced to more than five years in federal prison.

Ryan Taylor Nichols, of Longview, entered a guilty plea in November two felony counts of obstruction of an official proceeding and assaulting police. Because of his plea, he had avoided a more serious charge for spraying a large canister of pepper spray toward officers who were defending the Lower West Terrace Tunnel. On Thursday, he was sentenced to 64 months in prison and fined $200,000.

According to Jordan Fischer, a reporter at CBS19's sister station WUSA in Washington, D.C., the judge said Nichols did not cooperate with the financial portion of the presentencing investigation. He also raised more than $230,000 on a fundraising website titled "Free My Patriot Prisoner."

The Marine Corps veteran originally faced about roughly six-and-and-half-to-eight years, but a court ruling led to a way for his sentence to be reduced. Ahead of sentencing, the prosecution said that Nichols deserves 83 months, which is just a month shy of seven years.

The government's court filing said Nichols was calling – “repeatedly and voraciously” – for violence in the weeks before Jan. 6. His post on Christmas Eve 2020 read, “It’ll be fixed January 6th, or the Patriots will fix it ourselves. When the Patriots move to fix it, we’re bringing the wrath of God, and there’s not a F***ING thing you can do to stop it.”

Our Washington D.C. sister station, WUSA, reported that he recruited Marine Corps veteran, his co-defendant Alex Harkrider, of Carthage, to join him in D.C. on Jan. 6. Nichols described the event as having "front seat tickets to the REAL revolution.”

In one video, Nichols took out a crowbar while yelling, “This is our country!" and another video showed Nichols standing on a ledge near a shattered window and yelling, “If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon!” He was spotted using pepper spray to assault police at the Lower West Terrace Tunnel.

Harkrider, who pleaded guilty in January of multiple felony counts in connection with carrying a tomahawk to the Capitol, is set to be sentenced on May 9.

the party of law and order.

a 2 hour standoff? lol those cops must have had a lot of patience with that guy while he recited his sovereign citizen bullshit and tells them that he does not consent to being arrested or traveling to jail. either that or they just decided to humor themselves and let him wear himself out with his whole spiel before they dragged his ass out of his condo and hauled him off to jail.

this fine heap of maga trash right here is going to talk himself into receiving the full brunt of the law. watch him as he tries to read some bullshit he read off 4chan and then tell the judge that the judge has no authority over him while the judge just signals for the bailiff and they drag his ass out of the courtroom and throw him in a cell.

i wish they had cameras in court so i could watch this maga muppet try to defend himself with his sovereign citizen bullshit just for the lolz. maga or sovereign citizen, pick your poison, these people are absolutely retarded. but when you combine the two, thats just gonna be off the charts.
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a 2 hour standoff? lol those cops must have had a lot of patience with that guy while he recited his sovereign citizen bullshit and tells them that he does not consent to being arrested or traveling to jail. either that or they just decided to humor themselves and let him wear himself out with his whole spiel before they dragged his ass out of his condo and hauled him off to jail.

this fine heap of maga trash right here is going to talk himself into receiving the full brunt of the law. watch him as he tries to read some bullshit he read off 4chan and then tell the judge that the judge has no authority over him while the judge just signals for the bailiff and they drag his ass out of the courtroom and throw him in a cell.

i wish they had cameras in court so i could watch this maga muppet try to defend himself with his sovereign citizen bullshit just for the lolz. maga or sovereign citizen, pick your poison, these people are absolutely retarded. but when you combine the two, thats just gonna be off the charts.

That face ain't equipped for prison.


Capitol Rioter Who Sprayed Police With Mace Gets 2 And a Half Years In Prison Just To Own The Libs​

A man who prosecutors said was seen “smiling” while indiscriminately spraying police officers in the face with pepper spray during the 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Monday to two and a half years in federal prison.

Israel James Easterday, of Munfordville, Kentucky, was sentenced to 30 months in prison, 500 hours of community service and a $2,000 fine, after being found guilty last October of six felonies and three misdemeanors by a jury, the Justice Department announced.

Easterday had traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in protests because he believed that the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated the disgraced former President Molestini Cheetolini, were the result of government corruption, federal prosecutors said.

Photos taken during the melee and submitted with Easterday’s charging documents show him wearing a black beanie with the logo “I ❤️ TRUMP” and carrying a Confederate battle flag.

Easterday forced his way inside the Capitol with a mob after spraying a Capitol police officer in the face with pepper spray “at point-blank range,” according to DOJ. The injured officer collapsed and temporarily lost consciousness, resulting in his baton being stolen by another rioter. His vision was compromised for hours after he was sprayed, the Justice Department said.

“Soon thereafter, an unknown rioter handed Easterday a second can of pepper spray, which Easterday—smiling—used to indiscriminately spray another small group of officers, hitting at least one of them in the face. That officer, too, was temporarily incapacitated and suffered pain for hours,” prosecutors said in Monday’s release.

Easterday was identified after federal authorities searched publicly available photos and found pictures of him wearing the same beanie while again holding a Confederate flag, according to the charging documents.

He had been planning to go to the Bahamas with his fiancée to hand out free Bibles as part of missionary work when he was arrested, Easterday’s attorneys said in a court plea requesting his release.

Easterday is “a very young man from an extremely sheltered background” who posed no public threat, the lawyers told the court.

Easterday was raised Amish and was his family’s primary cow-milker on their farm until he left home at the age of 18, they said.

“He wore simple clothes with a hat and suspenders, and was home-schooled until he was 15 years old, when he began working full time on his family’s farm,” they said. “At no point after January 6 did he glorify what happened on that date, or otherwise espouse violence.”

Easterday canceled his missionary work and promptly turned himself in after learning about his outstanding arrest warrant, they said.
His attorney, Geremy Kamens, declined comment when reached by HuffPost on Tuesday.

More than 1,385 people have been charged for crimes related to the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol, the Justice Department said Monday. Efforts to identify and locate insurrectionists captured in videos and photos that day remain ongoing.

the party of law and order. back the blue. blue lives matter.
this cop-beating heap of maga trash has kicked the bucket before he had the chance to face his rightful justice.

rest in piss

Capitol rioter who participated in ‘pivotal’ breaches sentenced to 45 months in prison just to own the libs​


A Capitol rioter who prosecutors say participated in 12 of the most “pivotal” breaches during the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced to 45 months in prison Friday.

Leo Bozell IV, 44, received the nearly 4-year sentence for leading rioters through multiple police lines outside the building, through the Senate Wing doors, the East Rotunda doors and into the Senate gallery and onto the Senate floor.

Bozell initially faced a potential sentence between 10 and 27 years, according to the Justice Department’s sentencing memorandum, in part due to a terrorism enhancement that was applied to a felony destruction of property charge.

U.S. District Judge John Bates declined to apply the enhancement, noting that Bozell and his conduct was far afield from the sort of actions that come to mind when thinking about terrorism. But he emphasized that while Bozell may not reach the level of terrorist, his conduct was far from admirable.

"Not for a moment should Jan. 6 rioters be considered true patriots," Bates said as he passed down the sentence. "They are not political prisoners, not hostages, they are merely receiving the consequences of their actions."

The George W. Bush appointee explained his decision not to apply the enhancement, saying that Bozell’s conduct did not seem to match the actions taken by the only other five Jan. 6 defendants to receive the enhancement, each of whom were members of the far-right Proud Boys.

Enrique Tarrio, ex-leader of the Proud Boys, was sentenced to 22 years. His lieutenants Ethan Nordean, Jospeh Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Dominic Pezzola and Charles Donohoe received 18 years, 17 years, 15 years, 10 years and 40 months, respectively.

Justice Department prosecutor Ashley Akers argued that Bozell’s conduct was most comparable to Pezzola’s, who used a stolen police shield to break a window and allowed the first rioters to enter the building.

Between 2:00 p.m. and 2:49 p.m., Bozell participated in and led multiple key breaches, including at the Senate Wing doors, where he used an unidentified solid metal object to shatter a windowpane, according to the DOJ’s sentencing memorandum.

Once inside, Bozell broke away from the mob, entering different rooms, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, before rejoining rioters at the East Rotunda doors, where he helped force them open to allow hundreds of rioters to enter the building.

Bozell then made his way to the Senate chamber, pushing through another police line, and was one of the first rioters to enter — described by Akers as “occupying the Senate floor.” He directed the rioters in the Senate gallery to turn nearby C-SPAN cameras down to prevent them recording their actions, spending another hour walking through the building before being pushed out by officers.

In a statement to the court, Bozell apologized for his actions, to police officers, the court and his family. Bozell is the son of prominent conservative actives Brent Bozell III, the founder of the Media Research Center, Parents Television Council and other conservative media organizations.

“I don’t know what happened that day and I can’t apologize enough,” Bozell said. “I put a stain on our name, my actions are the most public display of this family.”

Bates convicted Bozell at a bench trial in September 2023 on 10 counts of obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property, civil disorder, resisting officers, entering a restricted building, disorderly conduct in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in the Capitol, physical violence in the Capitol and demonstrating in the Capitol.

During Friday’s proceedings, Bates held a brief bench trial on one of Bozell’s two destruction of property charges after the Justice Department conceded one of the windowpanes he smashed was valued under $1,000, the threshold required for a felony charge.

The actual value was $824, so Bates lowered the charge to a misdemeanor.

Bates ordered Bozell pay $4,729 in restitution, adding the $824 to another windowpane, $1,905, along with the standard $2,000 levied against Jan. 6 defendants for the overall damage to the building.

While passing down the sentence, Bates said he considered the possibility that the Supreme Court could overturn Section 1512 — obstruction of an official proceeding — in Fischer v. United States, but noted that the high court's decision would not change the sentence.

He also said he weighed the D.C. Circuit’s decision in March that a sentencing enhancement for interfering with the administration of justice was not applicable to the certification of the 2020 election results. He cited the decision as part of the reason he ordered a sentence well below the government’s request.

In the 40 months since Jan. 6, more than 1,424 defendants have been charged in connection to the riot, with approximately 884 people being sentenced to prison for their actions.


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