Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

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Prove it with a bout of UFC 6 rules against a low ranked bellator tick
You really think he can beat Pav without first going through the other guys? You do know Aspinall lost in the regionals before right? Even after the Arlovski fight he said he learned a lot from the vetetan. He said he even gassed himself out trying to chase a finish in round 1.

None of them, Gane, Ngannou, Jones, Miocic... could've beaten top ufc hws of their time without first going through the gauntlet.

There's a natural maturation process for any athlete.

But which fight do you think made Aspinall better?
I dont think nnganou, who is primarily a stand up fighter with his hands as his main weapon, could have done anything much differently.
Who knows? Maybe AJ would've been scared of a takedown, or Francis would kick his leg... The variables are the fun here.
There's a natural maturation process for any athlete.

But which fight do you think made Aspinall better?
All of them, even the initial two with Fatty and Alan. I literally gave you one example where Aspinall talked about it.

Go try sparring. Even one light sparring can teach you a lot, not to mention a fight.
By his own words Jon Jones has spent his entire life getting his shit kicked in by his NFL brothers... there are monster professional athletes out there that weigh 60+ pounds more than Jon while still being as equally fast, or faster.

MMA has weight limits. Real life does not.

His life before he started training. You can't seriously think his brothers would beat him in a fight now?
I'd say the best MMA fighter has the best claim to best fighter on the planet.

Takedowns have some cons in an unrestricted fight, but I think most MMA heavyweights are not overly reliant on it. It's not like you need to shoot a blast double for you to apply your ground game.

At the end of the day, most fights end up in the clinch so boxers and kickboxers are at a serious disadvantage there without a referee to break it up.
I think Jones is too compassionate to be considered the most dangerous. It would probably be some psychopath or someone who is trained in krav maga or some 7 foot giant living in the mountains who hunts animals would be considered the most dangerous
Jones is a psychopath tho, most likely.
Hand to hand combat is irrelevant skill if you want to be dangerous.
What is most important unarmed fight in history of war?
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Top MMA HW wrestler, or just HW wrestler? Because if it's the latter, then they've probably never dealt with strikes and can definitely eat a knee, punch, shin etc on the way in. Heck, imagine even them getting sprawled on attempting a low single, then eating a super mario esque stomp to the back of the head.
I feel like the top HW wrestler would be athletic enough to close the distance, of course there is a chance the strike they catch coming in KO's them, but would be able to slam them in concrete and win.
Yeah I think Jones or Aspinall have a pretty good chance of being the most dangerous.

I don't think the limits of the MMA rule set matter that much. Some pit fighter dude is not gonna beat Jon Jones because he's allowed to bite, eye gouge, or head stomp...
Pretty crazy to think the majority of votes are saying no lol. I mean its a pro sport with thousands of competitors where you have to train a wide array of techniques in both striking and grappling and can make 6-7 figures per fight if you're elite. If theres someone out there who could beat the top MMA fighters without any additional training where the fuck are they? in another combat sport? in a cave somewhere?
If Jones himself was as confident as his fans apparently are, he wouldn't have ducked Francis. But he did, so.
Pretty crazy to think the majority of votes are saying no lol. I mean its a pro sport with thousands of competitors where you have to train a wide array of techniques in both striking and grappling and can make 6-7 figures per fight if you're elite. If theres someone out there who could beat the top MMA fighters without any additional training where the fuck are they? in another combat sport? in a cave somewhere?
His name is Francis Ngannou. You should look him up, since you apparently don't know who he is.
And yet Ngannou beat Gane using what? ... Wrestling.

What makes u think he wouldn't have used kicks and Especially wrestling vs Fury and Joshua if it were allowed?
I just don't think Ngannou is a very well rounded fighter. He may have developed into one eventually, but the way his talent is now, he would never beat Jones unless he landed a punch on Jones like he did on Overeem! A hail Mary punch. I admit, I am not overly impressed with Ngannou's skill set.
I don't think so. However that takes nothing away from the dangers they pose. There are folks out there who do not hesitate to kill and it's a switch not easily flipped.

Maybe I should have chosen I don't know. Meh...


You think Cormier would just stand there and let someone kill him?
If Jones himself was as confident as his fans apparently are, he wouldn't have ducked Francis. But he did, so.
Yeah right, Jones ducked a one trick pony fighter like Ngannou. Haters will always hate. Obviously you haven't watched Jones entire career.
For non lethal combat yes. For just greatest hand to hand probably Israels Mossad.
I think Jones is too compassionate to be considered the most dangerous. It would probably be some psychopath or someone who is trained in krav maga or some 7 foot giant living in the mountains who hunts animals would be considered the most dangerous

In reality it is some wealthy elite douchebag, either politician or blackrock/vanguard board member. The type of asshole who give directives to the WHO/CDC or tells polticians/military leaders what their agenda is going to be.

You couldn't dream of doing the harm they could do with pen or a keystroke with fists or weapons. There just isn't enough time.

They can kill millions by approving some carcinogenic chemical to be allowed into food/water/medicine. You couldn't kill millions manually in a lifetime if that's all you did 40 hours a week your entire life and there were no cops.

The most dangerous man in the world wears a custom tailored suit and rides around in a Bugatti or Rolls Royce with a full time driver.
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Like he can beat virtually beat any human alive in hand to hand combat? Meaning no rules. You can gouge the eyes, you can strike the throat. You can bite. All that craziness you can do in a real fight.

Obviously not. This may come as a shock to you, but the best MMA fighter at heavyweight is the best MMA fighter - the best under a very specific ruleset with certain techniques allowed and many techniques banned.

The baddest man in the world still becomes a baby after getting hit in the groin.

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