Crime 'Eunuch Maker' ring on trial in London (Warning: disturbing content)

Yeah, buy 70 people showed up, but only the first 3 or 4 got a piece.

Just googled it, 5 people got a piece at €250 a pop. Kind of looks like duck, if ducks had pubes.


Apparently, the chef botched the meal too by under-cooking it leaving it with a rubbery texture and bland taste, penis is pretty tough and needs to be slow-cooked, good to know.
Just googled it, 5 people got a piece at €250 a pop. Kind of looks like duck, if ducks had pubes.


Apparently, the chef botched the meal too by under-cooking it leaving it with a rubbery texture and bland taste, penis is pretty tough and needs to be slow-cooked, good to know.
That's why you always marinade overnight.
Honestly I was on board with it all until the child porn part.


Seriously, if they were consenting adults let it be.
Nah, body mutilation should be banned world wide. Anything that destroys your sexual function should not be an elective procedure.
I don’t know about that. Starts to put us in murky waters. If somebody has a full functioning adult brain and consents to it, let them have at it imo. But I’m biased I suppose given it’s a profitable niche. Also people who want to do it as a form of self expression . . .


We’re all mad here baby xx
I don’t know about that. Starts to put us in murky waters. If somebody has a full functioning adult brain and consents to it, let them have at it imo. But I’m biased I suppose given it’s a profitable niche. Also people who want to do it as a form of self expression . . .


We’re all mad here baby xx
ITs a completely unnecessary , destructive and irreversible procedure. We need to have some lines we don't cross as a society. We've gone way too far here.


The roof of the Old Bailey

A man has been convicted of causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) with intent after he removed another man's testicle.

Ashley Williams, 31, from Newport in Gwent, South Wales, maimed the man in November 2017, the Old Bailey heard.

The charge claims that between January 2016 and January 2022, Williams and others conspired to commit GBH through the 'removal of penises/testicles/penile nerves/castration by clamping/insertion of needles into genitalia/cutting of penis'.

Williams pleaded not guilty to a count of conspiracy to commit GBH, and the Crown has stated it will not pursue a trial against him on the count after he pleaded guilty to the testicle removal offence.

Williams appeared in the dock alongside David Carruthers, 60, Janus Atkin, 38, also from Newport, and Romanian national Ion Ciucur, 29. They also pleaded not guilty to the same charge.

A further case management hearing was scheduled at the same court on the 8th of September 2023.
ITs a completely unnecessary , destructive and irreversible procedure. We need to have some lines we don't cross as a society. We've gone way too far here.

It would seem weird if the law forced me to wear a seat belt because I might get hurt, but I could gouge out my eye with the boys for views on tik tok.
I don’t know about that. Starts to put us in murky waters. If somebody has a full functioning adult brain and consents to it, let them have at it imo. But I’m biased I suppose given it’s a profitable niche. Also people who want to do it as a form of self expression . . .


We’re all mad here baby xx
Wanting a body part amputated is usually recognized as a symptom of a mental illness, so the "fully functioning brain" part doesn't apply

A Norwegian known as the 'Eunuch Maker' has admitted removing a man's penis and clamping the testicles of another victim.

Marius Gustavson, 45,


who is said to have made up to £200,000 live-streaming 'body modifications', admitted two charges of causing grievous bodily harm with intent at the Old Bailey today (Friday the 13th October 2023).

Gustavson appeared via video link at the Old Bailey and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, two counts of causing grievous bodily harm and one count of possessing criminal property, namely money.

He pleaded not guilty to three further counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

The GBH charges relate to five alleged victims, including the removal of a man's penis and the clamping of another man's testicles.

He admitted making and distributing two indecent videos of a child between January 2017 and January 2020.

His alleged 'right-hand man', surgeon Peter Wates, 66, has admitted conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.

Romanian Ion Ciucur, 28, who works in a hotel in Gretna Green, Scotland, denies conspiracy to cause GBH with intent in relation to two modifications.

Ashley Williams, 31,


has admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent to 37-year-old Janus Atkins


at his home in Newport, south Wales, on 7 November 2017.

David Carruthers, 60,


and Atkins, 37, deny conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.

Jacob Crimi-Appleby, 22,


of Epsom, Surrey, previously admitted causing GBH with intent by freezing Gustavson's leg, causing it to require amputation.

Former nurse Nathan Arnold, 48,


of South Kensington and Damien Byrnes, 35, of Tottenham, have admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Gustavson.

Byrnes removed Gustavson's penis on or around February 18, 2017 while Arnold was involved in the partial removal of his nipple.

Arnold also admitted stealing the local anaesthetic lidocaine while working as a nurse at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital between January 2016 and January 2022, and possession of extreme pornographic images.

The charges relate to 13 alleged victims, who are being safeguarded by specialist detectives.

Gustavson, Ciucur and Byrnes are remanded in custody while the others are on conditional bail, including curfew and residence.

A provisional trial date is set for the 4th of March 2024.

All defendants will appear in person at the Old Bailey for the next hearing on the 3rd of November.

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