Law Founding fathers rolling over in their graves

The Ten Commandments were established in the Old Testament, so to say that any facet of the US government is placing a preference of one religion over all others is to concede that the preference would be to Judaism
The Ten Commandments were established in the Old Testament, so to say that any facet of the US government is placing a preference of one religion over all others is to concede that the preference would be to Judaism
The government is mandating that Jewish scripture must be placed in every classroom in the state. How is that not preferential treatment?

It’s not as if thst holy scripture isn’t also Christian
The government is mandating that Jewish scripture must be placed in every classroom in the state. How is that not preferential treatment?

It’s not as if thst holy scripture isn’t also Christian
Im just asking if that’s your beef.
But i highly suspect you’re more focused on the “Christian” part, as most people who “dont like organized religion” do.

Islam accepts Moses as a prophet too, so the 10C hits pretty much the major 3 predominant religions in the US.
Im just asking if that’s your beef.
But i highly suspect you’re more focused on the “Christian” part, as most people who “dont like organized religion” do.

Islam accepts Moses as a prophet too, so the 10C hits pretty much the major 3 predominant religions in the US.
My problem is religion in our state institutions. Denomination doesn’t matter to me. Just bc I enjoy dunking on Christians doesn’t mean I’m more against their creed in schools than anyone else’s
My problem is religion in our state institutions. Denomination doesn’t matter to me. Just bc I enjoy dunking on Christians doesn’t mean I’m more against their creed in schools than anyone else’s
Yeah, precisely what i thought. You guys just “dunking” on the christians when the fastest growing religion in the world had a prophet who fucked children.

I would rather keep religion private and quiet but if we’re instilling christian values in school, we could be doing a lot worse.
Yeah, precisely what i thought. You guys just “dunking” on the christians when the fastest growing religion in the world had a prophet who fucked children.

I would rather keep religion private and quiet but if we’re instilling christian values in school, we could be doing a lot worse.

In what way, shape, or form, do most Americans, or American 'Christians', represent Christian values?

Your religion should be defined by the way you conduct yourself outside of church, not by the fact that you simply go to church every Sunday.
In what way, shape, or form, do most Americans, or American 'Christians', represent Christian values?

Your religion should be defined by the way you conduct yourself outside of church, not by the fact that you simply go to church every Sunday.
Completely agree. I think church is cringe virtue-signaling. I don’t think im making the case you think im making but its cool
Yeah, precisely what i thought. You guys just “dunking” on the christians when the fastest growing religion in the world had a prophet who fucked children.

I would rather keep religion private and quiet but if we’re instilling christian values in school, we could be doing a lot worse.
Dafuq daspee? How can you be on a word based platform with such terrible reading comprehension?

I said my problem is with religion period, and that IN SPITE of the joy it brings me to dunk on Christians my problem is with ANY religion being in schools.
Well it seems pretty cut and dry here that this runs directly afoul of the secular purpose test, and therefore the establishment clause, and additionally other, more contemporary means of determining these things. If they had tried more carefully to enmesh this within some kind of plausible secular purpose, there would maybe be some kind of case, given some of the more recent court drama around this issue, but they really haven't even tried to do that. I guess Kennedy vs Bremmerton will get trotted out, but I doubt even that will save them on this one
In what way, shape, or form, do most Americans, or American 'Christians', represent Christian values?

Your religion should be defined by the way you conduct yourself outside of church, not by the fact that you simply go to church every Sunday.
How does that old knee slapper go? “Going to church doesn’t make you anymore of a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car “
How does that old knee slapper go? “Going to church doesn’t make you anymore of a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car “
The biggest issue here is just how greedy they got. Posting the 10 Commandments in government/etc space has been tried before, and with mixed results. The current court is 100% behind it, so there's a pretty clear path toward success in this area. But specifically mandating it be posted in essentially all public education spaces is biting off more than they can (or should) be able to chew. Kennedy v Bremmerton gave a pretty robust angle to try and weasel this shit in there but I don't think even that is gonna save this one, although of course Alito and Thomas are already a lock.
Assuming Thomas isn’t driving his motor coach and misses work
Just reading through the comments from the legislators that crafted this... they could have done a much more effective job of trying to obscure their obvious intentions. But they couldn't resist. And there's the rub: they have to try and present this as being a sort of secular historical lesson at root, but then on the other hand just can't resist saying shit like they want all the kids to be seeing God's law
Well it seems pretty cut and dry here that this runs directly afoul of the secular purpose test, and therefore the establishment clause. If they had tried more carefully to enmesh this within some kind of plausible secular purpose, there would maybe be some kind of case, given some of the more recent court drama around this issue, but they really haven't even tried to do that.
I’ve always interpreted that as the federal government being unable to endorse a specific religio-state, but you make some good points Pete