Funniest thread ever?

The original gif thread followed by the the gif 2.0. There's enough content (at there was) in there to keep a guy laughing for a couple of hours.
Lee Hotti aka THE Marlboro Man, shit, thats what got me to sherdog when i was a teenager hahahaha. Man did it open the door for me to discovering PRIDE and other awesome shit.

i will forever think of it and UFC 56…me and my boys…lol

ps- that Bethe appendix thread was brilliant. Just got back to sherdog after being away for like 5 years lol
The one where Jason DeLucia started talking shit about Bas Rutten, and Bas came on and absolutely wrecked him was pretty funny. I was just on an old thread binge last night.
I always thought the MS Paint threads were high quality.


These threads were my introduction to Sherdog lmao, half of my profile pics were from these threads.
Shoop thread? MS Paint thread? Link?
It was old,before likes were a thing. I dont know how to find it either cos i cant remember the name of the thread. It was about how this neanderthal man who was frozen in ice was made to look when he had been alive,and they said it looked like Dan Henderson. That thread got better and better
Randy's Hugh school photo thread.