International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. V

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War Room Peace Addict
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Dec 8, 2006
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the terrible events of 10/7 have been incredibly illuminating in terms of identifying just how antisemitic some folks really are.

it's been like a "coming out party" for them.
come on now.
this is gradeschool level argumentation.
"oh you don't like palestinian children blown up? looks like we found the antisemite!!!"
Still waiting for more of you naysayers to propose strategies israel could use to kill Hamas and cripple their ability to wage war on israel without also having civilians getting hurt. Still waiting.
Says the guy who claims the worst genocide of the 21st century is unfolding now in Gaza. Right.
what i said was this:

"What israel is doing is slowly growing to become one of the worst genocides against civilians in the 21st century."

if you're going to outright lie about what people say, it says a lot about what type of poster you are - one not worth taking into consideration.
what i said was this:

"What israel is doing is slowly growing to become one of the worst genocides against civilians in the 21st century."

if you're going to outright lie about what people say, it says a lot about what type of poster you are - one not worth taking into consideration.
Please delineate the difference in meaning of the two sentences.
you don't understand the difference between claiming i said this is "THE WORST", and me actually saying "it is growing to become one of the worst"?

do you understand how sentence structure and meaning works?
Genocide unfolding vs. growing to become the worst genocide.

You can’t actually be claiming the meaning of the sentences have any difference.
Genocide unfolding vs. growing to become the worst.

You can’t actually be claiming the meaning of the sentences have any difference.
so if i say you're one of the dumbest people posting in this thread, what did i say exactly?
the terrible events of 10/7 have been incredibly illuminating in terms of identifying just how antisemitic some folks really are.

it's been like a "coming out party" for them.
they want israel to cease existing because “think of the children”.

i’m sure they all volunteer at schools and daycares and care about children very much in every other way too.
you can't expect people to actually believe you understand what irony means, since you can't understand differences between "the worst" and "one of the worst".
come on now.
this is gradeschool level argumentation.
"oh you don't like palestinian children blown up? looks like we found the antisemite!!!"
Propose to me a method for Israel to take out Hamas quickly and cripple hamas ability to wage war for the foreseeable future that doesn't involve civilians dying in the crossfire.

The rules are simple. You can't say "let Hamas get away with it for now"

I mean the easy solution if for Hamas to be like other civilized folks.
Civilized folks send women and children away when they go to fight and get as far away from them as they can so they don't get caught in the crossfire. They don't set up shop nearby the largest pool of kids and doctors so they can whine about fatalities when the building they hide in is bombed.

Hamas should do the right thing and all go to 1 corner of Gaza and send the innocents to the other side. I'd bet zillions of dollars the innocents wouldn't be catching the crossfire then. Why won't hamas do that? Barbarian pussies lol

So with that in mind, lay me out your scenario for how to take out hamas fast without civilians getting into it.
Propose to me a method for Israel to take out Hamas quickly and cripple hamas ability to wage war for the foreseeable future that doesn't involve civilians dying in the crossfire.

The rules are simple. You can't say "let Hamas get away with it for now"

I mean the easy solution if for Hamas to be like other civilized folks.
Civilized folks send women and children away when they go to fight and get as far away from them as they can so they don't get caught in the crossfire. They don't set up shop nearby the largest pool of kids and doctors so they can whine about fatalities when the building they hide in is bombed.

Hamas should do the right thing and all go to 1 corner of Gaza and send the innocents to the other side. I'd bet zillions of dollars the innocents wouldn't be catching the crossfire then. Why won't hamas do that? Barbarian pussies lol

So with that in mind, lay me out your scenario for how to take out hamas fast without civilians getting into it.
well given the current shitshow, it would be very optimistic to expect a workable scenario from some dude on the internet. the whole "give me a solution" thing is another way of saying we, all of us, can't seem to solve this problem. and it's true, we can't. both sides seem to think the opponent must be destroyed completely. the only solution i can think of is to take the power away from the warmongers - that means hamas and likud. as long as these two are the only recognized opposing voices of the conflict, there's no finality to this outside of continued massacres. and take away the power doesn't mean just from one of them. no, from both.

but i think what you're asking is the tactical, not strategic. nobody on the planet knows the answer to this, but the absence of an answer doesn't mean "keep killing children" is the right one.
you can't expect people to actually believe you understand what irony means, since you can't understand differences between "the worst" and "one of the worst".
Not clear if you’re intentionally trolling or really stupid.

“One of the worst genocides” or “worst genocide” has the same implication on your part of having literally nothing to contribute to this conversation beyond idiotic propaganda.
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