Kettlebell workout progress

For the longest time I've thought of kettlebells as a fad or odd CrossFit type cult. My work bought a set and after working with them I've drank the koolaid. There's definitely something there to them. I just feel stronger overall in BJJ with better conditioning. Specifically in my shoulders and grip. Usually do sets of 20 one arm swings with the 32kg followed by 4 get ups for 5 sets. Toss in some ring dips, weighted chins and squat variation and I'm golden. Kind of like the simple and sinister routine but more get ups. On alternate days I'll do heavy kettlebell cleans + pressing, goblet or split squats, and maybe some snatching + overhead squats with the bells.

I'll still use barbells but it's only like weekly or bi-weekly. Turning 40 soon and I just can't put weight on my back like I used to especially since I still grapple 4-5 times a week. As someone that used to chuckle at kettlebell workouts I highly recommended someone who fights look into them. Definitely a strong carry over workout wise for strength and conditioning.
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Titan has great competition and cast iron bells for good prices. Sadly this is widely known and they're always out of stock. I'd recommend the Bells of Steel adjustable competition kettlebell as you can adjust it in 1-2kg increments from 12kg to 32kg. Kettlebell kings sells one too but it's wildly overpriced and their customer service sucks.

That's what I wound up getting for home use. Would also recommend. If you outgrow it just buy a 40kg.

Just as a pro tip though if you are using these style kettlebells, USE CHALK no matter what if you have any regard for the area around you.
Are back of forearm bruises pretty common to keep? Or is that catching completely wrong
Are back of forearm bruises pretty common to keep? Or is that catching completely wrong

I think a little bit of soreness is normal, but if it's excessive you're probably doing something wrong.

There are videos that explain it pretty well, but thing I focus on with KB cleans is to "punch" or thread my hand through as the bell comes up. If I do this correctly there is virtually no impact, and no bruises afterwards.
I think a little bit of soreness is normal, but if it's excessive you're probably doing something wrong.

There are videos that explain it pretty well, but thing I focus on with KB cleans is to "punch" or thread my hand through as the bell comes up. If I do this correctly there is virtually no impact, and no bruises afterwards.
nah, nothing painful. Just superficial landing spot about 4 inches under wrist. Those comp style handles must be more swing friendly than the spray coated box store ones.
Are back of forearm bruises pretty common to keep? Or is that catching completely wrong
Catching wrong. The bell should "wrap" around your wrist instead of slamming. You're likely overdoing the swing part of the clean. Think about swinging the bell to your waist and then "spearing" it with your hand.
That handle has so much more hand room. Helpful. Thanks.

I clicked home button after that Short, the next vid is Wildman on how not to destroy your arm and wrist with KB


Competition kettlebells. One of the reasons I invested in them is because of the additional hand room. Highly recommended, as I mentioned in the OP.
Kettlebell workout update -

I've been doing double-handed swings with my 50 pounder and have now got to the point I'm doing 16 sets of 20 reps pretty comfortably without ever having to take longer than 40 second breaks between sets.

But now the workouts have got harder and the first one-handed swing sets were like this -

*15 seconds right-handed swings (10 reps)
*15 second break
*15 seconds left-handed swings (10 reps)
*15 second break

15 sets in 15 minutes.

It was pretty easy with my 30 pound kettlebell, so I upgraded up to the 40 pounder.

Moved onto the next workout with 15 minutes of Cleans, which was my 1st time doing them, so I did it with a 30 pounder... then there was one-handed swings, so I grabbed my 40 pounder.

It was...

*40 seconds of right-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of left-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of double-handed swings. (50 pounder)
*60 seconds rest.

Motherfucker.... my grip gave out. Going from 15 seconds to 40 seconds of one-handed swings killed me. Think I made it halfway through the 2nd round, which there were only 2 rounds before calling it quits because my hands were killing me.

Going to immediately try again soon, but I'm going to re-arrange the exercise order to to the swings first before the cleans.

Side-note - I've been using the exact same set of workout DVDs, in the OP, for 3 months now and I've got my moneys worth many times over now. Whenever I first try a workout and fail to complete it, I keep trying until I get comfortable with it, then I increase the weight. Rinse, Cycle, & repeat.

Don't get me wrong, the criticisms I mentioned in the OP are still valid, but the positives are so much more significant. If you're new to kettlebelling, buy DVDs, and they're significantly cheaper than the kettlebells themselves, especially on Ebay.
That handle has so much more hand room. Helpful. Thanks.

I clicked home button after that Short, the next vid is Wildman on how not to destroy your arm and wrist with KB

Mark is a wealth of knowledge regarding kettlebells and club/mace work. I've bought most of his programs. They're expensive but he gives so much out for free, I'm happy to support him.
*40 seconds of right-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of left-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of double-handed swings. (50 pounder)
*60 seconds rest.

I redid the workout today doing the swings first and it was significantly easier with my grip being fresh.

Then I did the 15 minutes of cleans & presses ladders (1 clean & press with each arm, then 2, then 3, then 4, and start over with 1) with a 30-pounder.

Had to take a 2 breaks throughout the 15 minutes. I'm going to keep working on this so I can do the entire 15 minutes without breaks.

This is the 3rd workout of the 9 I've tried so far that I'm going to be adding into a regular schedule of workouts.
Hypothetically, if someone had 1 arm on weeks vacation. Would it be beneficial to do KB routine just with the other arm? Or don't cause an imbalance.

Almost seem like there's enough cardio involved that it's not off the table.
Hypothetically, if someone had 1 arm on weeks vacation. Would it be beneficial to do KB routine just with the other arm? Or don't cause an imbalance.

Almost seem like there's enough cardio involved that it's not off the table.
Wait what? Are you injured?
Wait what? Are you injured?
of course. left forearm strained extensor muscle, tendon, brachiadial something . Old man surprise injuries doing entry level warm up. 3-4 weeks no curling, pulling, or heavy pressing
of course. left forearm strained extensor muscle, tendon, brachiadial something . Old man surprise injuries doing entry level warm up. 3-4 weeks no curling, pulling, or heavy pressing
Did it effect your ability to straighten your arm?
Did it effect your ability to straighten your arm?
initial pop did. Wore a sling 24 hours because it hurt to straighten it. Couldn't turn palm either direction.
2 days - about 25% supination / 10% pronation of hand . Able to force it up and down
4 days - about 80% sup / 50% pronation - mobility in arm is better but really tight in bicep and top forearm
1 week - 95% sup / 75% pro - have most functions back but forearm has a nasty burn deep on the top side when trying to lift anything over 15 lbs
moral of story : don't do push ups? lol

KBs are looking like a fun change of pace. Wildman is probably 100,000 swings in and makes it look effortless in vids.
initial pop did. Wore a sling 24 hours because it hurt to straighten it. Couldn't turn palm either direction.
2 days - about 25% supination / 10% pronation of hand . Able to force it up and down
4 days - about 80% sup / 50% pronation - mobility in arm is better but really tight in bicep and top forearm
1 week - 95% sup / 75% pro - have most functions back but forearm has a nasty burn deep on the top side when trying to lift anything over 15 lbs
moral of story : don't do push ups? lol

KBs are looking like a fun change of pace. Wildman is probably 100,000 swings in and makes it look effortless in vids.
Kettlebells will irritate the fuck out if that forearm injury. Pretty sure I had the same thing but never went to the Dr,
Kettlebells will irritate the fuck out if that forearm injury. Pretty sure I had the same thing but never went to the Dr,
1000% it will. Your forearm is probably used in 9:10 lifts lol. So far, can set the KB on a tall platform and grab it in rack position.
Do high knees with 2 bells.
Single leg balance drill just holding it.
Might be able to do tempo speed single leg RDL.
Did some B - stance RDLs with 2 bells.

was that back when you were rolling and tried to curl your way out of an armbar?
1000% it will. Your forearm is probably used in 9:10 lifts lol. So far, can set the KB on a tall platform and grab it in rack position.
Do high knees with 2 bells.
Single leg balance drill just holding it.
Might be able to do tempo speed single leg RDL.
Did some B - stance RDLs with 2 bells.

was that back when you were rolling and tried to curl your way out of an armbar?
Yeah basically. Hasn't been the same since.