Kettlebell workout progress

Since this is basically turning into the kettlebell thread, IMHO Lebe Stark is the best KB TouTube channel. Highly recommend for ya'll to subscribe on YouTube and follow on Instagram.

Looking at that video of him swinging I don’t bend at the hips that much. I drop down into like a quarter squat and thrust the hips to get the bell up to chest height.
Looking at that video of him swinging I don’t bend at the hips that much. I drop down into like a quarter squat and thrust the hips to get the bell up to chest height.

I do the exact same thing.

I also keep my arms straight to increase the load on my lower back on double-handed swings. He encourages to bend the arms, but that makes it too easy and gives me a false sense of accomplishment. IMHO its cheating.

I don't recommend him because I follow everything the instructs.
I recommend him because he's educated in credentialed in kettlebell-instruction, and his opinion should at least be heard out.
I do the exact same thing.

I also keep my arms straight to increase the load on my lower back on double-handed swings. He encourages to bend the arms, but that makes it too easy and gives me a false sense of accomplishment. IMHO its cheating.

I don't recommend him because I follow everything the instructs.
I recommend him because he's educated in credentialed in kettlebell-instruction, and his opinion should at least be heard out.
I bend my arms as well, but at the top of the swing and I also loosen my grip at the top.

Some one brought up chalk earlier. I use my daughters sidewalk chalk lol.
Kettlebell workout update -

I've been doing double-handed swings with my 50 pounder and have now got to the point I'm doing 16 sets of 20 reps pretty comfortably without ever having to take longer than 40 second breaks between sets.

But now the workouts have got harder and the first one-handed swing sets were like this -

*15 seconds right-handed swings (10 reps)
*15 second break
*15 seconds left-handed swings (10 reps)
*15 second break

15 sets in 15 minutes.

It was pretty easy with my 30 pound kettlebell, so I upgraded up to the 40 pounder.

Moved onto the next workout with 15 minutes of Cleans, which was my 1st time doing them, so I did it with a 30 pounder... then there was one-handed swings, so I grabbed my 40 pounder.

It was...

*40 seconds of right-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of left-handed swings.
*30 seconds rest.
*40 seconds of double-handed swings. (50 pounder)
*60 seconds rest.

Motherfucker.... my grip gave out. Going from 15 seconds to 40 seconds of one-handed swings killed me. Think I made it halfway through the 2nd round, which there were only 2 rounds before calling it quits because my hands were killing me.

Going to immediately try again soon, but I'm going to re-arrange the exercise order to to the swings first before the cleans.

Side-note - I've been using the exact same set of workout DVDs, in the OP, for 3 months now and I've got my moneys worth many times over now. Whenever I first try a workout and fail to complete it, I keep trying until I get comfortable with it, then I increase the weight. Rinse, Cycle, & repeat.

Don't get me wrong, the criticisms I mentioned in the OP are still valid, but the positives are so much more significant. If you're new to kettlebelling, buy DVDs, and they're significantly cheaper than the kettlebells themselves, especially on Ebay.

I redid the workout today doing the swings first and it was significantly easier with my grip being fresh.

Then I did the 15 minutes of cleans & presses ladders (1 clean & press with each arm, then 2, then 3, then 4, and start over with 1) with a 30-pounder.

Had to take a 2 breaks throughout the 15 minutes. I'm going to keep working on this so I can do the entire 15 minutes without breaks.

This is the 3rd workout of the 9 I've tried so far that I'm going to be adding into a regular schedule of workouts.

I redid the workout this morning, in order, with the 15 straight minutes of cleans & presses, and the 9 minutes of swings that my grip previously gave out on, and...

I did it all, with no additional breaks.

With the cleans & presses with the 30 pound kettlebell it was supposed to be ladders of 1 in each hand, then 2, then 3, then 4. At some point I started skipping the 1 in each hand and just went to 2, then 3, then 4, and back to 2.

It amazing the progress I'm making in-between workouts. I'm seriously considering seeing how far into the cleans & presses I can get with a 40 pounder now.

With the one-handed swings, which are supposed to be for 40 seconds I somewhat compromised by just doing a set of 25.

Its really becoming amazing to me how light the 40 pounder is becoming with the one-handed swings and the 50 pounder for the double-handed swings.

Who knows, I may try that 10,000 swing challenge next month.
I do my swings similar to the guy in the video above, only I keep my head up more than he does. I try to keep my eyes forward as much as possible. Feel like I would get dizzy allowing my head to swing up and down that much.
Hey guys

Does anyone have experience using kettle bells while doing goblet squats? Was wondering if doing the goblets would compliment my back and zercher squat?
Hey guys

Does anyone have experience using kettle bells while doing goblet squats? Was wondering if doing the goblets would compliment my back and zercher squat?
They're hard to load heavy but yeah they're a good leg exercise
Hey guys

Does anyone have experience using kettle bells while doing goblet squats? Was wondering if doing the goblets would compliment my back and zercher squat?

They're hard to load heavy but yeah they're a good leg exercise

Or if you have more than 1 kettlebell, put one in each hand.


I have two 40 pounders & one 50 pounder.

That's certainly more than I need to get some endurance-sets in. But if you're looking for equipment to increase your max squat on the bar, kettlebells aren't the best option.
Or if you have more than 1 kettlebell, put one in each hand.


I have two 40 pounders & one 50 pounder.

That's certainly more than I need to get some endurance-sets in. But if you're looking for equipment to increase your max squat on the bar, kettlebells aren't the best option.
That's a double kettlebell front squat, probably a better exercise than a goblet squat tbh
works the core faster than the arms burning out from holding a heavy bell
Yep. I do goblets with my 106lbs bell and double front squats with my 32kg pair. Dan John says the Kb front squat works the "Anaconda" muscles, those muscles, hard to explain but you know what he means when you do them
I have been doing KB swings and one-arm KB swings (and occasionally snatches) as my primary workout for about 8 years now. For the past couple years I have been doing them almost every day. I worked my way up from 35lb to 80lbs kettlebell. at a bodyweight of 145lb. Lately I have just been doing one-arm swings with my 80-pounder, 15-20 swings each arm, for as many sets as possible throughout the day. I also have an outdoor pull-up bar where I do muscle-ups throughout the day. That's it for me. (well not really, I also work on a farm and train BJJ).

The heavy KB swings and muscle-ups compliment each other nicely; pulling weight from the floor explosively, and pulling from above explosively. I have never been in better shape than following this routine. Everyone I train with (bjj) tells me how strong I am and most people think I weigh much more than I do.

I recommend heavy KB swings to everyone I know. Even my wife loves them.
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Since this is basically turning into the kettlebell thread, IMHO Lebe Stark is the best KB TouTube channel. Highly recommend for ya'll to subscribe on YouTube and follow on Instagram.

Lebe Stark is quite good. His follow along workouts are great.
Double Kettlebell Long Cycle is the best strength and conditioning KB exercise hands down IMO.

Lebe Stark, Coach Chandler and KB Muscle Gain - Joe Daniels are great YT channels for KB workouts.
Titans got comp bells in stock. I got a 90lbs cast iron coming from them. Needed a bridge weight between 32kg and 48kg.
Titans got comp bells in stock. I got a 90lbs cast iron coming from them. Needed a bridge weight between 32kg and 48kg.

I'm strongly considering picking up their 70 pounder (32kg) for $180.


Also curious if these 'Micro Gainz Plates' that are usually used with dumbells could also be used with competition kettlebells.
For those who are curious, there's multiple Ebay sellers offering standard cast-iron 50 pound kettlebells for $44-ish with free shipping.
Ok Titan cast iron bells are dog shit. The 90lbs weighs 87.5lbs and has a wobbly bottom.
Ok Titan cast iron bells are dog shit. The 90lbs weighs 87.5lbs and has a wobbly bottom.
But they gave you 4% off after a 26% inflation.
Got the same bell, bottom is flat but never put it on scale.