Laugh all you want I don't give a sh*t. The carnivore diet is the real deal

I can accept that my genetics must be subpar for my body to fail the way that it did. The thing is that I'm by no means alone in having these adverse reactions to certain types of foods, or ones that have been treated with what essentially amounts to poison.

Why was I, someone who is genetically inferior, able to stumble across this diet that made we well again? What does that say about our health care system? Why didn't my 6 doctors push me or anyone else suffering from an autoimmune disorder in this direction?
just like Dr. in your videos, you are twisting words and claiming that others made statements which they never did.
show me post where I said you were generically inferior.
there are plenty of people who grew up on soda, candy, cigarettes and fast food and it did not catch up with them until they were older. To be on death bed in late 20s or early thirties most likely means you are genetically pre disposes to certain diseases. (we all are to certain extent i know my kids could suffer from some diseases even before they were born thanks to genetic testing).
anyway you seem to be here to prove others wrong and yourself right instead of discussion. Should have known from title of post.
just like Dr. in your videos, you are twisting words and claiming that others made statements which they never did.
show me post where I said you were generically inferior.
there are plenty of people who grew up on soda, candy, cigarettes and fast food and it did not catch up with them until they were older. To be on death bed in late 20s or early thirties most likely means you are genetically pre disposes to certain diseases. (we all are to certain extent i know my kids could suffer from some diseases even before they were born thanks to genetic testing).
anyway you seem to be here to prove others wrong and yourself right instead of discussion. Should have known from title of post.
Agreed on the fact that I probably am genetically predisposed to my autoimmune disorder. After dealing with 6 doctors, autoimmune protocol diet, AKA AIP, was the only thing that worked. Now I can run, lift weights, train bjj, whatever I want to do. I went from crippled at 32 to being an athlete again thanks to this diet.

At the end of the day, the beautiful thing is having the freedom to manage your own health how you see fit.

last video proves point i tried to
make that there is nothing scientific about his arguments but they are very biased. For some reasons shitting on on vegetarians and supporting carnivore diet is becoming virtue signaling by conservatives. Everything ing in our society is becoming politicized, including how we eat.
For sake of keeping this forum relevant it would be nice to share peer reviewed controlled studies and opinions of people who do not spread fear mongering and don’t say fuck this fuck that.
last video proves point i tried to
make that there is nothing scientific about his arguments but they are very biased. For some reasons shitting on on vegetarians and supporting carnivore diet is becoming virtue signaling by conservatives. Everything ing in our society is becoming politicized, including how we eat.
For sake of keeping this forum relevant it would be nice to share peer reviewed controlled studies and opinions of people who do not spread fear mongering and don’t say fuck this fuck that.
Peer reviewed research was the justification for my doctors administering corticosteroids, antibiotics, and nsaids along with all of their side effects.

Fuck your peer reviewed research.
Article about biased research funded by pharma:

Industry Funding of Clinical Trials: Benefit or Bias?

"Clinical trials are the primary means to evaluate the efficacy and safety of new drugs and other medical technologies. When published in peer-reviewed journals, the results of these studies not only provide a scientific basis for treatment decisions but also enable governments and insurers to develop sound reimbursement policies. Most clinical trials, however, are funded by pharmaceutical companies with enormous financial stakes in the products being evaluated. Furthermore, the scientists who design, conduct, analyze, and report clinical trials often receive monetary compensation from drug companies, in the form of either salaries or consulting fees."
This is my 9th day trying to follow the carnivore diet. I’d say it’s an interesting, but difficult way to eat. I gave in to candy and wine urges over Halloween, and found myself having mini donuts from a food truck outside of a haunted house, but I guess these are difficulties I would’ve faced on any diet. All in all, I’m much less hungry and my stomach looks smaller than when I began, and I plan to continue the diet and try to explore just how much I am actually addicted to sugar and wine.
The problem is that financial interests are influencing what gets labeled 'science'. I've told my story here multiple times already, but 6 doctors couldn't give me hope in battling my autoimmune disorder. It took some random dude from Greece who I met in the comments section of a YouTube video to steer me to aip diet and my disease has been in remission ever since, over 5 years pain free now after being bedridden with pain. Given that, anecdotal evidence and personal experience means more to me then whatever bullshit they're currently trying to sell wrapped as 'medical science'.

I'm interested in reading about an AIP diet now. Might be inclined to try it. I'm currently trying new diets to see what works best for me, and haven't quite figured it out.

Any chance you could share with me the one you tried? Would be appreciated.
I'm interested in reading about an AIP diet now. Might be inclined to try it. I'm currently trying new diets to see what works best for me, and haven't quite figured it out.

Any chance you could share with me the one you tried? Would be appreciated.
Good luck, doesn't hurt to try, right?

A lot of prepackaged foods are not compliant. It can also be difficult to eat out at many restaurants.

Remember, after the initial period of strict aip, a month or 2, you can slowly begin reintroducing foods from the 'avoid' list. See if you have any reaction to them. Coffee, dairy, chocolate are all ok with me. I also enjoy spicy food and legumes from time to time in moderation. I avoid potato and tomato, both nightshade vegetables, but they are not the worst.

My reaction to those foods is not as severe as gluten and soy. Those 2 foods, along with vegetable oils (except for olive and coconut which are ok), are difficult to avoid. Not only do they cause a lot of people problems, they're in practically everything. No doubt you will have to give up some foods that you used to enjoy.

Autoimmune protocol diet or
Aip diet


meat and fish, preferably not factory raised

vegetables (but not nightshades, such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and potatoes)

sweet potatoes

fruit (in small quantities)

coconut milk

avocado, olive, and coconut oil

dairy-free fermented foods, such as kombucha, kefir made with coconut milk, sauerkraut, and kimchi

honey or maple syrup (but only to be used occasionally, in small quantities)

fresh non-seed herbs, such as basil and oregano

green tea and non-seed herbal teas

bone broth

vinegars, such as apple cider and balsamic


all grains, such as oats, corn, rice, and wheat

all dairy


legumes, such as beans and peanuts

nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and potatoes)

all sugars, including sugar replacements (except for occasional use of honey)

butter and ghee

all oils (except for avocado, coconut, and olive)

food additives



I tried the carnivore diet once back in the day. after 2 weeks i started shitting out bricks. my butthole was torn worse than an anal porn star. F that. no more. I'll eat alot of meat but i'll also consume TONS of fruit/veggie fiber along with a small portion of rice or whole wheat every other day. My shits are good now.
I get people emailing me or coming to me that have tried these extreme fad diets. Mostly recently carnivore because of Joe rogan. There are a TON of articles backing the efficacy of this diet. The things that aren't posted are that we are all different and while a blood panel may look ok what would a complete micro profile breakdown look like? Also the amount of times eating. American diets are too fucked and we eat too many times so possibly doing these extreme diets help short term but we are limiting ourselves by not consuming other products so we can label ourselves by what we eat. Its a very weird phenomenon instead of just eating to perform we eat to belong.
I get people emailing me or coming to me that have tried these extreme fad diets. Mostly recently carnivore because of Joe rogan. There are a TON of articles backing the efficacy of this diet. The things that aren't posted are that we are all different and while a blood panel may look ok what would a complete micro profile breakdown look like? Also the amount of times eating. American diets are too fucked and we eat too many times so possibly doing these extreme diets help short term but we are limiting ourselves by not consuming other products so we can label ourselves by what we eat. Its a very weird phenomenon instead of just eating to perform we eat to belong.
That's because the diet works. That said, I enjoy some fruit and veg but I feel amazing eating a predominantly meat based diet.

Had bacon and Brussels sprouts for dinner, tried to wrap em but they fell off but it was still good
i tried the carnivore diet when i was younger. after 2 weeks i started having severe constipation where my ass was getting ripped on a regular causing bright red blood to be in my stool. after that never again. i need my carbs and fiber.
i tried the carnivore diet when i was younger. after 2 weeks i started having severe constipation where my ass was getting ripped on a regular causing bright red blood to be in my stool. after that never again. i need my carbs and fiber.
That sounds horrible. Must be why I crave apples. I've never been so regular in my life since I cut out grains though. Perfect stools all the time eating meat, veg, and fruit.
I'd USDA over some random youtube guy


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