International Mysterious pneumonia outbreak leaves China's hospitals overwhelmed


Brown Belt
May 15, 2022
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We shall hope it dissipates like many other illnesses from the region.

China are saying it is a normal seasonal surge.

Right now it is marked as an unexplained pneumonia and perhaps it is the press latching onto the headline. Prior to the pandemic there were other outbreaks that didn't make headlines but these days it's particularly topical.

Scientists have raised concern over a mysterious “pneumonia like” illness that has left hospitals in China “overwhelmed with sick children”.
An alert was issued through ProMed – a large surveillance database which monitors disease outbreaks– warning of an epidemic of “undiagnosed pneumonia” in children.

Taiwanese news website FTV News said that children were presenting to hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning – 500 miles northeast – with symptoms including a high fever and inflammation of the lungs, but no cough.
A Beijing citizen told the outlet: “Many, many (children) are hospitalised. They don’t cough and have no symptoms. They just have a high temperature and many develop pulmonary nodules.”
Payback for unleashing Covid on the world...Proof of America’s Biological weapons program!

Did I do it right?

Seriously, alarming illness effecting mainly children. This bares close observation.
Ah for fuck sake...
If they close down bars over here again because the fucking Chinese can't stop diddling exotic animals, i swear to god I'll never buy a Chinese product again.
Deport the Pandas while we're at it, useless political pieces of shit.
Ah for fuck sake...
If they close down bars over here again because the fucking Chinese can't stop diddling exotic animals, i swear to god I'll never buy a Chinese product again.
Deport the Pandas while we're at it, useless political pieces of shit.

feels weird saying this, but right around the time covid was breaking in China there was also an outbreak of the plague . I say keeping it light because that story didn't attract much attention internationally. If it happened today they'd have been all over it so as of right now that could be it.
We shall hope it dissipates like many other illnesses from the region.

China are saying it is a normal seasonal surge.

Right now it is marked as an unexplained pneumonia and perhaps it is the press latching onto the headline. Prior to the pandemic there were other outbreaks that didn't make headlines but these days it's particularly topical.

Scientists have raised concern over a mysterious “pneumonia like” illness that has left hospitals in China “overwhelmed with sick children”.
An alert was issued through ProMed – a large surveillance database which monitors disease outbreaks– warning of an epidemic of “undiagnosed pneumonia” in children.

Taiwanese news website FTV News said that children were presenting to hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning – 500 miles northeast – with symptoms including a high fever and inflammation of the lungs, but no cough.
A Beijing citizen told the outlet: “Many, many (children) are hospitalised. They don’t cough and have no symptoms. They just have a high temperature and many develop pulmonary nodules.”
interesting that here the respiratory symptoms seem to be the first sign but in Covid it is a later sign

from the WHO
WHO has made an official request to China for detailed information on an increase in respiratory illnesses and reported clusters of pneumonia in children.

At a press conference on 13 November 2023, Chinese authorities from the National Health Commission reported an increase in incidence of respiratory diseases in China. Chinese authorities attributed this increase to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the circulation of known pathogens such as influenza, mycoplasma pneumoniae (a common bacterial infection which typically affects younger children), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Authorities stressed the need for enhanced disease surveillance in healthcare facilities and community settings, as well as strengthening the capacity of the health system to manage patients.
I already defeated it in 2 days.
Pneumonia isn't contagious is it? At least I didn't think so but happy to educated on that if I'm an asshat. My dad got it after his 114th covid shot and there was no talk of my mother having to isolate from him in case she caught it.
i mean they beat covid in 1 week..
Xi had fought vs Covid with " nice " lockdowns ...very harsh lockdowns.
While China had sold damn a lot of desinfectants, gloves, tests and masks for all world. Factories producing this stuff had insane workload and very big profits,.

Maybe now PlandemicNo2 might be more actual than war laboratorium " War in Ukraine " ( China had won this war since first day).
Here we go again, Wuhan flu 2.0? I wonder which bio lab made this one. How long until they roll out fraudci to tell dumb ass people to stay home and wear masks?
Pneumonia isn't contagious is it? At least I didn't think so but happy to educated on that if I'm an asshat. My dad got it after his 114th covid shot and there was no talk of my mother having to isolate from him in case she caught it.

I thought Pneumonia just meant the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, so it could be caused something that is infectious but the pneumonia itself isn't infectious.

Like how coughing isn't itself infectious but could be a symptom of a cold, which is.

Not a good look for China, eek.